[hr][CENTER][url=https://fontmeme.com/never-really-over-font/][img]https://i.imgur.com/Pucq5CT.png?2[/img][/url] "[color=#FFD700]You know... This?[/color]" [hr]—————————————————— [sub]Veni Vedi Veni[/sub][/center] [indent] Quinn raised her brow as it finally hit her what was going on, her drunk metre had gone down and it was like she only had one drink. All this talk about the Jaws or something was definitely fucking with her she was not drunk anymore and she was sure of it, she missed something big, which is a usual Quinn thing. "[color=#FFD700]What the hell is a-[/color]" the manifestation then hit her vision. Things had gotten weirder and she was not sure what to do. "[color=#FFD700]Thats...?[/color]" those skulls talking to Madison and she did not even flinch. Guess these girls have seen some shit that Quinn has not. She looked over at Izzy then back to the Jaws, then each one of the girls, then back to the Jaws. "[color=#FFD700]What the fuck?[/color]" She muttered as she stood straight. She turned back to Izzy and walked over to her, placing her hand on her shoulder as to comfort her in a way. This is was very uncharacteristic of Quinn but that does not mean she does not care, she just has no clue what to do exactly. She turned to Maya after a while to listen to what she had to say, "[color=#FFD700]You're not the only one who needs to get filled- Who needs to know.[/color]" Would have a been terrible time to have a sex innuendo since well... They kind of almost just died. "[color=#FFD700]Is just straight booking it outta here off the table?[/color]" She asked, She pressed her other hand against the sigil of her arm, "[color=#FFD700]I could fly two of ya' out here if it's not. But hell it's a tight squeeze.[/color]" She said, not summoning anything just yet, she had wished she was more useful in the fight, those sound blasts really do not help the girl's balance, especially since she was tipsy throughout that whole fight. "[color=#FFD700]Whatever's going on y'all better spill it when we get out of here.[/color]" She said as she prepped herself to summon. [/indent][hr] [color=#BDBDBD][sub][right]Interactions: [/right][/sub][/color]