[center][h2]Klein[/h2][/center] [hr] Klein mulls over the character models, busying with customizing the physique of what will become his "second life", as the game would say. Despite going over multiple guides, VODs, walkthroughs and ICGN's "5 things you should know before buying" series, none of those had proved to be specifically helpful in customizing your character's gender. Most of the time, he would play as a female just for how good the models are. Jiggling physics. The apparels. The decorations. The mods. Especially the mods. There was never a competition where the male model would win, except when it is a male protagonist oriented gameplay. And yet, here he is, spending two hours of his life creating his avatar. On one side stood his fantasy. His drive. His dream for his future companion. A fantasy girlfriend, whose voice so soft it might have been a spring breeze, a pleasant voice to all that heard her words. And yet, she was muscular, capable of fending for her own. She wouldn't mind sleeping in the open field beneath a starry night, surrounded by the carcasses of predators who had mistaken her as their prey. Or, she wouldn't be stranger to a bar brawl or the liberator of some handsome princes. And she is right here. Klein could have played her. She is him. He can be her. But on the other hand, stood a man, who is nothing but everything that reeks of hypermasculinity. He has glaring eyes, a wide jaw, shoulders of a bear, and the back of a tiger. His back etches with scars, trophies of some great achievement that he had accomplished in the past. But he won't remember all of them, because a real man doesn't need to remember his own achievement. Others do it for him. He is even bald. Like a better version of 007 and Terminators. No, like Hulk smashed with 007 and Terminator. [hr] [code]Are you sure you want to quit?[/code][list] [*]Yes [*]No[/list] [hr] A screen popped up, reminding Klein how long had it been since his last interaction. And, With a regretful sigh, Klein gives in to the screaming masculinity that had been discriminated against and oppressed for too long, choosing the male avatar over female and hopped into the game. But it was not before he took a selfie of himself as a female. Then, everything else was kinda simple. He had a very clear path for his character, opting for a more brute force and direct confrontation rather than waving wands and chanting spells like a bunch of priests. The pain setting raised to 40%, a valuable lesson he learned over battle royal games and FPS. He changed the combat from Stylish to Defense Automated, hoping that would give himself some time to master the manual combat. And everything was done. After being spawned, Klein just followed the guide. [hider=Welcome, Immortal] [center][indent] [quote][i]You received 20 Silver.[/i][/quote] [quote][i]You received Item Pouch (Common).[/i][/quote] [quote][b]Class Unlocked![/b] [i]Warrior[/i] [sub]+10% HP | +10% STR | +10% END[/sub][/quote] [quote][b]Class Unlocked![/b] [i]Scout[/i] [sub]+5% MP | +10% SP | +10% AGI | +5% DEX [/sub][/quote] [quote][b]Class Unlocked![/b] [i]Ranger[/i] [sub]+5% STR | +10% END | +15% DEX[/sub][/quote] [quote][b]Class Unlocked![/b] [i]Mage[/i] [sub]+20% MP | +5% END | +5% LUC[/sub][/quote] [/indent][/center] [/hider] He slapped rock, picked up the coins and the pouch from the floor, inserting his class search, and started heading west to beat up some frogmen. But a player that lied restless near the Keystones caught his attention, who seems very close to death's door despite no hostile NPC in sight. [color=9ACD32] Uh, hi? Mind if I asked what happened here?" [/color] Klein asked, pointing to the players who seem to be out of breath. [Hider= Class Search] [color=9ACD32]Class Search: Juggernaut, Bruiser [/color] [color=9ACD32]Class Search: Executioner [/color] [/hider] [hider= Attributes] HP – 100 MP – 0 SP – 130 STR – 15 AGI – 10 END – 11 DEX – 11 LUC – 10 [/hider] [hider= User Experience] Perception: Realistic Gore: On Pain Setting: 40% Clothing Damage: On Nudity Censor: Personal Profanity Censor: Off Combat Action: Defensive Automated Spell Incantations: Manuel [/hider]