[hider=Parsnip Hase] [center][h1][b][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjk2LmUxOTljZC5VR0Z5YzI1cGNDQlNZV0ppYVhRLC4w/dancing-fool.regular.png[/img][/b][/h1] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/638eba92-fe6f-4473-92b7-b055a01223f1/ddzdm3q-086fafff-5e07-4586-8362-44754c861ccf.png/v1/fill/w_783,h_1021,q_70,strp/6_13_20_parsnip_rabbit_by_crosswire40_ddzdm3q-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD0xNjcwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNjM4ZWJhOTItZmU2Zi00NDczLTkyYjctYjA1NWEwMTIyM2YxXC9kZHpkbTNxLTA4NmZhZmZmLTVlMDctNDU4Ni04MzYyLTQ0NzU0Yzg2MWNjZi5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.Oo8ikl8mVhit5EUSkf7hIEC86eZLxU9dpCsbOr-o884[/img] [hr][hr][h2]⦋ [b]20[/b] || [b]Canadian[/b] || [b]Female[/b] ⦌[/h2] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSfbb3WHClE[/youtube][/center][h3][b]OVERVIEW[/b][/h3][hr] [u][b]APPEARANCE [/b][/u] Parsnip Haas is a young 20 year old women with pink hair pulled back into a short messy pony tail. She has bright, unnervingly red eyes and a second pair of long rabbit ears that stick up out of her hair. Her left rabbit ear is partially cut off at the top. A small fluffy tail and other minor differences in her bone and organ structure also show signs that she is a human/rabbit hybrid. She stands 5'9 with a slender, athletic build and a small bust. Her skin is light and rather pale and fragile looking, marked with a number of laceration/shrapnel scars across her face, torso, back, and legs mostly centered on the right side of her body. Parsnip is always dressed in a white shirt with uneven sleves and a pair of pink overalls with one shortened legging. A pair of pink colored trainers, usually dirty, cover her feet. Leg pouches and a pink pack pack hang off her body, holding all manner of sharp implements from throwing knives, fire axes, syringes, bolt cutters, and butter knives. [u][b]BACKSTORY & MOTIVATION [/b][/u] [center][b][color=DC143C]SEVERAL MAVERICK AGENTS GRUESOMELY KILLED! CORPSES DISPLAYED IN SUBWAY! SERIAL MURDERER ON THE LOOSE?[/color][/b][/center] [color=FFC0CB]For the past four years articles like this have become all too common, even given the ever growing popularity of yellow journalism. In the papers and online, reports of MAVERICK agents being horribly killed have shown up in countries across the globe wherever MAVERICK deploys. Even in the places where free press no longer exists and such information is firmly controlled by authoritarian governments, rumors of MAVERICK agents going missing are abound. Naturally such rumors are suppressed in fear of international incident and intervention, making it difficult to discern which disappearances are done by a nation...and which are done by the individual. It is no secret that MAVERICK has made many enemies since their founding in the 1950s. From nomadic rebels in the Jungles of Puru to the seedy underbelly of crime in countless places across the globe, countless people would give nothing more then to see MAVERICK destroyed. However such organizations wish to see MAVERICK destroyed for financial, political, or ideological reasons. Even factoring in the most desperate and power hungry enemies of MAVERICK, nothing seems to justify the horrific killings and public display of corpses that has been gradually escalating over the past couple of years. Yet what if I told you that these killings weren't the work of a gang or rebel group, but a single individual? This is Kathy Reckbeck for "No Stone Unturned" and today we will be looking into the MAVERICK Killer. [center]---[/center] Our story begins almost twenty years ago when the Peach & Stone [also known as P&S] Conglomerate was caught selling living, genetically engineered bio-weapons on the black market by MAVERICK. This discovery led the conglomerate to enter dire financial straights. However they did manage to retain many of their assets due to legal loopholes and investigative failings on MAVERICK's part. The conglomerate still had an unregistered facility equipped with the means to produce bio-weapons and raise then in a large, isolated environment styled after a stretch of woodland. This facility and the equipment within it were causing P&S to hemorrhage money. Unable to sell bio-weapons without ensuring their death as an institution, P&S were left with two options: Sell off the assets and restructure their company into a legitimate business with drastically reduced profit margins. Or take what they had and engage in a wild plan to make them all rich. Being 'good' businessmen they naturally took the second option. Using the media side of their conglomerate P&S began an ambitious project to create the world's most popular children's television show. Their aim was to create a show with such broad reaching appeal and staying power that it would ensure a large stream of revenue for the conglomerate well into the near future. The end result of their efforts was a show that many readers are probably intimately familiar with: "The Parsnip Bunny & Friends Show." First coming on air twenty ago in Canada and the US, the Parsnip Bunny Show was a smash success out of the gate. The premise of the show was simple, always pathetically so. It focused around a young bunny girl named Parsnip living in a small cottage in Cattertown. Over the course of the show Parsnip would make friends, learn lessons, and go through struggles that she ultimately pulled through via the power of friendship. Despite the seemingly juvenile and overly 'family friendly' premise the show was praised for the writing and depth given to the characters. Parsnip, though cute and seemingly devoid of anything that might threaten the g-rating of the show, had a sense of vulnerability and a lack of confidence that she didn't show around her friends. This depth included the entire cast, in particularly the school teacher of the town Learnwright, who had a subtle undertone of cynicism and nihilism to her behavior that seemed inappropriate yet far from unrealistic for the show. It wasn't long before the show was translated into various languages and distributed to other countries across the globe. It become exceptionally popular in the U.S and Japan. Adults well out of the age range of the show became fans and began to make art, stories, and craft theories regarding the actual story and background of the various characters. This proved both beneficial and detrimental to the series as it increased its popularity even further but clashed with the 'kid friendly' image P&S was going for the show...that was being watched by just as many grown men and women. Never the less P&S saw immense financial success with the show. It won a number of awards