Alright, for the first of my returning characters, Margot Coudray: [hider=Margot "Renard Bleu" Coudray] [center][h1][b][img],/scriptina.regular.png[/img][/b][/h1] [img][/img] [hr][hr] [h2]⦋ [b]24[/b] || [b]French[/b] || [b]Female[/b] ⦌[/h2] [youtube][/youtube][/center] [h3][b]APPEARANCE & PERSONALITY[/b][/h3][hr] [indent] [u][b]APPEARANCE [/b][/u] [indent]Margot carries herself with a distinctly aristocratic air. While her beauty speaks for itself, her height is something of note, as she stands at nearly six feet. Thankfully, she has the money to make sure that whatever she’s wearing fits her. This includes her now trademark blue fencing outfit which evokes the swashbucklers of old, complete with a wide brimmed hat, a fox-shaped mask, and a cape. While these all serve practical purposes (Keeps the sun out of her eyes, vision enhancement, and weather protection), the only other practical concessions to her dangerous lifestyle is a recently added lining of kevlar and practical shoes.[/indent] [u][b]PERSONALITY TRAITS [/b][/u] [indent]- Analytical - Dramatic - Proud - Driven to the point of stubbornness - Quick to Snark[/indent] [u][b]BACKSTORY & MOTIVATION [/b][/u] [indent]Margot’s family can trace their origins back to the days of the Musketeers, where they served alongside the actual Athos, Aramis, Porthos, and D’Artangan. Since then, at least one member from every generation served under the crown of France. When the Revolution came, their blood was spilled on both sides of the conflict, and even more lost their heads to the guillotine. Still, when France needed them, the Coudray family answered. Members marched on Moscow under Napoleon, fought in the trenches of Verdun, and pushed the Nazis from Paris. Growing up listening to these stories impressed a sense of pride and heritage on Margot. While not as militarily inclined as her forefathers, she took up the family sword-fighting tradition from a young age. While the art had certainly fallen by the wayside on the modern battlefield, no shortage of Nomads fill criminal ranks the world over. A chance encounter and foiling of a mugging convinced her to 'even the odds'. Taking up the mantle 'Renard Bleu', she joined the ranks of amateur vigilantes as she strove to keep alive the ideals of the Musketeers by defending the weak. Unfortunately, like many other Vigilantes, the rush of fighting and fame proved to be all too alluring. More and more of her time was devoted to showing off her own powers through theatrical interventions in criminal activities, extending to participating in fighting tournaments with others, even making a tidy sum off the winnings. On the streets her interventions became more theatrical, often planning her arrivals to maximize the impact and visibility. However in doing so she broke one of the cardinal rules of vigilantism: Do Not Interfere With A Police Investigation. While thwarting street level drug deals and robberies were one thing, breaking into Milieu connected offices and businesses was a big no-no. The search for evidence often complicated police investigations by tainting any evidence that was gathered, making it inadmissible in court. Margot did one worse. While investigating a business related to the Comtois family she accidentally blew the cover of an undercover police officer. What started as a simple break-in soon turned into a frantic three way fight between the police, the Comtois, and a handful of vigilantes. When the dust settled, there were multiple casualties on all sides, the DGSE had lost years worth of progress, and the Comtois even managed to sue some of the unmasked vigilantes. The uproar was immediate. While the public had rallied behind the vigilantes and their fight for the common man, so many dead police soured public outlook towards them. Calls to reign in vigilantes soon forced many to retire or submit to oversight. Margot chose neither, convinced that she had been set up for failure. Fuming, she left France, using her sizable winnings to travel the world, eventually ending up in Gold City on one of her many stops as she considered her options, and do some soul searching. [/indent] [/indent] [h3][b]FIGHTING STYLE & ABILITIES[/b][/h3][hr] [indent][u][b]FIGHTING STYLE [/b][/u] [indent]Typically Margot wields two blades, a rapier in her main hand and a parrying dagger in her off hand. In normal fights, she keeps the sheathes of her blades on, only exposing then when a fight gets serious. Until that point, they act like a pair of clubs, albeit pretty ones. This also gives her extra reach compared to most other fighters. A world class fencer, Margot wins fights by controlling when and how she moves into striking range. Always mobile, she often attacks and moves in one motion. When possible, she tries to follow up an attack with a combo to press an advantage. She uses her fighting spirit to reinforce these techniques, using it to augment the speed and range of her lunges as well as enhance her mobility. As her technique represents hundreds of years of refinement, she is also trained in ki sensing, though she also augments this with her mask's vision enhancements. [/indent] [u][b]SPECIAL MOVES & TECHNIQUES [/b][/u] [indent]■ Coupe-rose (Rose Cutter) [indent] One of her only ground fighting moves, Margot dashes forward and slides, sweeping the opponent's legs out from under them with a kick. She then follows up a series of slashes with her dagger and sword as she swiftly rises to her feet again.[/indent][/indent] [indent]■ Fouetter (Whip) [indent] Margot makes a mighty leap, slashing her target as she ends up behind them with her sword before whipping around to stab them in the back with her dagger. [/indent][/indent] [indent]■ Le Saut du Chat (The Cat's Leap) [indent] Expending her fighting spirit, Margot can rapidly move a few steps in the blink of an eye. She often uses this to disengage or engage opponents. [/indent][/indent] [indent]■ Riposte [indent] A rather simple technique, Margot uses her dagger to parry an incoming attack before driving her sword home, allowing her to punish those that come to her. This is usually followed up with a kick to push the opponent back.[/indent][/indent] [indent]■ Six pétales de lys (Six Petals of the Lily) [indent] Margot initiates a rapid series of slashes against her opponent, striking from the front repeatedly to disorient them and force them back. [/indent][/indent] [u][b]SUPER MOVES [/b][/u] [indent]■ Attaque Vengerrese (Gale Strike) [indent] Focusing her fighting spirit, she can make her sword strikes so quick that the very air itself becomes an extension of her attacks. This effectively increases the reach of her sword by several feet, striking her opponents far beyond her normal range. [/indent][/indent] [indent]■ Tempête d'épées (Storm of Swords) [indent] Margot lets her fighting spirit flow through her, blades becoming a light as a feather as she moves at the speed of wind. Using her agility, she dashes around the battlefield. She can effectively teleport like this, and becomes very hard to hit.[/indent][/indent] [indent]■ Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno (One for All, All for One) [indent] With a burst of energy, Margot becomes fast enough to leave afterimages. Utilizing this speed, she can chain together a series of blows that come so fast and from so many angles that it seems that she has suddenly gained an untold number of allies which have all decided to strike at once. [/indent][/indent] [u][b]WEAKNESSES & LIMITS [/b][/u] [indent]Margot's fighting style has a tendency to over-extend. If she misses with her initial strike, she has difficulty following up and is left open for retaliation. Additionally any character that can keep her close will have a definite advantage over her, especially once they get within the range of her sword. [/indent] [/indent] [h3][b]OTHER[/b][/h3][hr] [indent][indent] - She actually has a degree, BS in Economics from Ecole Polytechnique, and her knowledge of the stock market has helped stretch her funds while traveling. [/indent][/indent] [/hider]