Alrighty, great little cast assembling here. Strahd will be most pleased with our merry little band. [@Lonewolf685] No worries buddy. Best of luck in the campaign - it’s a great one. [@Cube] Heh excellent, no hurry at the moment, but I look forwards to seeing it. [@LaQue] Leonin, tasty. Like the noble cousin of the Tabaxi. Good fit for the story and I like the character. Accepted. He’ll have lots of fun fitting in with the natives I’m sure. Move across when ready. [@Fetzen] Yes indeed, no problem at all. Just think fantasy and let us know if you have any specific questions. I’d suggest leaning away from a magic user unless you’re up for quite a bit of additional reading to get a feel for what you’d be able to do. But of course up to you. [@LadyAnnaLee] Accepted, real great solid sheet, can’t think of any suggestions/criticisms (though as Red X has mentioned the picture isn’t working). Feel free to move to characters tab. I’m happy for Rolf’s participation too, can’t see it being an issue at all and everyone loves an animal companion. [@Lady Selune] Fantastic. I’m afraid there is one more section to add to the CS (which I added in later, apologies) before it’s complete. Personality - Doesn’t need to be much as already get a good feel of the character from the sheet, but once that’s done you can move her across. [@ReedeThe23rd] Cool, definitely very happy to accept our charismatic swashbuckler type! Since you’re familiar with the campaign and Fayren likely has connections within the Lords Alliance, I’ll send you a little message at some point before we get going with some additional info your character can know at the start. Feel free to move him across. Everyone else, there is still time to make your character. Depending on when the next few come in I think we’ll be looking [i]roughly[/i] to have things started at some point next week. If we get done sooner, great, but if not we can aim roughly for then. Of our cast, is everyone happy starting together in our anti-Werewolf squad? Or did anyone have any other specific desires for a beginning?