[centre][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/2AVljdo.gif[/IMG][/centre] [color=ed1c24][i]And she wanted me to at least wear heels[/i][/color], is the thought that drifts through her mind as she watches the trees around her swaying in the breeze. Alayna's pair of pink converse sneakers crunches over the dry dirt soil, her hand instinctively reaching up to swipe some dampened strands of hair from her face. She is close. The smell of barbecued meat is already in the air, causing her stomach to rumble and a red tint to appear on her already ruby cheeks. No one else is around as far as she can tell, but she still feels a little embarrassed. Especially considering her mode of transportation isn't exactly one that a sane person would choose, her feet throbbing somewhat from all the walking she's done. It is nice being around nature, however. It is nice being around something that she can understand completely today. Her mother this morning had been beyond annoying. She'd felt this need to remind her of her family's position within the coven and how important it is that she makes a good impression today. The thing is, Alayna didn't need reminding of this. She'd already received enough reminders from others before. And as this is unbeknownst to either of her parents it is hard to hold a grudge. Still, the whole thing just makes her feel...less somehow. So much time has come and gone since her family's joining of the coven yet it seems to not matter for some people. To make matters worse, she isn't even sure what she's supposed to feel guilty for exactly. She doesn't know enough about the circumstances of her family's past wrongdoings and what it has to do with her present. Thinking of the entire situation just ends up bringing a scowl to her face, Alayna's brow crinkling in indignation. While she is privy to knowing certain things about her family, those things do not include everything she would like to know. Her curiosity is also, unfortunately, like a mouse is to a cat. Any information must be hunted down and taken in, or else how can she go on? Dramatic? Maybe. Deniable? No. The girl smoothes out her [url=https://gloimg.rglcdn.com/rosegal/pdm-product-pic/Clothing/2020/04/28/source-img/20200428192159_5ea811d7cced5.jpg]dress[/url] then, despite there being nothing wrong with it. Now right outside of the main house's back entrance, she wobbles the doorknob to test if it is open, quickly stepping through the door and shutting it behind her. She opens the first door she comes to once inside, knowing that it is a bathroom from having been inside the house a few times. The blonde then enters and locks the door behind her, turning to face the bathroom mirror. She heaves a sigh at the sight of her red face in the mirror. [color=ed1c24][i]No, this won't do. [/i][/color]Turning the cold tap, she splashes her face with water, shivering at the icy temperature. The last thing she wants right now is to be noticed immediately by those she would rather not see, including her parents who should be here by now having taken the car. She knows better than to think that she can avoid the stares all night, as she's destined to become a witch by the time the sun goes down. Maybe...Maybe she will leave her hair down. Just in case. She acts on this decision, taking her hair out of its usual messy bun and combing through it with her fingers self-consciously. Her genetics may be on her side for many things, but her lanky hair is not one of them. Still, Alayna eventually leaves her hiding spot and walks to the main area for the party. She first notices the few familiar faces of her peers, but her eyes stray and glue themselves to the table with various foods. [color=ed1c24][i]Food first. That's the priority,[/i][/color] she thinks to herself, moving to the table and grabbing a paper plate from a stack. [color=ed1c24][i]Now, where to start....[/i][/color]