As the group walked and Najila followed Azzen's guidance, she spoke, telling the group of what Pythagoras saw as he proceeded to scout ahead. "[color=aqua]There is a hall ahead...and a room on the right. The room on the right looks like barracks...but there are two people, bruised and chained to the ground,[/color]" At the mention of the conditions, Najila's tone grew disgusted and sickened. But she continued as her tone lightened with recognition, "[color=aqua]I recognize one of them! Nadir![/color]" She then asked in concern, "[color=aqua]But...where is Layla?[/color]" She then continued for her friends, "[color=aqua]The other occupant in the room is a lizardfolk of blue scales. It seems he too is a prisoner,[/color]" She continued as Pythagoras continued investigating, "[color=aqua]I hear a faint breeze. There is an alcove. I see mountains from the arrow slits. There are crates obscuring the path ahead--NO![/color]" Najila tried to snap her fingers to get Pythagoras out of harm's way, but it was too late. The bolt of fire struck the owl, burning him to a crisp. Her vision and hearing returned to her as she fumed, "[color=aqua]Who throws a fire bolt at an owl?! That's like kicking a cat![/color]"