[color=#B62800][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/o3QdKiA.png[/img][/center][/color] [sup][right][/right][/sup] Well, she survived the selection. Unfortunate that so many others didn't, but her sympathies would have been nothing more than a nuisance to those who failed. If she apologized or reassured them, that'd seem rather patronizing, wouldn't it? Probably. Being told that everything would work out and it would all be okay would help from someone in the same position, but from someone who was selected? Rather rude. Well, she wasn't exactly one for wasting water on a bath. It wasn't like that fight worked her into a sweat, anyways. She was just a little dusty. Dust was fine. It wasn't like a little dust killed anyone. Actually, weren't dust storms a thing? Those might have caused some issues. Well, not like it was important. She'd skip out on bath, not wishing to waste the time or resources on a simple bath. It wasn't like she smelled foul or anything. She entered the room, assaulted by the general mess of having so many things in it. It didn't really feel like home. Too many things. It reminded her more of her extended family, with their rooms filled with luxurious crafts that flaunted their wealth. There was really no point in having any of it... It wasn't like you could eat mirrors and gold... Despite being uncomfortable in the room, she went to her small bunk. On it was what little she brought: a pile of blankets. They were all well worn. Their craftsmanship had been great, with intricate weaves and designs foreign to even the most worldly collector, but they had since been thread worn until frayed. Not even bothering to lie down, Sanhan covered herself in those blankets and took a seat on her bed, her eyes closing and herself dozing off. Oh, how she wished for a goat or sheep or rest beside.