[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/654438713455149084/665377278007574559/image0.png[/img] [sub][@KZombi3] [@BlueTommy][/sub][/center][hr] [b]"A good warrior sharpens his sword. A greater warrior sharpens his mind."[/b] These words of his father's wisdom clung to his mind, as did many things that the man had taught him. However, with recent events, these specfic ones came to the forefront. He made it an assurity that the written exams were to be the least of his concerns. In the world they lived in, the pen was no mightier than the sword. The words on that paper were merely rules, reminders, recommendations. This was the real test. His eyes stared into the legendary Forest of Death, unshaken by the daunting task. While others may have laughed at the '69' joke that their proctor decided to indulge, Yosuke's mind was elsewhere. He was thinking about what he might face in there. Most notably, his peers with whom he was to be going to war against. Who his team would run into, how to best counter the ones whose abilities he knew of. The end result was not in question, team 7 would pass. The matter was, doing it with Asami alive and Hirameki with most of his respective pieces. Yosuke's headbush swayed in the breeze, his arms crossed beside his friends. His eyes remained on the forest though, as they got their death threats and quips in. Honestly, he was more concerned about these two killing each other before anyone in this forest could. He had faith in them though, that they'd put their minor issues aside to succeed. As expected, Hirameki was the first to get talking. His shennanigans and planning was rather common, with varying degrees of success in the past. So far he managed to state the obvious, that they'd need a strategy before going in. The juvenile swordsman nearly rolled his eyes at that. However, the strategy presented was passable, and Yosuke nodded in some agreement. [color=CB6F36]"Almost 'purfect',"[/color] Yo mimicked her use of the word, finally looking at them. [color=CB6F36]"But, remember. Our priority is to get the scrolls, and then to the tower. That means that if taking the scroll and running is the best option. Don't let pride get in the way of what we worked for."[/color] He added to the plam, eyeing the wooden token of his clan that was looped around his bicep. [color=CB6F36]"Some battles aren't worth fighting."[/color]