Despite their momentary setback the reptilian trio shook off the aftereffects of John’s makeshift flashbang, encroaching upon his space bearing a nasty array of weaponry. Lizards, although somewhat smaller than men were considerably better armed pound for pound. Powerful jaws filled by rows of jagged teeth could tear through flesh with ease. Long serrated claws on both their fore and hind limbs made versatile climbing and slashing implements, and their scaly hides prevented all but the most powerful attacks from doing much damage at all. Pile all of that on top of their wicked speed and current state of rabid ferocity meant they were lethal foes indeed. Of course, John was no stranger to violence himself, and stepped in front of the wounded Neil, defending his injured comrade, sword held at high guard ready to deliver death upon any fool who ventured to close. The lizards halted their inexorable advance. Something in John’s eyes warned them, they ought to take this challenge a touch more seriously than they might otherwise have. Even with their three to one advantage. “Caleb stay back, keep Jake inside and don’t let anyone into that shop. Barricade the door and windows and remain within no matter what happens. No matter what you hear. Keep my nephew safe.” When Caleb hesitated, the swordsman raised his voice to a vicious bark. “Do as I say now!” The boy jumped in surprise at this unfamiliar malice, scurrying back towards the Smithy entrance. John maintained his position as the reptiles began spreading out, encircling the lone man, licking their blades in anticipation. Neil whimpered, clutching his bleeding arm close to his chest as he sank to his knees, muttering pleading prayers to any god who would listen. John kicked him. “Quit crying and draw steel, before they decide they’re man enough to attack.” Neil shook his head overcome by his sense of hopelessness. “My arm boss, I couldn’t swing a weapon if I had one. They caught me unawares, came out of nowhere. I lost my sword and ran for my life.” John’s eyes narrowed, and he shifted his position ever so slightly until he was practically standing over Neil. “Who are you? And why have you drawn blood in the public eye? The City Watch will not have this lawlessness in the market square, and certainly not in broad daylight. What quarrel is so important as to risk the gallows?” The leading lizard seemed to consider this, tilting his head as if in thought. “Our fight is not with you manling! Step aside so justice might be done. Or would you die defending the cohort of a burglar? For there is no greater crime than the desecration of one’s sanctuary! It is folly to defend him.” “Pah, I doubt you would hold that sentiment to your own victims. Or is it only alright when you do it? Blood vengeance is a two-way street I can ensure you will not be to your benefit. Besides, you are in the wrong any way you slice it and you will find the authorities will concur when they arrive. It would be in your best interest to forgive and forget this ever occurred, and leave this man in my care.” John figured he knew exactly what occurred to enrage these lizard, and what kind of people he was dealing with. Hypocritical, hypersensitive thugs whom Dustin and his three companions had done something to offend. Hopefully Dustin still breathed, but the fate of his friend was a matter to concern him another time. Right now, three angry lizards were bearing down on him from every possible angle and judging by the flickering tongues and shifting feet they were preparing to spring. The reptile spluttered, clearly incensed by this accusation. His mud brown scales rippled under powerful muscles as he raged. “Do not preach to us! We have not come here to bandy moral philosophy with a manling fool! You are brave, but stupid. We are three and you stand alone. If you do not step aside, we will be forced to slay you, before slitting the throat of that scum you defend.” John shifted his weight, inching to the left until he could get a good view of Barrow’s Smithy out of his peripheral vision. Caleb had ignored his commands to close and bar the door, but at least he was keeping Jake and Edward inside by blocking the entrance with his body. His cheap sword held in a two-handed grip, watching the entire ordeal from the sidelines. A good kid all in all, if a bit stubborn and bull headed. John felt the corners of his lips quirk up at this thought. Not unlike himself really. Turning his attention back upon the aggressors he narrowed his stance, sword rising until it was pointed directly at the supposed leader of the trio. “No.” He declared, not a hint of hesitation in his voice. “The man of whose life you claim is my friend. Be he a coward, thief, burglar, or anything between I will not stand by and watch you murder him. You have issued your ultimatum, so now here is mine. If you come forward determined to fulfill your sick version of justice know you will not leave this conflict alive. This I swear. Make your decision and be gone.” The two foes stared across the no man’s land, a sort of realization settling upon them both. One of them would not walk away from this encounter. The lizard’s long tongue slithered out, tasting the air, sensing his chances. Neither would back down, but he held all the cards. The lizard braced himself and gave the smallest of nods. Like triple chains of brown lightning the lizards sprang into action, their thin scimitar-like swords flashing from every angle, seeking to end the life of this brave, but doomed warrior. They did not count on John being equally stubborn, and trained by Sara Nieve. Like a one-man whirlwind John spun his broadsword over his head parrying two swords and dodging the third, his feet never once coming unplanted. Below him Neil wailed and closed his eyes, sensing it was only a matter of moments before even John’s skill was overwhelmed. Even the best swordsmen could not see in every direction at once. John caught another sword a moment before it ended his life, forcing the blade and wielder away with a mighty shove, even as the second laid into his shoulder. The embattled warrior did not even feel the blade’s bite, even as his lifeblood seeped from the wound, he spun kicking the lizard who had landed the blow full in the face, sending him sprawling. Before he could take advantage of the downed opponent the other two were upon him, striking with a vengeance. Forced to abandon his defensive position over Neil John back peddled, parrying twin attacks from two separate angles. Again, and again he parried, never seeing the opportunity to repost, every moment a mere heartbeat before death, staved off only by his desperate defense. Yet, despite the intensity of their battle all John could think about was his daughter. Who would provide for her once he failed? Not if, but when he miscalculated by a millisecond he would be sent to meet his ancestors. Who would care for his now fatherless nephew and niece? Who would secret money into his mother’s accounts every month so she could afford to keep the home his father built? No one… John felt his back press against a wall. The third lizard, having recuperated scurried towards the fight, eager to finish what he started. Nowhere to retreat. This was it. [i]Kayden, Kayden, Kayden. I’m so sorry daughter, beautiful little girl, I failed you.