The club was bouncing with small time thieves and business men and women there with their sex toys. One woman danced with a bald headed fat man in a nice suit, while a rich woman grinded her rear end against a young man dressed like a Wal Mart poster. People were drunk before they got there. Drunk, and high. You could smell the crack cocaine coming fresh off copper and glass pipes, and the aroma marijuana stinked of was unmistakeable. It was sin, and it was the sleazy side of it. Nothing like what you would see in the movies, where they ordered champagne or had a private cab to a secret club's masquerade orgy mansion. It was the Pit. Adrian graced the woman standing next to Noah. When he was introduced to her by Noah he immediately felt her drive, and he smiled at her and said his name to her but that was the extent that the two interacted. Adrian quickly nodded at Noah and said, "[i]We've got to get going. I think there's a reason the hunters are posted up tonight. I want to find them out[/i]." And, he grabbed at Noah to exit to the back parking lot. The two haggled through the crowd to make it to the back to the KILL truck. "[i]This shit is going to be groovy[/i]," Adrian said climbing up into the front seat. When they were both inside Adrian started the ignition and put it in gear to reverse from the spot he had chose. The parking space was in the back in a corner stationed away from traffic and idiots. He whipped the truck around into a row and drove it out in the street. They were heading toward a cafe type of place with a lot of young innocents, and at least two hunters. "[i]Who was that woman you were with? She seemed a litle uptight.[/i]"