[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=limegreen]Elizabeth Flame[/color][/h1] [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjg4MjQzMzg4MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjc1NjgzMQ@@._V1_.jpg[/img] [I][color=limegreen]Location:[/color] Great Hall [color=limegreen]Magic:[/color] Transfiguration (Cibufors) [hr][hr][/I] [/center] Scarfing food down her throat as soon as it was available, Elizabeth said, to nobody in particular, "[color=limegreen]Blimey, I haven't had food this good in [i]months[/i][/color]" She said, food still in her mouth. Sure, it was bad manners for her to talk with her mouth full, but with a table full of people that, by this point in their lives, either loved her or hated her, she didn't care much about that. What did pique her interest though, was the notion of being taught wandless magic. Quite frankly, it sounded hard, but she had a penchant for dueling, and she could see it being a massive boon, since she'd still be able to fight if disarmed. Plus, just being able to do magic without going to the trouble of pulling out her wand sounded plenty convenient. One thing that did bother her, however, and that was Liz not getting her vegetarian food. Honestly, she was surprised the school wouldn't accommodate people like that, but she was gonna help her out as best she could. "[color=limegreen]Oi, that's rubbish, lemme give ye' a hand. Cibufors![/color]" She quietly said, waving her wand, turning some of the potatoes on her own plate into naan, and passing it over to her, "[color=limegreen]You and me'll write a very strongly worded letter to the 'eadmaster about this, believe you me.[/color]" After that, she proceeded to stuff her own mouth some more, apparently having an all consuming pit in place of a stomach.