[right][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191207/c606bddeec8608a2953363e423b736bf.png[/img][/right] The Soviet couldn't keep the sour expression from his face. These ladies were exhausting. Their progress was slow, and the woman on the stage [i]kept talking[/i], her voice was grating. Lilliane slipped outside and Taras moved away from the opening. She'd said to tell Yonaka to move back when she looked [i]ready[/i], but the woman and Ritz were in the middle of a close quarters battle - she was probably ready for it to be over at any time. They needed another opening to at least get those damned civilians out of the way. [color=crimson]"Yonaka, move back!"[/color] Taras was not about to find is way over there and whisper it to her, and his words took the shape of an order rather than a suggestion despite the fact that the four of them were from different countries, with different hierarchies and he was in no way their superior despite how often he felt he was. The woman was close to the other wall already. If she did as he said and moved back, Lilliane would hear her. Next was Oscuro. The small agent was doing a fine job of fending off the identical stands and the soldiers they were attached too. Between them and the despicable duo on stage, it was clear who was the larger threat, but there were still many of the foot soldiers. Taras summoned his stand. It was the same tiny, metal thing as always. It was fast - and in the chaos Taras thought it might go unnoticed. He let「Bad Case」scuttled down his legs and speed towards the group of soldiers while Taras himself moved closer to the stage. He held his pistol up and despite the dancer's reflective ability, he shot again at the man with the black eyes. Surely that shiny stand would move to defend him, and give Oscuro and his own stand the opportunity to wipe out the battalion. 「Bad Case」slipped between the soldiers' legs, far from where「Miss Murder」was spraying her bullets above. It stabbed at their heels, severing the tendons there from the inside, only a dot of blood left behind with the needle wound. It would slow them down, make them easier targets for petrification. Without the squad bearing down on them, the stand users on stage would be much easier to deal with.