Emmaline had been listening closely to the sounds and ululations of the lizardmen since they had lifted her onto their shoulders. There was something familiar about their speech though from where she couldn't rightly say. Perhaps it was from the old spell books she had seen back at the Colleges of magic, written in the old arcane tongue, this seemed to have some similarites though modified by necessity to pass through their reptillian vocal cords. The leader, the headress wearing lizard, appeared to be known as T'krit and she thought that she picked up the words for time, or maybe dawn and an interrogative that might be 'how far'. The word challenge however stood out both in word and intention. "I ahh.. I think they want you to fight that thing," Emmaline called to Amal concern evident in her voice. "T'krit, must my mate fight," she said in the odd arcane langauge that was ordinarily reserved for spell casting and the tedious debates on the nature of magic that the master wasted their time with. The lizard turned in surprise at the sound of its name and then cocked its head at her words. "Tlaloc inacta Zalleench kastata Sotek!" it replied. Inacta maybe meant worthy and tlaloc probably meant doorway or entry point or maybe beginning. "Uhhh, I think you are supposed to prove your worth by fighting the lizard thingy," Emmaline called, encouraged that some communication was possible but frustrated with how difficult and imprecise it was. T'krit expanded with a stream of almost unintelligable words that did nothing to improve her grasp of the situation. "Zalleench!" he concluded with a final stomp of his foot.