and became a massive media franchise selling all kind of merchandise. Yet despite the success of the show the TV series abruptly ended four years ago, right before the last episode of Season 20 was aired. Shortly after that the Peach and Stone Conglomerate was broken up due to heinous violation of international laws But I can already hear my readers "But Kathy what in the world does a children's TV show have to do with a murderer?". Well you see hear viewers that this has [i]everything[/i] to do with murder. You see even when the show was first released there was a number of unusual elements about it. There were no actors listed in the credits of the show and the 'writers' credited for the supposed scripts were ghost-writers that didn't actually do any work for the series. No one had any idea who the child and adult actors of the show were, where they came from, or why they weren't being credited for their work. P&S stated that they were keeping the identities of their actors confidential for 'immersion purposes' and assured that they were getting properly compensated. Yet they refused to elaborate beyond that point, going so far as to dodge any further questions about it after the first season. Online hardcore fans of the show noticed odd elements to the various episodes including a surprising attention to detail and continuity to both the characters and Cattertown in general. Visual hiccups in recording equipment and strange dialogue by characters sometimes made the show feel unscripted or downright unprofessional at times, yet added to the realistic feel of things. Some argued that the show felt too real while others online debated that the whole thing was actually a next-generation computer animation project made to look as realistic as possible. Naturally plenty of grim-dark theories sprouted up regarding the series. One particularly popular fan-theory was that the death of Ms.Learnwright, whose in-show death was a heart wrenching moment of the series, was not accidental and that she was in fact murdered. Individuals who brought up these discussions however often found themselves hit with cease and desists with frightening consistency. Never the less theories continued to pop up as the air of mystery around the show grew and persisted well after the show had been canceled. My own investigation into the matter proves that fact is stranger then fiction however. Parsnip Hase and everyone on the show were in fact real. No. They weren't paid actors, they weren't actors at all. They were genetically modified humans spliced with animal DNA, grown and produced by P&S using the equipment left over from their bio-weapon production systems. Parsnip and the others were vat grown, implanted with information, and placed in an isolated environment believing that it was in fact a real town. The characters you knew and loved matured over the course of ten years, having their daily lives unknowingly filmed, influenced, and ultimately manipulated with in order to produce a television show. The show did not end because of financial troubles or foolish actions however. It ended because almost everyone involved was killed. Around the time the Parsnip Bunny Show was nearing its 20th season, MAVERICK encountered some of P&S's old bio-weapons in use by a rogue South American Nomad dictator who had come to power. They were simply re-sale models produced a number of years ago, but the incident never the less renewed MAVERICK's interests in investigating the conglomerate. Their re-investigation into P&S at first showed nothing and seemed to indicate that the company had turned over a new leave. That is until they looked further into things and discovered a facility hidden in the Canadian wilderness. Everything MAVERICK found seemed to suggest it was a laboratory, a holding area for new bio-weapons being produced and matured in secret by P&S. Eager to put the conglomerate down once and for all MAVERICK took the info they had and acted on it. Their plan was to seize the compound and catch P&S red headed, ensuring they could not wrangle their way out of the situation like they had last time. However what happened next was nothing short of a tragedy. MAVERICK raided the facility under the believe they were dealing with dangerous bio-weapons and were ordered to kill on sight. Their sudden raid of the facility threw the staff members into a panic and fires were started in an effort to destroy as much evidence as possible. The end result was the deaths of all the residents of Chattertown, save for one. After the fire cleared and the true nature of the situation became apparent the lone-survivor, who was critically injured from a hand-grenade thrown by MAVERICK personnel, was given medical attention and rushed off for treatment. This ended the Parsnip Bunny & Friends show, and ultimately led to the dismantlement of the Peach and Stone conglomerate. How much each party was responsible for the deaths of the so called 'bio-weapons' is unclear. MAVERICK went in acting on limited information and P&S were still very much conducting illegal and inhumane activities. Under better circumstances perhaps Parsnip and her friends could have been rescued. Regardless of where the blame actually fell, the whole situation was witnesses by the survivor, Parsnip, who awoke several days later in one of MAVERICK's Canadian ICU centers. Seeing the death of her friends and the destruction of the only home she knew, naturally Parsnip was in an emotionally distraught state when she awoke. The physical damage to her body was nothing in comparison to the immense trauma Parsnip's mind suffered. This trauma would only worsen as Parsnip learned about her situation and the truth behind what she was, and how her life had essentially been nothing but a lie for someone's self-profit. Overwhelmed Parsnip suffered a violent mental breakdown and became unresponsive for the next several weeks of her recovery. MAVERICK was left unsure what to do with Parsnip. On paper she was still a dangerous bio-weapon produced illegally. At the same time she was also a victim and the only 'civilian' witness to what had transpired. Eager to wash their hands of the situation MAVERICK eventually decided to have Parsnip transfered to a mental institution for long term housing and care. The day before the transfer could take place however Parsnip suddenly disappeared from the ICU. Efforts were made to find her, but she could not be located. A day later, one of the CEOs of P&S who had cut a deal and walked, was found dead having been repeatedly stabbed in a parking lot. Several more individuals related to the Peach and Stone conglomerate in Canada suffered violent deaths. Eventually one of the