[color=silver]Every bump against a wall was another bead of sweat on Duncan's brow. At one point, he wanted to just close his eyes and hope for the best. He'd done it on the court a few times; just closed his eyes and fired a Hail Mary shot when there was nothing left to lose. But more was at stake here than just a lost game, so he kept his eyes open and grit his teeth. Just a little more, and-- The truck crashed against the button, lighting it up with a promising glow. Duncan practically [i]punched[/i] the air.[color=0099aa] "[i]Hell [/i]yeah!" [/color] At first, nothing happened. Duncan's momentary glee had already begun to give way to disappointment, when the wall next to them suddenly started to buzz. A moment later, the whole damn thing was [i]gone[/i] altogether, replaced by a familiar sight. Duncan recognized the radio immediately. From somewhere next to him, he heard Pebs' nervous laugh. In his case, the nervousness took the form of a scowl.[color=0099aa] "What the..."[/color] It shouldn't have been possible. The way they'd traversed through the maze - it didn't align with this direction. Or at the very least, Duncan was pretty sure it didn't. He wasn't [i]stupid[/i], but he didn't exactly pride himself an expert on these things. The maze had been pretty disorienting - maybe he'd just gotten his directions mixed up. Whatever the case, there was now a breeze blowing through the familiar hallway. And if Duncan had learnt anything from movies about people stuck in caves or collapsed buildings, a breeze was a good thing. It meant fresh air. It meant [i]freedom[/i]. Pebs didn't seem to think so. She was having what Duncan could only describe as a nervous breakdown, eyes darting from the map to the corridor, the room they occupied and the one they had come from. She was trembling, hands and voice and all, and Duncan quickly found himself worried. About their situation, yeah - but also more pressingly, about [i]her[/i]. [color=SandyBrown]“This… this is impossible, right?” [/color] He didn't really have an answer. Not one that would calm her any, anyway. [color=0099aa]"It-- should be,"[/color] was all he could offer, Pebs' panic slowly seeping into his mind as well. She was the one that had the map - the one that was good with directions. If [i]she[/i] was this messed up over what happened, then... was it really something he could just... ignore? No, no, shit, he couldn't let himself panic too. He was supposed to be the level-headed one right now. [color=0099aa]"Look, Pebs,"[/color] he grabbed her by the shoulders, firmly enough to hold her in place, carefully enough not to hurt her. His back was bent to keep their eyes on the same level as hers. [color=0099aa]"Listen. You gotta calm down, a'ight? I need you all focused. We can worry about the possible and the impossible later. Yeah, we're back here, but-- it's not like we're stuck. You feel it too, right? The breeze. That's [i]gotta [/i]be a good thing." [/color]It [i]had [/i]to be, because it was the only thing they could still cling to. [color=0099aa]"If we find its source, we can get out. One hundred percent. Trust me. Just a little more, and you can get your pony and I'll-- I'll get my dream car. We'll find a way."[/color][/color] [right][sup=1][@Typical], [@Alamantus][/sup][/right]