[center] [h1][center][color=crimson]Lorelai De Windt[/color][/center][/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] That 'Kanbaru' joined them without incident didn't lessen the Serei's concern, but she turned her focus to the airship about to pass them by and the scintillating light show that came from eldritch fire being deflected by the very stuff that stars were made of. [color=crimson]"Bah. My cat can do better. Now then, we rise, Durgan."[/color] Lorelai raised the Violet Relic to the sky and heralded a great vacuum, siphoning the space between them and airship till a funnel of pure void remained. Her other hand pressed to the beast they sat astride and poured explosive force behind it's leap, propelling them with startling ease. Hardly a hair shifted on their heads when there was no air to ruffle them, but it made the act of alighting upon the energetic deck simple as could. The grace of which was swiftly lost as Durgan dispelled himself with a chuff, displeased to be away from solid ground. Lorelai had the good graces to cushion Akiko but 'Kanbaru' would serve as a cushion to their fall.[hr] Meanwhile the Head Mistress was far less lackadaisical in her bearing, all but screaming her fury as forces beyond their realm interceded in battle. That such an airship could not only take such an attack, but emerge unscathed and outmaneuver further volleys was mind boggling. "Children with power beyond their ken. I may meddle with demons but these fools have damned themselves even further!" The Demon heaved, knuckles bristling as it moved to meet attempted ramming of the vessel, yet it's side bristled with armaments no craft should bear in this city and exploded outwards with a storm of ice and flora. Brown and blue piercing a skein of nightmares, painting it in the colors of Chen's magic and having the beast real as what passed for eyes crusted with ice. It reeled back, more from the force of the concentrated blow then a sign it possessed the capacity to feel pain, and it was in this staggered state a mighty blow came impossible from the cloudy sky above to take to task its broad neck. It was like a trench had been carved across a field of blasted earth, yet to such a being that amounted to but thin line from which emerald flames licked the air from a gaping seam. Yet while it was no decapitating strike, it staggered the Demon forward with a sudden jolt. Jolt enough to topple the summoner from her perch, her coat marred with frost and a length of wood having skewered her shoulder socket to make one arm a limp noodle against the wind. A fall from that height wouldn't even leave a corpse to be scraped from the stones, more a smear befitting a hose, compelling her to raise her book and chant a spell of levitation to turn her fall into a gentle float. One from which she could create a platform of clouds to float upon. In saving herself, the Demon quickly lost cohesion as she could no longer concentrate upon maintaining it's form. It raged as buildings and debris dripped from its skin, raindrops of masonry falling through it, depriving it of mass with each piece lost. The drive to avenge itself superseded all reasoning and commands from the Head Mistress, both arms snapping out wide before cleaving the air with open palms, clouds being pulled behind it as it tried to crush the passing airship like a gnat. [center][h1][color=cyan]Kanbaru Otoko[/color] [/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] The spectacle of cosmic powers occurring above Kanbaru went ignored. The sudden and, frankly, alarming reunion with a Detention Club member ellicited a mild, [color=cyan]"Oh, hey."[/color] One hand clenched tightly, open air displaced by her blade as Kanbaru stomped forward. Normally she responded to things with teasing warmth or an ice chill, but looking at Caprice only made her see red. Incandescent red, a rage that she let run wild till her body tilted and she had Quick Run directly in front of Caprice's chair, her empty hand cocked back before hurtling forward to take the magician by the cheek. It was a sloppy punch and her hand ached, but the visceral feeling of vindication was intoxicating. [color=cyan]"I [i]tried[/i] being reasonable. But right now, the only one I want to beat till their heart gives out is [i]you.[/i]"[/color]