MAVERICK agents involved in the raid on P&S was killed, with clear evidence that Parsnip had been the killer. Yet investigators were unable to find her, with signs that an [i]unknown individual[/i] had shown up and whisked her away. The trail quickly went cold shortly after. Several months later a MAVERICK agent was found violently dismembered in Dekota. Afterwards the deaths of MAVERICK agents began to be reported with ever increasing frequency and ever-growing body counts. Analysis of the deaths shows each one becoming more gruesome, yet more skilled and pre-meditated then the last. Evidence points to the use of Ki-enhancement techniques to sharpen the edge of blades and objects used in the murders. Though these deaths have not officially been linked to Parsnip, even years after the fact, it is this reporter who will state with absolute certainty that she is the dreaded "MAVERICK Killer". PARSNIP likely blames MAVERICK for the death of her friends, her own disfigurement, and the destruction of the life she had up to that point. The trauma she went through has driven the sweet girl into becoming a viscous killer. This intrepid reporter has discovered evidence that Parsnip is currently working for the mysterious terrorist organization "MIRAGE". Could the leader of this organization be the one who had her taken from Canada? Could they be the ones encouraging Parsnip to kill MAVERICK agents and enabling her psychosis? I can only guess at this point, but the implications are grim. Despite this however I've found reports that seem to indicate that Parsnip isn't the cold, heartless serial murderer her killings make her out to be. Parsnip seems unwilling to hurt children or people she perceived as being 'children'. How long can Parsnip go until she's tasked with doing the one thing that she doesn't want to do? This has been Kathy Reckbeck for "No Stone Unturned", tune in next time to learn about who's on top of the worlds animal rights activist assassination list for brutalizing endangered walruses![/color] --[b]Unaired Episode of No Stone Unturned, indefinitely postponed from broadcasting under request from the Kathy Reckbeck after receiving an ominous letter in the mail.[/b] [h3][b]FIGHTING STYLE & ABILITIES[/b][/h3][hr] [indent][u][b]SKILLS & ABILITIES [/b][/u] [indent]Parsnip, despite being designed as a living, breathing, 'family friendly' mascot was actually designed with a bio-weapon at her base. Her reflexes, stamina, and muscle fiber density are beyond that of a normal human being. She can run faster, sprint farther, jump higher, and fall greater distances without injury. Her sense of hearing is also incredibly sharp and she has something akin to binocular vision at a distance. Her Ki-levels aren't anything extraordinary and she is 'self-taught' in its usage. Her defenses are rather meager, but her focus on the enhancing has allowed her to learn some deadly methods of enhancing the cutting edges of blades. Parsnips's fighting style focuses primarily on blades, kicks, and traps. She has a preference for traps and ambushes. When those aren't possible she favors a full frontal assault, rapidly attacking without stopping in order to wear down opponents. Her blades allow her to cleave through all but the strongest of defenses, putting slower defensive focused targets at a disadvantage against her. [/indent] [u][b]SIGNATURE MOVES [/b][/u] [indent][u]■ [Sharpen][/u] [indent][Parsnip has the power to dramatically enhance the cutting edge of any object or implement that she touches. When used a butter knife becomes as sharp as a scalpel and a regular blade becomes capable of cutting through steel armor. This enhancement lasts until Parsnip dispels the enhancement or until an hour has passed. This allows her to use even common objects as deadly weapons against nomads, cyborgs, and trained killers. Though this technique allows her blade to do tremendous damage, the blades themselves don't become anymore durable, and are prone to damage or breakage][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Claws][/u] [indent][Being part rabbit, Parsnip actually does have short non-retractable 'claws' on her hands. They are harmless on their own by using her Sharpen ability they become capable of cutting through flesh and damaging metal.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Bag-o-Knives][/u] [indent][Parsnip carries a wide variety of cutting implements on her person in order to facilitate the use of her Sharpen ability. Though the exact inventory of her weapons can change depending on what she's used or replaced them with, the typical inventory she carries is: x1 Fireaxe with a shortened handle, x1 jungle machete, x1 ten foot spool of sharpened wire, x1 pair of bolt cutters, x1 kitchen knife, x2 WWI era long bayonets, x2 modern combat knives, x10 throwing knives, a few butter knives, a potato peeler, an x-acto knive, a pair of safety scissors, and at least one jagged spoon.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Hare Kick][/u] [indent][Parsnip's powerful leg muscles make her kicks surprisingly deadly, capable of breaking bones with ease. She throws out kicks capable of lunching enemies backwards or up into the airs with frightening sweeps of her legs.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Deflection][/u] [indent][By focusing her Ki and tapping into her reflexes, Parsnip can strike bullets and projectiles mid-air and redirect their momentum with one of her blades. This changes their trajectory and sends them away from her, allowing her to avoid injury][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Flurry of Blades][/u] [indent][Drawing a blade Parsnip closes distance and attacks. Stabbing or slashing rapidly, aiming for vulnerable points and striking anywhere she feels she could get a solid blow in.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Throwing Knives][/u] [indent][Taking a few of her smaller knives between her fingers Parsnip throws them outwards, their enhanced edges capable of piercing cover and striking her enemies behind them.