[hider=Aaron G. Sawyer] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/lXmZDXk.png[/img] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/268b90d6-ac9e-42ae-90bb-fe2bba02ebd8/d9lyr36-fece30f6-17e9-4cc9-8ea8-bf42baec6f93.jpg/v1/fill/w_894,h_894,q_70,strp/from_no_where_by_ricardothb_d9lyr36-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD0xNjAwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMjY4YjkwZDYtYWM5ZS00MmFlLTkwYmItZmUyYmJhMDJlYmQ4XC9kOWx5cjM2LWZlY2UzMGY2LTE3ZTktNGNjOS04ZWE4LWJmNDJiYWVjNmY5My5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTYwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.Yx1EZQtnS74Jv7FxlT8co6ZLOkMv6OEOHANHl4gOgi8[/img][hr][hr] [color=Lightseagreen][h2]⦋ [b]27[/b] || [b]Alternate Earth[/b] || [b]He/Him[/b] ⦌[/h2][/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWOxJ5NpIy8[/youtube][/center] [color=Lightseagreen][h3][b]OVERVIEW[/b][/h3][hr][/color] [indent] [color=Lightseagreen][u][b]APPEARANCE [/b][/u][/color] [indent]Definitely not someone from this world, or more accurately timeline. Aaron is a pretty tall guy at six-five that's pretty muscular due to a lifetime of being a Nomad and training. He has no choice, it's be a Nomad or die. He lived the life of a warrior and has that look about him merely when he's walking. Aaron is thin and kinda spindly, he's African-American to his very bone and it shows in his hair and skin tone. Aaron proudly sports an Afro that flows as he fights like a Samurai. Speaking of which, he has the appearance and demeanor of a futuristic samurai, and I'm not just talking about the strange katana. It's the way he acts and his attire... which consists of a futuristic long coat with a hood.[/indent] [color=Lightseagreen][u][b]BACKSTORY & MOTIVATION [/b][/u][/color] [indent]Aaron Sawyer isn't from this world, or more specifically, this timeline. He's from one of the other ones out there born from the multiverse asking one question: What if Oh-One won the battle in Antarctica? Oh-One defeated the Nomads that came to battle him and enacted his plan... merging man and man, but not achieving his dream of gaining human emotion. In response, he goes on a rampage and wipes out the human race except for a few bastions that took to the stars. However, Oh-One wasn't content with that and spreads his wrath to all corners of the universe. And armed with all nine power stones, there was barely anyone strong enough to stop him. Now, Jaden Raldo, the Ronin Rapper himself, cut and run when the going got a little rough. It was fucking cowardly but hey, he lived to fight another day. Oh-One injected him with these weird robot nanites but hey, his dick still worked. He fought off the robotic murder hordes and took off to the many space stations. Jaden Raldo ended up meeting a lovely lady known as Phoebe Carmicheal and the two eloped... creating Aaron Sawyer, a warrior that was destined to save the world. Or his one. From a young age, Aaron was trained by Jaden in the ways of the blade, to be a capable Nomad and warrior to fight when the time came. Deep down Jaden was hoping that he was the savior of mankind. Vanessa Sawyer herself was also a swordswoman and she taught Aaron her style of swordsmanship which created a weird blend of the two in Aaron. It came in handy because where ever Aaron went, Oh-One was right behind him and they fled many, many, times. And every time he fled he lost a friend. And eventually, he lost his father. Taking the sword to a friend of his, a genius technological expert known as Koda Makoto. She had reversed engineered a time machine that she found before they migrated to the stars. Taking Jaden's remaining katana, she created a time machine of her own... The Chrono-Blade. Capable of slashing through time and manipulating it and gave him a simple mission: Go back and find the Power Stones. They're the only thing that can stop Oh-One. And Aaron gladly accepted it when he went back. He also went back to go bang Calvin Redug's mom.