[color=00aeef][center][h1]Lan Sohai[/h1] [h3]Mesalon Gym[/h3][/center][/color] [@Typical] For all the nervousness evident in Aedre's voice and mannerisms, Lan listened intently. Ghost types were perceptive, and if the Honedge had brought such a detail to her attention, it had to be for a reason, which gave likelihood to her theory. [color=00aeef]"Trouble truly has been stirring up around here lately,"[/color] he replied. [color=00aeef]"You have my word, though. I'll help the police look into the matter, and watch out for anything suspicious."[/color] As a Kosei gym leader, he'd worked with the police a few times - particularly decades ago, when the region hadn't been quite such a pleasant place. Now, calm seemed to be giving way to chaos once again. [hr] [color=chocolate][center][h1]Amber Pine[/h1] [h3]Mesalon Gym[/h3][/center][/color] [@Typical] [@Zanavy] Amber gave Lan a slight smile. [color=chocolate]"Thanks."[/color] Going by the way she'd seen him calmly solve a crisis a few days ago, she and Aedre had done the right thing to report it to him. Now to hope the combined efforts of the gym leader and the police would turn up the missing package before long, or at all. At a rustling in her pocket, she looked to see Tacita flutter out and perch on Aedre's other shoulder, opposite Little. Clearly aware of Aedre's distress, the Rowlet hooted and nuzzled her face. [color=chocolate]"Aw, it's certainly a great help to have Pokemon by our side,"[/color] Amber commented, that smile brightening. [color=chocolate]"No matter what happens."[/color] She glanced from Aedre to Ty, who strolled over as if ready for his challenge, or close to it. Given Sophia's exit, and Alexis' apparent hesitation for all her earlier blustering, it seemed Ty would likely be Lan's next opponent. [color=chocolate]"Hey, how did the training go?"[/color] [hider=Notes] [b]Pokemon Party:[/b] Kabuto "Chalcedony" lv11, Yanma "Aeshna" lv9, Rockruff "Kyra" lv13, Rowlet "Tacita" lv11, Anorith "Larimar" lv13, Sableye "Almandine" lv12 [b]Pokemon in PC:[/b] [b]Inventory:[/b] Pokeball x1, Potion x2, Dusk Ball x1[/hider]