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Ambush Trap!][/u] [indent][With the tug of a wire or the click of a pressure plate, a trap set up by Parsnip before the battle activates. This can range anywhere from a bear-trap, a pitfall, to flurry of razor wire unfurling from a high-tension state. This move isn't always viable however and can only be used twice per battle.][/indent][/indent] [u][b]SUPER MOVES [/b][/u] [indent] [u]■ [CLEAVE THE VOID][/u] [indent][Focusing ki into one of her blade, Parsnip slashes the air and actually cuts the very fabric of space. This cut quickly seals itself, but not before eating any oncoming ranged attacks, sucking even the most powerful blasts and finishers into the black and naked void. Doing so causes the blade she used to cut open the 'hole' to crumble in Parsnips hand however.][/indent][/indent] [indent] [u]■ [TRUE CUTTER][/u] [indent][Dumping her Ki into her knife, a soft blue field engulfs the blade. The cutting power of the knife is dramatically increased allowing it to melt clean through stone and do horrific damage. However the blade drains through her Ki and only lasts about 3 minutes before dissipating, destroying the blade she was using and leaving her fatigued][/indent][/indent] [u][b]WEAKNESSES & LIMITS [/b][/u] •Parsnip's [i]Sharpen[/i] ability dramatically enhances the cutting power of an object at the cost of not enhancing its durability. While her cutting implements are extremely damaging they remain otherwise somewhat fragile, meaning they can be broken in her efforts to attack others. Once she runs out of blades she has to improvise or fight unarmed, which leaves her more vulnerable. •Parnsip is an offense and mobility focused character who suffers in regards to her ability to take actual hits. Though she can deal out plenty of punishment to even well defended characters, she isn't capable of taking many hits herself. •Parsnip excels at closing distance with ranged attackers and denying them damage from their ranged weapons. However she has trouble with close quarters fighters who fight as aggressively as she does. [/indent] [h3][b]OTHER[/b][/h3][hr] [indent][indent]What else?[/indent][/indent] •Parsnip has a deep burning hatred for MAVERICK for how they killed her friends and seeks to kill almost anyone associated with the group. •Pariah noticed Parsnips latent talents and took her into the organization. For this Parsnip was forever grateful and is incredibly fond of Pariah, willing to do virtually anything for her. •Though seemingly unhinged most of the time, Parsnip is unwilling to hurt children or people she perceives as being children. This can include to individuals she views as being innocent, naive, or simply stupid or immature enough to fit the profile of a child. •Parsnip hasn't actually seen very much of her own show. It brings back memories of both happier times and the day her friends died. Having it mentioned is upsetting and seeing it causes her to become emotionally disturbed. [/hider] [hider=Shippai "Brown" Kasshoku] [center] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjk2LmIzMmYwMC5VMmhwY0hCaGFTQWlRbkp2ZDI0aUlFdGhjM05vYjJ0MS4w/bully.regular.png[/img] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/638eba92-fe6f-4473-92b7-b055a01223f1/ddzh2s6-413dd837-773d-4bc3-87d2-2aa0e27fbb38.png/v1/fill/w_733,h_1090,q_70,strp/6_15_20_nomadic_fist_brown_re_draw_trimmed_by_crosswire40_ddzh2s6-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD0xOTAzIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNjM4ZWJhOTItZmU2Zi00NDczLTkyYjctYjA1NWEwMTIyM2YxXC9kZHpoMnM2LTQxM2RkODM3LTc3M2QtNGJjMy04N2QyLTJhYTBlMjdmYmIzOC5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.oVHjgLh58Dz0AyLjyOemjTT0mLU0mvRPSiGL8rSQHUg[/img] [hr][hr] [h2]⦋ [b]22[/b] || [b]Japanese[/b] || [b]Female[/b] ⦌[/h2] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1EcoeJK_Oo[/youtube][/center] [h3][b]OVERVIEW[/b][/h3][hr] [indent] [u][b]APPEARANCE [/b][/u] [indent]Brown is a weary and worrying figure with sickly pale skin, dull brown hair, and dark bags under her rotten brown colored eyes. The girl has a very gaunt, but very fit athletic figure with well toned muscles. On her back are blackened lines, like darkened blood vessels, covering the length of her spine and radiating outwards across her whole back. The lines can be seen front as well, with some of the dark lines peeking up over her shoulders slightly. Despite looking like a girl about to enact some violent massacre Brown is usually seen with a smile on her face. Her genuine happiness and positive attitude doesn't mesh well with her appearance, making her look even more threatening and unnerving then normal. Her typical nomad attire is made up of a hole ridden brown jacket, a ragged white shirt, a belt across her chest, brown shorts, and a pair of beaten worn boots.[/indent] [u][b]BACKSTORY & MOTIVATION [/b][/u] [indent]Brown was the result of two powerful Nomads getting together to create a heir worthy of both of their names. Runsu, the Japanese master of the “PUNISHING FIST” and Verga, founder of the School of the Tranquil Wave fighting style, had been in fierce competition with each other since they met one another. It was only after a rare heart to heart did they find their feelings for each other as well as their desire to pass on their teachings and strength to a child. Ditching the complexities and responsibilities of getting married, the two went to work and in just a few months Verga had a fully developed ball of life growing inside her. One trip to the hospital later and the vessel which the two Nomads intended to lay all their legacies on was born. Or so they thought. Shortly before their child was born tests informed them that something was wrong with it. The baby had Senshinobēn or “Warrior’s Bane”. A hereditary disease/birth defect that was infamous for enfeebling the offspring of otherwise potent fighters. Instead of inheriting the Ki of their parents, those inflicted with Warrior’s Bane were born with Ki levels lower than even that of regular untrained people. Devastated by the news Verga and Runsu's excitement over the birth of their child was all but extinguished. The birth of their baby girl was met with frustration and bitter disappointment. In a moment of overwhelming negative emotion their daughter's name was decided. Shippai. The Japanese word meaning failure. Despite how she was born the two insisted on training her. Pushing her from the moment she could walk to be strong and excel in what they were good at. Though the blight was apart of who their daughter was, they weren't willing to accept it. Insisting that the bane could be overcome or even 'fixed' if certain methods or training was applied. Yet as the years pressed on and their daughter grew older, her Ki levels remained absolutely feeble, and the two began to lose patience. Shippai's parents began to get in disagreements and the positive feelings between them became soured. Those feelings trickled down to Shiappi as her parents struggled to see her as anything but one big failure that took up years of their precious lives and served to mock their efforts to be remembered as powerful fighters. At just 7 years old the little girl didn’t fully understand what the name they gave her meant, but it didn’t take long for her parents feelings to become