The rain outside grew audible as Amal closed the door, setting the sack down on the single chair in the room so they could better grab at it. He was drawn to her when she spoke, and almost instantly he realized she was blushing fiercely, and why it was. He chuckled, rising to stand before her, in very close proximity due to the room's size. "Hey, no need to be embarrassed Em." He said, [i]very[/i] uncharacteristically understanding. Not to say he didn't have a conscience, but he was generally the type to tease or smoothly transition into a flirtation. Perhaps it was because he had grown to enjoy her company more than he had ever imagined. "It was a very lovely thought to think." He admitted. Within the folds of their bags, their magical carpet's rug-tail poked out as if it had eyes to see with, and once it saw they were both in a rather intimate moment it slid back into it's rolled up form. She was like to blush more now, and he felt he was too. "I'm not the most honest man you'll ever meet, but I would lie if I had not thought of such things, or kissing you quite often since we met..." He felt his own face reddening, and his tongue suddenly couldn't form any words. What in Allah's name was he doing? "[i]Ealayk allaena[/i]" He cursed in Arabyan, feeling very awkward. "I mean... Look, let us simply sit down and-" The ship lurched suddenly, the wood around them groaning from the water pressure. Emmaline stumbled and fell into Amal's quick arms, and they were all of the sudden nose to nose, and he had a very telling view of her generous bosom. "Are you ok?" He breathed, not knowing what else to say. [@Penny]