[color=gray][right][h1][color=C1cdcd]Lilliana[/color][/h1][color=C1CDCD]Mentions:[/color] Astoria ([@Sanguine Rose]) [color=C1CDCD]Location:[/color] Guild Hall[/right][hr][hr] [indent]Lillian passed by the more occupied members of the guild, making sure to give them room for whatever quarrel they were having. It seemed some were concerned for one of their youngest member’s safety. She didn’t know the young Felix well, but she would keep it in her mind that he may need more protection than the rest. Not that she thought he should come - after all, only a Dragon Slayer could harm a dragon via magic, or so it was said. But it had become apparent to her that this guild put a large measure of trust into Torys’ judgement. She would still be keeping her head on a swivel to make sure she could help anyone in the line of fire, though. She made her way towards Grasidia and the amassing structures that would serve as their transportation. She wasn’t stoked to be [i]flying[/i] to their destination - most things aside from walking summoned up quite a fit of motion sickness for her - but it was necessary for them to get there quickly. She slowed as she approached, watching as the S-class mage finished her spell. She turned her head back to where she’d come when she heard the voice of Ria offering her and another guild member some food. She hesitated. [color=C1cdcd]“Oh- I uh- I’m not hungry. But thank you, Astoria.”[/color] She replied, her unique vocals carrying out unperturbed by her mask. In all honesty she [i]was[/i] kind of hungry, but now wasn’t the time. She could eat when she returned. Assuming she did. She turned back to the leaves, watching as they seemed to reach their peak size. She was confused as to why exactly they were tasked with facing a [i]dragon[/i] - one of the most powerful beings known to Earth land - but she felt she had to go. Why? She wasn’t sure. It was a dragon, she was...the next best thing. But regardless, her guild members were going and if the stories were true then she wasn’t going to let them go without a Dragon Slayer. She climbed onto one of the leaves as Grasidia signaled she was ready. She was mindful to keep her right arm tucked away under the half-cloak that hung over her shoulder; she didn’t want to disrupt their ride by accident. [hr] It wasn’t but a few minutes before the group had arrived at Era - or what was remaining of it. The sky was full of thick black smoke as they grew closer and closer to the town. It wasn’t long before their quarry came into view. Lilliana’s gaze turned up as she tried to hold back the queasiness in her gut. Her nauseous gaze faltered before turning into one of awe. It...it was actually a Dragon. She didn’t know what it expected, but...seeing it in person sent feelings of shock and excitement through her. And then worry as she recalled the details of endless stories she’d heard. Could they really fight this thing? It wouldn't be long before the question would be thrust upon them as Grasidia moved ahead of them, engaging the dragon herself. There was a moment of hopefulness as her attack seemed to have a sure effect on the massive beast, but it was short lived as she was sent sprawling by its tail. Next thing she knew, it had turned on them and sent an immense gust at them, each of her companions sent flying off of the now twirling leaves. She felt the air rushing past her as she plummeted closer and closer to the ground - but her descent was interrupted by the feeling of a leafy tendril wrapping around her and easing her descent to the ground. She broke free of it as soon as she felt her feet touch the ground, her eyes turning back up to the terror before them. She stared at it as it moved. Witnessing it was almost surreal. She shook her head. She couldn’t let herself be distracted. She ran forward and to her right, giving it a wide girth and distancing herself from anything that could be considered collateral. Her gaze locked onto it, her Dragon Eye searching its visage for any sort of magical identity. The expression under her mask was one of surprise as her search yielded.. a unique sensation. Usually when she extended her gaze into the inner workings of some magical source, she felt an innate knowledge towards it. When she looked at Gwendolyn she could feel the chill of her ice magic - Astoria, the deep flow of her water magic. But this Dragon, it...the sensation was oddly inconclusive. Not...[i]entirely[/i] new, somehow. But she couldn’t parse its function. Something pulled at the back of her mind. Where had she felt this before..? She had honestly expected it to be a familiar feeling - something like herself, or even her dad. But it wasn’t. Regardless, it would be her job to attack the beast as well as she could. She was surprised to see Grasidia’s magic faring as well as it was, even if it seemed to mostly be defeated by the dragon’s strength. But either way, she took the opportunity to launch three bolts of Nullfire at the beast’s left knee. If she’d learned anything from her quests in Fenixtear and her old guild alike, her deep-chilling bloodline magic was a hindrance on the joints, especially to creatures that bore additional weight on them. She saw from the corner of her eye one of their eldest members, Marduk, attempt to spew some of the thick black smoke into its eyes as she herself thrust her left hand forward, the trio of magical darts soaring towards the immense, black-scaled being. [/indent][/color]