clear. One day they woke up Shippai and took her out on a hiking trail far away from their home, far away from everything. Finding a bench along the forest path her parents told Shippai to wait there and left. They never came back. For two days she sat and waited for them. Eventually hunger forced her to leave, but she was unable to find her way back home and became lost in the forest. Collapsing amidst the moss and fallen leaves, the little girl was found by a one armed women with fox ears. The women was Matsu, a Kitsune and former nomad who’d been on the rise just a year prior before a match with a particular individual ended with the loss of her arm and the end of her career as a Nomad. Getting the lost girl something to eat Matsu helped Shippai make her way back home. Upon returning to her house however Shippai found the door locked and through the window she could see it was totally empty. A nearby realtor explained that the owners of the house had sold the house and it’s contents before separating and heading off to parts unknown. No number, no message, no remote hint of where they could be. Shippai’s parents were gone. Abandoned with nowhere to go the little girl didn’t know what else to do but fall to her knees in front of her former home and cry. Unable to bare the sight before her the fox-eared women took the girl back to her home and adopted her as her own. The first thing Matsu did with her new daughter was give her a proper name. Shippai's old name was thrown away and from then on Matsu began calling her Kasshoku meaning “Brown” like chocolate, hardy Fall leaves, and the life giving soil. With a new start on life Brown was able to put what happened to her behind her for a while. Living with the kind and loving Kitsune healed her wounded heart. The women, who had no blood relation to her, gave her all the things her parents seemingly refused too. Affection, understanding, gifts, and a true sense of worth and appreciation. Even when Brown failed, Matsu never scolded her or berated her. All that waited for her when she did something wrong was kind words and concern for her well being. However despite Matsu's suggestion and encouragement for Brown to attend school and lead a normal life...Brown couldn't. Her parents faces and their words refused to fade into a distant memory. Try as she might everything she did seemed to remind her of what they saw her as, what she was at her very core. A failure. A weakling. An inferior pile of flesh. The idea that she was born inherently lesser than everyone around her clung to Brown's very core. It filled her with immense, all consuming anger and sadness. At just ten years old Brown began to physically train herself once again. It started by punching trees, pounding the trunks with her bare hands until the wood gave way or her hands did. Pushing herself to her physical limits, burying herself in pain and bodily strain allowed Brown to briefly forget her problems. Matsu eventually learned what was troubling her and offered to help train her. However the former Nomad's own style required too much Ki to be of any use to Brown. Despite her best efforts her instruction wasn't enough to give Brown any guidance into how to proceed. Instead she began to encourage Brown to develop her own fighting style and learn anything she could from others. So Brown began looking for fights. At twelve years old she was starting fights with older children, young Nomad prodigies in training, and small time criminals. With each passing year of hard work her muscles hardened, her resolve bolstered, and her paltry almost nonexistent levels of Ki expanded. At 16 years old however, despite all her hard work, Brown felt the returns on her training were meager at best. Matsu however encouraged her, saying that the fact her abilities had expanded at all in spite of her condition was a testament to her hard work. Eventually Brown made the hard decision to leave her wonderful home with her adoptive Mother and travel outside of Japan. Packing very little Brown said goodbye to Matsu before heading out on her own and stowed away aboard a boat leaving Japan. Brown began to wander from place to place. Fighting in back alley brawls, underground cage matches, and simply throwing down and fighting against gifted fighters flaunting their natural 'talent'. Many of Brown's fights ended in bitter defeat, leaving Brown only with her life and the taste of blood in her mouth. Despite the injures she suffered and the scars that marked her body, Brown continued to push herself. Slowly she began to accumulate wins. Yet even her victories seemed hollow as the memory of her parents festered inside of her, refusing to let go. On her journey Brown encountered people that, through their words or their actions, seemed to imply that no matter how hard she worked there were things she could never ever do. Brown however did everything in her power to unleash her anger on those people, leaving them to choke on their own teeth and struggle to breath with ribs and arms broken like Popsicle sticks. At twenty two years old Brown found herself still striving to prove her parents wrong. She was determined to become the strongest Nomad in the world. Brown swore she would fight and leave the people born 'better' then her broken and crippled at her feet, robbed of the gifts they mocked her with. Brown would make her parents regret what they did and admit they were wrong. No matter who had to die for that to happen. Now Brown finds herself wrapped up in an unusual adventure. The whispers of stones holding incredible power has drawn the girl in like a moth to the flame. At the back of her mind Brown wonders if the Stones of Power are the key to getting her greatest desire...[/indent] [/indent] [h3][b]FIGHTING STYLE & ABILITIES[/b][/h3][hr] [indent][u][b]SKILLS & ABILITIES [/b][/u] [indent]Brown’s fighting style is vicious and wholly unrestrained, emulating traditional martial arts to a degree but ultimately boiling down to self-taught bare knuckled improvisation. She focuses on largely Ki-less fighting focused around aggressive close quarters attacks with particular use of hard contact strikes and techniques that abuse her body's natural functions for offence. Her moves have a balance of offence and utility, but leave her at a disadvantage in regards to range and reach.[/indent] [u][b]SIGNATURE MOVES [/b][/u] [indent][u]■ [Warrior’s Bane][/u] [indent][One of the only good things to come out of being a diseased weakling. Thanks to the nature of Brown's hereditary illness her Ki is naturally more difficult to sense. This passive ability makes regular Ki-sensing and similar techniques that revolve around seeing, locating, or feeling Ki are largely ineffective against Brown. It also makes it extremely difficult to tell how much Ki she has, preventing her enemies from easily gauging her strength.