*I lift my nonexistent eyes up to the sky. How many days has it been since my initial transformation, how many days of pain and suffering hollowing out my form? I growl and look down at my skeletal fingers* [I]May the gods damn you Jesper, you and your cowardice...[/I] [right][b]Vaumon:[/b] *Glares*[/right] *I return the sentiment, though the expression comes off as a look of confusion more than anything else. I hold my stare for a bit before shifting to gaze at something in the distance* [I]He doesn't know it yet, but his ritual failed. While my resurrection was a success, the binding of my will to his was not, and all due to a clerical error in his texts. A bit of misinterpretation on behalf of whoever wrote down Osvin's original techniques, though that is a small comfort given what I've become...[/I] [right][b]Vaumon:[/b] *Grumbles before turning away from the farmhouse, its walls blackened and charred* Come along slave, we're leaving.[/right] *I nod slowly, methodically, and trudge along after him, hands wrapped tightly around the hilt of my blade* [I]But what I do next, that will be comforting indeed...[/I]