As everything on the S.S. Silencio finally calm down to a point, some of the staff members would notice that one of the GMGs that was brought onto the vessel had seemingly vanished. Well, not so much vanished, more like just hidden herself. In a far corner of the ship, Eris had curled up and had gone to sleep, snuggling her Tsuchinoko plush. She had managed to find what she believed to be the quietest part of the ship and had just plopped right down for a nap. It was almost bliss, until the ship suddenly started to rock back and forth a bit. Eris opened one eye to look around, who the heck was piloting this thing? She let out a loud yawn and sat up, bearing the same bland expression she had when she first arrived on the ship. She decided to investigate around the ship to see what had happened while she was asleep and stood up with her Tsuchinoko in hand. It didn't take long for her to overhear that Terrorkeet/Yeshua had been captured. [color=92278f]"Mmm... How long was I... Out for?"[/color] She mumbled to herself as she continued to look around the ship.