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Fresh Blood Surge][/u] [indent][Through direct overclocking of her adrenal glands and liver, Brown can detox great quantities of her blood while flooding the fresh blood with adrenaline. This allows her to flush poisons out of her body and burn off any anesthesia or sleep inducing substances introduced or exposed to her body. (Usable once per fight)][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Heddodibaida "HEAD DIVIDER][/u] [indent][A vicious grab breaker move where upon being grappled, Brown lurches forward or backwards and delivers a headbutt straight to the face of her opponent. The force of the blow is significant, but leaves her temporarily dizzied after use. Move cannot be used in rapid succession.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Sukaisendā "SKY SENDER"][/u] [indent][Through vigorously toned lower body muscles Brown kicks off the ground and launches upwards in an elbow uppercut, smashing the hard end of her arm into any enemy directly in front of or above her with an unpleasant degree of force. This move allows her to strike at flying or floating targets who would otherwise appear out of her reach.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Āmīrippā "ARMY RIPPER"][/u] [indent][Dropping to the ground or kicking off into the air, Brown throws out her leg and enters into a violent spin. Smashing away anything or anyone unfortunate enough to be caught in the spinning circular saw motion. This wide reaching attack can strike at multible targets or opponents surrounding her weather directly around or above her.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Reitō Shi No Haaku "FROZEN DEATH GRIP"][/u] [indent][Through manipulation of her body's blood vessels, sweat glands, and internal temperature Brown can flash-evaporate the moisture on one of her limbs causing a violent drop in surrounding temperature. By grabbing onto a target she can transfer the sudden drop in temperature to deal injury, sometimes even freezing water in the air to encase part of the target in ice. However this technique often greatly injures Brown, causing horrible frostbite and causing temporary loss of effectiveness in the limb used to trigger the technique.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Baiosandā "BIO THUNDER"][/u] [indent][Brown has learned to tap into the inherent electrical field produced by the human body and briefly amplify it enough to do damage. Through intense concentration Brown can send a powerful electrical current through one of her punches or by grappling onto a target. However doing so greatly disrupts her body's functions, temporarily dazing her and messing with her body's motor functions][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Ten'i sutoraiku "DISLOCATIVE STRIKE!"][/u] [indent][By dislocating her arm during a punch, Brown is able to extend the reach of her punch and strike a target that would otherwise be out of her reach. Doing so over course causes a lot of pain and forces Brown to re-set her shoulder, leaving her vulnerable to attack.][/indent][/indent] [u][b]SUPER MOVES [/b][/u] [indent] [u]■ [GIGA-TUMMO][/u] [indent][The body control temperature technique g-tummo taken to the extreme. After years of training Brown can control her body temperature and raise it to to the point her skin scalds others and melts ice on contact. When activated Brown’s skin becomes flushed and she begins to steam, becoming highly resistant to cold and low temperature based attacks. At the same time her touch attacks gain additional burning damage and she becomes difficult to grab or grapple by others without being scalded by her high temperature skin. Giga-Tummo only asks a few minutes as making her body too hot for too long can have detrimental effects on her health][/indent][/indent] [indent] [u]■ [Fururirīsu “FULL RELEASE”][/u] [indent][Suppressing her body’s natural regulator functions, Brown can push her muscles, organs, and nervous system to extreme lengths. Adrenaline production sky rockets, her heart thunders behind her ribs, and her muscles harden with new found strength. When active Full Release doubles Brown’s movement speed, reaction times, and physical strength. However Brown can only use Full Release for 1 (5?) minutes in total as the power comes from taxing her body and not from Ki usage. Muscles snap, blood vessels burst, and bones break under the force of her own blows. Once Full Release times out Brown’s attacks become weaker, her movement speed is halved, and she’s left with whatever injuries she sustained from her super charged strikes for the rest of the match.][/indent][/indent] [indent] [u]■ [Sourusurō “SOUL THROW”][/u] [indent][Pooling every single drop of her meager Ki reserves into a single attack Brown launches a golf ball sized orb of Ki at her enemy from one of her limbs. While the amount of Ki is small, it’s super condensed and fired off with the full force of her fighting spirit. What would normally be a meager, spammable Ki attack for anyone else, is turned into a defense piercing attack. Hair stands on end, her eyes dilate, and the flesh of the limb she channels her Ki into gets hot. Lunging the limb out a small concentrated ball of dark almost hazel colored Ki is release. It cuts through the air in a spiraling motion, tearing through anything in it’s path from sheer rotation force and heat, moving and hitting like a shot fired from an anti-material rifle. While penetrative and very accurate, the attack requires all of Brown’s Ki. If she whiffs the shot or the enemy simply doesn’t go down upon being hit, she has basically lost. While she can stay standing for a little while after using the attack, it’s normal for her to collapse or outright blackout after firing from the strain.][/indent][/indent] [u][b]WEAKNESSES & LIMITS [/b][/u] [indent]Brown suffers from a hereditary disease that prevented her from inheriting her parents power and started her off in life with far below average Ki. It took her countless years of brutal training just to get to the point of being above average. Even with her best efforts Brown will always have an unimpressive amount of Ki and will be at a disadvantage against those who were born with plenty of it. On top of that she can be incredibly sensitive and easily manipulated by her own feelings of weakness. Her fighting style, while being balanced and well ranged, lacks any potent Ki-based abilities. Up against a powerful Ki user or a fighter with specialized defense against martial attacks, Brown's in deep trouble. Most of her techniques actually harm her and have limited uses. [/indent] [/indent] [h3][b]OTHER[/b][/h3][hr] [indent][indent] • Brown never properly went to school. She learned a lot on her travels, was home-schooled briefly by Matsu, and is far from stupid, however she is lacking in things others would consider common knowledge. • Brown is a huge fan of the Parsnip Bunny & Friends show. It was a comfort to her when she was very little and when she was growing up. Even when traveling she did her best to regularly watch it. The abrupt end of the show was incredibly upsetting for Brown. • Brown LOVES melon bread and really likes snackfood in general. [/indent][/indent] [/hider] [hider=Matsu Kasshoku] [center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE0Mi5mOGU0MzAuVFdGMGMzVWdTMkZ6YzJodmEzVSwuMA,,/uchiyama.regular.