[hider=Vani is on a special wavelength of stupid] Vani was more than glad at their victory. He was [i]ecstatic.[/i] Pumping his shield arm in the air over and over as he mockingly chased after the soldiers until they were well and gone, the elf paladin bore a cocky smirk on his lips before he looked to Serafaye. She was...one strange anomaly, that was to be sure. She looked about as strong as the most bookish woman he'd ever had grace his eyes, and in spite of that seemed to have the magical talents of a farmer's daughter. But...either way, that was amazing. Sheathing his sword, Vani would give her a light clap on the back that made his hand sting just a little bit before he said: [color=FFDEAD][b]"Nice work there! I didn't take you for being so...well, strong! So, how do you do it? Is it like a spell you cast, or did you do some special training?"[/b][/color] Just as Vani got to asking his questions however, the sickening [i]shunk[/i] of a blade burrowing into flesh caught his attention as his lizardman comrade had, instead of choosing to remove the blade to have it treated, chose to instead impale it deeper into him to keep it from moving around. What was wrong with him!? ...No, Vani felt like he understood. Rather than having his wound be treated with time, the lizardman had chosen to endure the pain to let them keep going forward. ...What an absolute fool. What a completely foolish action, done in sacrifice to people he barely knew, beyond Vani and their high elven companion. ...What a foolishly brave, selfless being this creature was. Frowning as he approached, Vani would take the Lizardman's weight atop his shoulder and, even though he knew he probably was only slightly impaired by the pain judging from how powerful he was. Vani would help him walk and run if need be. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/2ASVY5B.png[/img][/center] [color=FFDEAD][b]"Next time, that is, if there IS a next time, I'll yank the sword out before you even have a chance to think of doing something this dumb again. ...Let's get you out of this hellhole of a ruin. I'm against ...Ms. Serafaye was it? I'm against her just slamming into an army alone. She might be fine, but a volley of arrows is enough to turn US into pinpricks. Let's head through the alleys and get the hells out of this dump as soon as possible,"[/b][/color] the Paladin said, hoping that everyone would remember that stray shots existed. And sadly, [i]THE BULKWARK[/i] was a tad bit occupied supporting their second strongest warrior. Second only to a busty maiden that threw punches unfit for civilized folk. [/hider]