[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200611/a10f7a3a5e5d3b0e5bee4809bfe9d1d2.png[/img][/center] About time. Their Guild Master, Torys has officially returned from wherever she went to. Before Gwen could talk, she broke down into dismay when Torys literally told them to go back to Era, at least for her and Liliana. Gwen saw a new face after all the commotion, from her stripping and reprimanding from her superiors. She approached the boy and her skin was touching him. At the very least Gwen's demanding clothes. "Hey new guy, your clothes or I'll beat you to pieces- sike. It's not nice to treat new members like this, from now on, you're part of my squad. I don't care if we just met but trust me, with my magnified judgement, you can fulfill your full potential. Now come with me and go dragon hunting!" She immediately called Liliana via her phone. "Hey. Wanna go back to Era? DRAGON HUNTING BITCH!!" Gwen shouted to the full. "Ria, Luke, Lavinia. I need you three."