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/638eba92-fe6f-4473-92b7-b055a01223f1/ddzjcdh-318cfa37-571a-4b62-855d-7bb6bbc92560.png/v1/fill/w_783,h_1021,q_70,strp/6_16_20_matsu__by_crosswire40_ddzjcdh-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD0xNjcwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNjM4ZWJhOTItZmU2Zi00NDczLTkyYjctYjA1NWEwMTIyM2YxXC9kZHpqY2RoLTMxOGNmYTM3LTU3MWEtNGI2Mi04NTVkLTdiYjZiYmM5MjU2MC5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.7iL1H4V_fynHdCKfqB7qC87Mtrx-KYrlrRRUiVT6Ht4[/img] [h2]⦋ [b]115[/b] || [b]Japanese[/b] || [b]Female[/b] ⦌[/h2] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iqdirz3g3Rk[/youtube][/center] [h3][b]OVERVIEW[/b][/h3][hr] [indent] [u][b]APPEARANCE [/b][/u] [indent]Matsu takes the form of a young women around 25 years old. She stands around 5 feet 11 inches and has short cut golden blond hair, the color of freshly cut idyllic wheat. A pair of fox ears sticks up from the top of her head with white fur marking the tips. Her skin as a sunny, fair complexion that gives a wild yet regal air to her even in the most violent and degrading of circumstances. While physically healthy with a lithe, toned athletic figure one would expect to see on a martial artist Matsu is missing her right arm. Severed above the elbow the grievous wound has since scarred over. It remains covered in a folded up sleeve at all times.[/indent] [u][b]BACKSTORY & MOTIVATION [/b][/u] [indent]Matsu was born in the mountains of Japan in the early 1900s. A part of a litter of twelve steppe Kitsune, mystical fox-like creatures capable of controlling the wind with their tails and shape-shifting. Her youth was spent the same as many other Kitsunes; Toying with humans and pulling all kinds of frustration inducing and unnerving tricks on them. Japan was a beautiful place with a rich culture, however the rather stern disposition of the people made them incredibly gratifying to bother and harass with trickery. Many Kitsunes well into their nine tails were content with living as mischievous spirits. Matsu however grew bored and frustrated with her siblings. Seeking to break away from the life other Kitsunes led Matsu looked for something drastic to set herself apart. One day she slipped into a mountain top monastery and caught sight of many monks practicing their martial arts. Watching from the shadows Matsu felt entranced by the movements and strange elegance of what the humans did. For a time she watched but eventually grew confident enough to try and mimic them, slowly learning on her own until seeking proper instruction. For years afterwards Matsu spent her days studying countless martial arts, filling her days with fights against skilled humans and other other Yokai of Japan. A great many number of human years passed and Matsu found herself an accomplished fighter. During that time the nation of Japan became embroiled in a great number of wars, including two "World Wars". It was during the second of the two "World Wars" that Matsu witnessed terrible acts of destruction. She became mistrustful, if not somewhat hateful towards militant human organizations after seeing the horrific things done by both the foreign invaders and the native military of her land. With two cities reduced to ashen graves in brilliant blasts of light and heat, Matsu saw fit to leave Japan and seek what the rest of the world had to offer. On her adventures she was joined by her young sister who was eager to tag along. Decades past and upon reaching her 100th birthday Matsu gained her second tail. Her growth and tales of her fighting prowess earned her the attention of a wonderful mate. At the same time her sister had learned enough from her to go off on her own. For a time everything for Matsu seemed perfect. Then one day it all came crashing down. One day Matsu took a job from the human organization "MAVERICK" to recover a scroll from a long forgotten temple. Though she had her misgivings Matsu took the job after being told that the scroll was dangerous in the wrong hands. No sooner did she get the scroll however did she encounter a strange being wielding a katana. She came to blows with the stranger in a clash for her life. Though she survived her fighting ability wasn't enough and her right arm was cut clean from her body. Collapsing to the ground the scroll was ripped from her severed hand and she was left to bleed out and die. Only the arrival of her younger sister, Akane, allowed her to be saved and healed. The loss of the limb destroyed the fighting style she had honed for nearly a century and crushed her fighting capability. Her humiliation in battle and near death shamed her mate, causing him to leave her for good. With her spirit and body broken, Matsu returned to Japan with the help of her sister. She settled down in a forest, thinking only of escaping the sorrow and sadness of what had happened to her. Despite Akane wishing to stay Matsu encouraged her sister to continue her travels and not be burdened by her. This left Matsu completely alone... Then one day, while walking through the woods, Matsu came upon a little girl crying on a forest path near a bench. Comforting the girl, assuming her to simply be lost, Matsu led her out of the woods and tried to help her find her parents. After just a little bit of searching it became clear that her parents had abandoned her and left the country all together. Unwilling to leave the human girl to fend for herself Matsu took the child in, giving her the name "Brown" to replace the insulting name given to the child at birth. For years the Kitsune lived in the woods with the sickly child. Teaching her, feeding her, and helping her to grow strong while giving her the love she seemed to have been deprived of. Having Brown in her life made Matsu able to forget the pain of losing her arm, mate, and the chance