[/i] The lead lizard smiled, batting aside John’s sword, and leveling his own, lunging forth to drive it straight into John’s heart, a battle cry hissed in victory. “Gaaarah-ugh!” The lizard’s face twisted in agony, an expression of shock crossing his face as he crumpled, never knowing what killed him. John roared a berserker’s shout, the battle joy rising in his blood as he pushed himself off the wall barreling into the shocked comrades of the freshly reduced reptilian duo. Caleb stood over his collapsed, unmoving victim his bloodied sword held ready as one lizard turned to engage this new threat, the other squaring off against John. It was his opponent’s turn to scramble in desperate retreat. John came down upon him in a righteous fury, the air humming with the speed and ferocity of his assault. In his peripherals he could see Caleb battling bravely, but losing to the larger, stronger, and more experienced opponent. It was only a matter of seconds John realized. Driving his own foe into the dirt he pounded away until the scimitar broke, and the lizard screamed his final death cry. John did not show mercy. Turning he yelled in fear, not for himself but for his young rescuer. Caleb slipped on a patch of blood, and the iron sword was lost, sent spinning away. The lizard struck, not with his sword but his claws, racking the child across the face. Caleb lifted into the air flying back from the force of the blow and landed hard rolling twice before lying still. The lizard rushed forward, raising his sword to finish his small opponent. John drew back his arm and let fly. His sword spun faster than the eye could follow striking the lizard hilt first causing him to stumble in surprise. Not wasting a second of his momentary advantage John surged across the ten meter distance, slamming full force into the lizard sending them both tumbling into the cobblestone street, weapons forgotten as they rolled, bit, and clawed for purchase. The reptile was far more suited to this style of combat, John realized to late. They tore at each other tooth and nail the lizard desperately trying to sink his teeth into the soft and vulnerable human throat, John doing everything in his power to ensure that did not happen. The lizard gained the upper hand, forcing John onto his back, drawing his snapping teeth closer and closer to John’s neck. “No!” Jake stormed from the smithy knife in hand as he stabbed at the lizard; his clumsy blows turned by the reptile’s armored scales. A thunder of hooves followed, and the lizard was sent flying crashing into the wooden walls of the smithy, stunned by the force of the impact. Edward rose to his hind legs, whinnying and striking at the air, with a force that could crush skulls. Realizing he was disarmed, and probably facing almost certain death at the hooves of a powerful stallion the lizard decided discretion was the better part of valor. Sinking his claws into the soft wood of Barrow’s Smithy he scurried up the shear wall and vanished over the roof, leaping from house to house in his flight. After a few seconds of unprecedented violence peace descended once more on the threshold of the shop. John laid on his back breathing heavily, bloody, but alive. “Uncle, uncle please don’t be dead.” John felt small hands shaking him as Jake wept openly. John could not remember the last time Jake had cried in front of other people. He had always tried to keep his tears to himself. John smiled, raising his hand to cup Jake’s cheek, soothing the tearful boy. “I’m okay Jake, just catching my breath. I need you to go check on Caleb, he took a pretty nasty hit, make sure he’s alright first.” Jake nodded and scurried off, attending the other boy. “He’s stunned,” came the eventual diagnosis. “And his face is all bloody but he’s breathing.” John released a sigh of relief. The adrenaline was wearing off, and the pain from his shoulder, and many scratches and bruises was beginning to emerge in full force. Wincing John forced himself to his feet, looking to Edward who was dutifully standing watch over the unconscious Caleb. “Can you carry him and Jake?” He asked, scanning the rooftops for any sign of further attackers. Mercifully, it remained clear, either the lizard had no reinforcements to bring, or they were a fair way off. John was not about to take any chances though. Edward nodded. “Yes, of course. If Jake holds him on, he seems pretty out of it right now.” “Good, Roger should attend to him at once. I’m sending you back to the house, we’ll have to put off the search for another time.” “Aren’t you coming with us?” Jake demand, even as John hoisted Caleb’s body up onto Edward’s back, placing Jake just behind him. “No, I need to figure out what just happened, and more specifically why. And whether my men are still… If my friends need me.” “But your shoulder.” Edward argued, sniffing at the nasty wound. “You’ll pass out losing that much blood.” “I’m tougher than I look.” John winked, but nevertheless he tore off a piece of his shirt, stuffing it unceremoniously into the cut. “See, I’ll live. You three get back to the house and get Caleb in a bed with some of Roger’s medical marvels on that face of his. Stay inside, and do not leave. I’m counting on you Jake to keep everyone safe.” The boy nodded, a look of fierce determination emanating from him. “I won’t let you down uncle!” “I know you won’t, you were very brave today. Saved my sorry hide. Ride fast, go straight back and do not leave, and keep that new knife of yours close at hand. Do you remember the way Edward?” “I never forget.” “Good, be safe Jake.” [i]And tell Kayden, and mom, and all of them I love them with all my heart[/i] He did not add. He watched until the vanished around a corner, before he turned his attention upon his “friend”. Neil lay in a mess of his own making, nursing his injured arm and looking at John with undisguised awe. “That was amazing… You fought them all at the same time… How did you-“ “Shaddup Neil.” John snapped, his mien switching from genuine affection for his family to ill guarded contempt for the quivering coward laying at his feet. “Twelve and eight-year-old children have more fight in their spines than you.” He grabbed the quaking man bodily by his collar, hauling him to his feet. “Where in the ever-loving hellfire is Dustin? And why did I just have to be saved by my nephew, protecting your sorry rear? Spill Neil!”