Dio stopped in his tracks when Raphaella's surges of electricity shot forth in front of him. Turning around to being pummeling the princess into the earth was the very first thought that swung into his mind; a thought that was almost instantly stopped by common sense. Common sense not being the norm for Dio. Oh how a fight could make him feel better and maybe Raphaella could bring him a better opponent then anyone else here could provide. A sigh reverberated through his throat and out his mouth as he decided to stay put. His head turned just enough for him to see everyone with his left eye whilst the shadow of his bangs and hood covered the rest of his face. It was a wonder just what she could say to halt Dio's departure. "Invited to die, huh?" Dio commented in a rather smug tone. The Minion's invitation did intrigue him. Such an invitation had to lead to challenges that could very well test all his abilities. It was a beautiful prospect alongside possibly meeting up with Sol once again. Then Raphaella began spewing words about sticking together and how Issun would be interested in the people that had defeated his minion today. Shard answered pretty quickly before he could muster up his words. This Shard chick peaked his interest. She was quick with her words and completely right in his eyes. If everyone else felt that this would be a good idea then he could give it a chance. "Fine....I'm in." Dio responded to Raphaella while turning to face her. He took a more casual stance reminiscent of Sol with his hand on his free hand on his hip. "So what's the plan of attack? How do we go about meeting this Issun chump?" there was only a small bit of hope in Dio's words that Raphaella had more of an idea on what to do next.