of having a child of her own. Years passed and Brown eventually sought to leave and travel the world to grow stronger. Matsu allowed her to go with her blessing and a small mountain of packed lunches. However just a few years after Brown left, Matsu received tragic news. Her younger sister had been killed. Though her corpse and some money was given to her, all Matsu had to go off of was that she had been traveling with a [i]doctor[/i] when her sister was killed. Crushed once again by loss and without Brown's comforting presence all of Matsu's doubts, fears, and shame hared down on her. The newfound happiness she had found in her life was dashed. She began to relive the moment of her humiliating defeat and have nightmares about the death of her sister. Worse yet is Matsu remembered that the little girl she had come to care for was human, and as a Kitsune she was capable of outliving her several dozen times over. Seeking some means of dashing her fears Matsu began to retrain herself to fight with one arm. Three years have passed since that decision and now Matsu finds herself ready to step onto the world stage once more. Eager to support brown and seek a remedy for the pain in her life. [/indent] [/indent] [h3][b]FIGHTING STYLE & ABILITIES[/b][/h3][hr] [indent][u][b]SKILLS & ABILITIES [/b][/u] [indent] Before the loss of her arm Matsu fought with a fluid mix of martial arts (and similar sects of fightIng) that she had come to learn over her many years of study and travel. With the loss of her right arm however she became unable to use the style effective as it required the use of two functional arms. Working hard however Matsu has worked to salvage what she learned and re-apply it to her current state of being. Now Matsu fights using her remaining left arm, legs, her ability to manipulate wind, and her innate kitsune trickery. Her fighting style is fast and relies on precise defence penetrating strikes, deception, and agility. Striking where her enemies are most vulnerable and ‘widening’ those vulnerabilities to abuse further. [/indent] [u][b]SIGNATURE MOVES [/b][/u] [indent][u]■ [Pinpoint Strike][/u] [indent][With her hand flat Matsu lungs out with her arm and strikes an enemy, delivering a tremendous amount of force to a small area through her fingertips to deal an armor-crushing penetrative blow.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Knee Breeze][/u] [indent][With an enemy close Matsu thrusts out her knee, focusing her ki into the cap and twisting the air in front of it to give a drill-like spin to the blow capable of ripping flesh and mangling reinforced steel.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Air Injection][/u] [indent][n anti-hold technique Matsu developed out of a fear of someone abusing the fact she only had a single arm. By running her ki through her arm she can strengthen and stiffen the fine hairs along it, turning them into what amount to tiny hypodermic needles. By running air through/along the hairs Matsu is able to ‘inject’ high pressure bubbles into any flesh/material in close proximity with her skin. Upon entering into flesh, stone, or metal, the bubbles rapidly expand and cause devastating damage. More than enough to destroy any restrains binding her arm or injure any limb grappling her own.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Transformation][/u] [indent][Using her innate Kitsune ability Matsu can transform herself to look like another person regardless of gender, size, or build. Though she does not inherent that individual's strength, abilities, or the proper use of their working right arms, she is able to mimic their appearance and voices perfectly with only her shadow giving her away. Though not particularly effective in direct confrontations Matsu can use this to devastating effect in debilitating psychological attacks on her enemies. Taking the form of those they care about or held dear and angering them or wounding their confidence by saying horrible things to them. Out of combat she can use her ability to escape trouble by disguising or fish for information by posing as others][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Aerial Mine][/u] [indent][Compressing gases into a ball and binding them with her ki, Matsu is able to create a baseball sized directional 'mine' of sorts. When touched or disturbed it will 'unfurl' like a tightly wound ball of razor wire erupting and slashing the one who disturbed it, unleashing a sudden swirl of steel cutting gales. Invisible to the naked eye Matsu is able to stick these 'mines' to anything, even herself, to set up traps and use for tricks. However Matsu is only able to make two of these mines at once and they are detectable by those with powerful senses or sensors.][/indent][/indent] [u][b]SUPER MOVES [/b][/u] [indent] [color=FFD700][h3] [u]■ [KAMIKAZI DIVINE WIND OF DESTRUCTION!][/u][/h3][/color] [indent][Focusing all her ki into her left arm Matsu begins to pull in gases from the environment around her. She compresses them into a disk suspended above her open palm. Then she begins to spin the disk. Fast and faster, amassing insane speed and momentum with every momentum. Until the disk of compressed air looks like a miniature hurricane in her palm, whipping the air around it like a proper storm. Racing towards her enemy Matsu swings out her arm as if it were a sword and slams the disk into her enemy. The spinning disk of compressed air cuts like an anti-material saw, finer and sharper than any normal blade crafted by mortal hands could. It pierces all but the most significant of defences, parting any material it comes in contact with so cleanly you would never expect they were connected to begin with. Matsu can only maintain the ‘saw’ for so long however and while capable of throwing it, the saw dissipates rapidly after leaving her palm. ][/indent][/indent] [u][b]WEAKNESSES & LIMITS [/b][/u] [indent]Matsu is fast, precise, and skilled. However powerful she may be however in contests of raw strength of overt physical force she will likely lose. Her power and fighting style relies on the precise application of power. Broader demands for physical strength leave her at a disadvantage. The loss of one of her arm also leaves her at something of a disadvantage leaving her right side vulnerable to attacks and difficult to defend under normal circumstances. Her attacks and fighting style usually require close contact to work, meaning fights at a distance are a losing proposition for her[/indent] [/indent][h3][b]OTHER[/b][/h3][hr] [indent][indent] •Matsu is more or less Brown's surrogate mother. As a result she enjoys doting on Brown and is extremely protective of her. [/indent][/indent] [/hider]