[/indent] [/indent] [color=Lightseagreen][h3][b]FIGHTING STYLE & ABILITIES[/b][/h3][hr][/color] [indent][color=Lightseagreen][u][b]SKILLS & ABILITIES [/b][/u][/color] [indent]Just to get it out of the way: Aaron Sawyer is an experienced Nomad who uses a mixture of two different forms of swordsmanship. His mother's Samurai skills and his father's ninjutsu. This means Aaron's a mean motherfucker in a swords fight and can mix up his mother's skills in direct sword fights with his father's quicker and assassin based fighting style. Though Aaron fights a bit better using the skills his mother taught him but that isn't to say that Aaron isn't sneaky. Let's get to the meat of Aaron's fighting style: The Chrono-Blade. It's a technologically enhanced Katana that allows him to manipulate time and space through slashing the air, opponent, and objects. He can teleport, restore objects to a previous state, speed up or slow down time, among other things.[/indent] [color=Lightseagreen][u][b]SIGNATURE MOVES [/b][/u][/color] [indent][u]■ Chrono-Slash[/u] [indent]Aaron's signature technique, the Chrono-Slash. It allows him to manipulate time and space through precise slashing. By cutting through the air, he can cut the distance between himself and one other place. By doing this he can bring opponents closer to himself, or alternately more or less teleport from place to another. This only lasts for a few moments so he makes the most of it.[/indent] [u]■ Time-Burst[/u] [indent]Aaron unsheathes the sword and a clock appears behind him that allows him to speed up his own time in comparison to everyone else. This allows him functional super speed for a few minutes.[/indent] [u]■ Time-Slash[/u] [indent]The opposite of the Time-Burst, and it speeds Aaron down in comparison to the world. This, normally, would be a weakness but it'll allow him to bleed out slower and gives him super reflexes since he sees the world slower.[/indent] [u]■ Wind-Blade[/u] [indent]Aaron slashes his sword and creates a wave of energy that cuts through the air.[/indent] [u]■ Dive-Kick[/u] [indent]A move Aaron got from his father and if Aaron is in the air he can perform a diving kick as he falls.[/indent] [u]■ Instant-Movement[/u] [indent]Aaron dashes at amazing speeds and he can cover a short distance in an instant. While in the Instant-Movement, Aaron can cut someone.[/indent] [u]■ Chrono-Cut[/u] [indent]Aaron can distort time and space when he cuts someone so that it creates an explosive slash a few seconds later.[/indent] [u]■ Regressive-Movement[/u] [indent]Aaron can manipulate time and teleport himself back in time a few seconds and possibly revert some damage done to himself.[/indent] [u]■ Lightning-Trap[/u] [indent]Aaron throws down a device on the ground and if an opponent steps on it they get shocked.[/indent] [u]■ Time-Portal[/u] [indent]Aaron can cut a portal to a specific point in his sight and this allows him to travel or... drop a car on an enemy.[/indent] [u]■ Paradox[/u] [indent]By summoning a version of him from [i]another[/i] timeline, Aaron uses it to help him attack for a few moments or tank a hit.[/indent] [u]■ Wall-Running[/u] [indent]Aaron, learning cool tricks from his father again, can run on walls using his shoes to magnetically attach him to surfaces. He can also wall bounce.[/indent] [/indent] [color=Lightseagreen][u][b]SUPER MOVES [/b][/u][/color] [indent] [u]■ Time Stands Still[/u] [indent]After charging for a few moments, Aaron can completely freeze time for a few seconds. In this state, Aaron cannot use the Chrono-Blades fancy abilities but he can attack enemies any way he wants to for a few moments. He can slash away at them and they won't even feel the effects until time resumes. This can only be done every once in a while as it causes the Chrono-Blade to overheat.[/indent] [u]■ Perfect Chrono-Cut[/u] [indent]Aaron dashes and appears on the other side of the opponent at lightning speeds... but nothing happens. Until he sheets his sword and they feel the hundreds of slashes he did in the blink of an eye.[/indent] [u]■ Past, Present, Future[/u] [indent]Aaron opens up a massive portal back in time (or present) and drops an enormous amount of debris and trash on an opponent[/indent][/indent] [color=Lightseagreen][u][b]WEAKNESSES & LIMITS [/b][/u][/color] [indent]Now, Aaron has a lot of tools, but he doesn't have a whole lot to deal with ranged attacks or opponents that are simply faster than him other than dodging. Granted that he has no ranged attacks to speak of. His attacks are pretty strong and he has access to many buffs, however, he doesn't have a whole lot of durability and can have some immense hit points shed from certain moves. Most importantly he has to conserve usage of the Chrono-Blade because it overheats... and if it overheats then he's SOL.[/indent] [/indent] [color=Lightseagreen][h3][b]OTHER[/b][/h3][hr][/color] [indent][indent][/indent][/indent] [/hider]