[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/6g8onsz41/6a8a04c0ca1b1adbb23631ae5dfd661b.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/4dR0g1Vq/image.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.postimg.cc/LsxvR2j0/image.gif[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@Natsu][/center][hr][center][h3][color=84B4E2][b]The Kingdom of Attilan - the Moon: February 14th, 2021 - 11:50 A.M.[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=add3ff]Dominika Novikova[/color] and [color=f6989d]Bonnie Chase[/color][/b][/h3][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] the Ruins of Attilan [b]Skills:[/b] [color=f6989d]Blessing of Athena, Intuition[/color], [color=add3ff]Earth Manipulation[/color] [/center][hr] The last twenty minutes were a blur. Sparky made a near perfect Life Model Decoy of Oliver, although the machine was unable to mimic his power of superspeed. It could communicate and approximate responses Oliver would have given with only 22% error, fairly impressive given the short time Sparky had had to prepare it. The news reports indicated that the attacks in Cardiff had ceased. Thanos and the Black Order must have accepted Oliver's challenge. Doctor Strange had used the Time Stone as promised in the laboratory, speeding up the process as he manipulated the time stream and produced the first batch of M-Pox cures. There were only five and he gave the first of these to Sparky, meaning the team would be at full strength in the final battle. Cass flew the quinjet this time and they touched down outside the ruins of Attilan's palace. [color=f6989d]"Freddie?"[/color] Bonnie caught Flynn's attention softly. She wasn't going to pretend they weren't heading into an incredibly dangerous situation. They had barely made it out of the first fight against the Black Order. It could have easily just been beginner's luck that they were still alive. [color=f6989d]"After we get back to Earth... I'm inviting you to spend the night in my room,"[/color] she said quietly, so only he could hear. She hadn't let him spend the night with her before - and by that, she meant actually sleeping, not making the beast with two backs. Sparky had had Raynor ripped away from her. Bonnie was done wasting the time she had with Flynn. They could both be dead within the hour after all. This time around, everyone was already in protective suits and gear, so there were no unexpected terrigenesis events as they disembarked the quinjet. Bonnie still couldn't help but marvel at Attilan. It was a functioning civilization - or at least, it had been before the Black Order came around - on the [i]Moon[/i]. The inhumans had figured out how to contain an atmosphere within a bubble of sorts, meaning that the air (albeit laced with terrigen) was breathable. The architecture on the fallen structures strongly implied how impressive and regal the city must have looked. Her heart sank, realizing that more than buildings had fallen. Hundreds of thousands of people were dead here. [color=add3ff]"If this doesn't work, I'm blaming you,"[/color] Novikova told Oliver bluntly. She didn't like him. He had taken her job. Novikova knew logically that she had been fired and Oliver had been assigned to fill the vacancy, but her emotions liked the version where Oliver was a villain better. The narrative suited him being the son of Thanos and the idiot who had nearly given her wife M-Pox after all. If the Black Order hurt Maria at all, Novikova would be the first one to throw Oliver over to the enemy. She wouldn't even blink. [color=53A981]"If the plan fails, the Black Order will kill Oliver. They will then have no reason to threaten Earth any further,"[/color] Doctor Strange pointed out a bit coldly. The necklace he wore around his neck with the green stone had seemingly vanished. [color=53A981]"I cannot risk having the Eye out with Thanos so near... I've sent it to another dimension for safekeeping."[/color] [color=add3ff]"Lovely. And here they come,"[/color] Novikova said. A [url=https://i.redd.it/3dd50j6qa1o31.jpg]massive ship[/url] entered the upper atmosphere. Its immense shadow blotted out the sun, sending all of Attilan into darkness. The protective suits started to glow like flashlights though, so the team wasn't blind at least. A tractor beam of sorts appeared from the ship and then suddenly, four women materialized a good thirty feet away from them. One of them was Proxima Midnight. The three others were new - one with pale white skin and hair, one with green skin and red hair, one with blue skin, a bionic arm, and a bionic eye. Bonnie paled slightly, relieved and scared that Thanos wasn't among them. She had been so certain that he would come to face Oliver. Something clicked in her head though. Thanos hadn't come earlier either. And in the news, Cardiff was under attack from a ship - not from the Mad Titan himself. Thanos was intentionally avoiding the conflict. He wanted Oliver gone desperately because of the prophecy... [i]he was afraid[/i]. [color=f6989d]"Oliver, Thanos is afraid of you. He won't come to face you, he won't risk it,"[/color] Bonnie concluded. [color=f6989d]"He's terrified that if you come anywhere near him, he'll die."[/color] [color=add3ff]"Gee, thanks, Agent Obvious,"[/color] Novikova rolled her eyes. "We're here for Thane - and my spear," Proxima Midnight told the agents. "Personally, I'd rather a fight - I'm [i]bored[/i]," the blue one complained. The green girl rolled her eyes, filing her nails on her sword. Its blade glinted menacingly. "They're terrans, Nebula. They don't know how to do much other than drink and fight." "She's right," the white haired one added. Proxima Midnight held up her hands. "You've convinced me. Let's kill them all and then obliterate their pathetic planet. In the name of death! In the name of sorrow! In the name of chaos and war! In the name of Thanos! HUNT AND KILL!" She had a new lance in her hands, electricity moving up and down the weapon like a snake. Proxima Midnight charged forward, targeting Matt. Her aim was perfect and true, only suddenly the rock beneath her feet jutted upwards and sent Proxima flying up into the air. She landed on her feet gracefully a good ten feet behind Matt. Novikova smirked. [color=add3ff]"Sorry, I didn't realize we were doing solo fights."[/color] The white haired warrior - Black Swan - went after Tinley. She levitated up into the air (or artificial atmosphere, really), her white hair fluttering around her. Her black eyes turned red and emitted beams of plasma, not unlike the X-Men Cyclops. These beams slammed into Tinley. They were so intense they penetrated the safety of the suit and [i]severed Tinley's left leg clean[/i]. The evil Supergirl yawned slightly. Nebula set her sights on Bonnie, picking her out as the least physically imposing agent. While she looked like a cyborg, Nebula still had some weapons that weren't part of her body. She had wrist mounted blasters that had managed to stun the Silver Surfer before. She fired these off at the blonde S.H.I.E.L.D. agent without remorse. Yet as the beams charged towards her, it was like the adrenaline enhanced Bonnie's reflexes. She dodged out of the way and the beams hit the lunar surface behind her, kicking up dust and rocks as Nebula accidentally created a new crater. Gamora decided to get straight to the point. With her sword drawn, she approached Oliver - yet she didn't attack him. She waited for him to accept the challenge, to duel her to the death. "I'm your sister, Gamora," she introduced herself. "You can surrender and I'll kill you painlessly. Or you can fight to the death and I'll kill you all the same."