[hr][center][h2]Abe Yuuto[/h2][i]Burgeoning Onmyoji[/i] [sub]Asahi - [@RolePlayerRoxas][/sub][/center][hr] [i]"You can add whatever Asahi is to that list president,"[/i] thought Yuuto, resisting the urge to chuckle as the young woman hid behind him, much like Tomoko and Akari. It was also fairly embarrassing since she was [i]really[/i] close but pointing that out would embarrass her in turn. Anyway, they had more important matters to discuss. Th information provided by the spirit was worrying. At the very least it provided confirmation that the incident they were investigating was supernatural in nature. The information she had given that was invaluable - a woman spirit was here at the scene of the kidnappings. That was a huge lead, and something they'd have to follow up on quickly. Yuuto's fist clenched and he took a shaky breath as the girl painted the scenario of that day. He could just imagine it. A child simply enjoying themselves, playing games, while blissfully unaware of the danger they were in. The child disappears and the parents look around, at first exasperate that their child had gotten lost, until that exasperation quickly turns to fear as their child fails to show any sign of himself, and no trace of them would be found for days and days. This scenario had played out seven times now, he thought, and for a brief instant he saw red. His viewpoint overlapped with another's from a time long ago, carrying with it the emotions of that time. The teen smiled at the ghost, trying to put on what he hoped was a reassuring smile. It felt so, so brittle to him. "Don't worry. We'll get to the bottom of this. P-president is reliable after all, and I'm rather handy myself." First things first. They had to find that woman. It was likely that she was the culprit, but also a big chance that she wasn't, and was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. If she wasn't the culprit, then at least they would have another potential witness. If she was... The sooner they resolve this incident, the better.