Charlie chuckled as he teased her back, just glad he was awake and alright if a little weak. She couldn't ignore the strange feeling growing inside her, making her feel warm, bubbly, happy. She only felt it around Raph. Was it because of their strange connection to each other? Possibly. As the days passed, the bonds between everyone seemed to grow, even the discord between April and Casey seemed to somewhat disappear but there were a few spats. Especially when he called her Toots one day which soon ended up with April leaving in a huff after telling him what she thought about him. But there was an unspoken emptiness everyone felt. Splinter was still missing. However, the brothers tried keeping their spirits up by perfecting their skills and helping Charlie with hers. Raphael seemed to be more interested in teaching her, giving her lessons whenever Jennifer couldn't or just because. There was no rhyme or reason why, but Charlie was thankful nonetheless. She was now moving onto more intermidenent moves. While nowhere near the brothers or Jen, she could at least put up a good fight. She was currently out with Raph training again when she managed to flip him over her shoulder. She smiled widely at the downed turtle. "I did it!" She exclaimed.