Argin Kingdom A long figure stood on the docks. Calm and serene, in a cloak that billowed with the breeze. Before her, drifting off to sea was a boat. Upon that boat there was a roaring flame which quickly engulfed the wooden vessel. The wind was in the cloaked figures favor, and quickly pushed the ship out to sea. The further away it was from the docks, and curious eyes, the better. If the variables were in her favor, the ship Grace stole from the marines wouldn't be found soon, and if she was really lucky, it would be found far enough by people who weren't fans of the world government and so would leave the ship to rot were it was. Sighing, the figure shook her head. Piloting a ship was something she had some know how in regards to, thanks to the myriad of books she'd grown up with, but it just wasn't practical, not with a single person. If she wanted to get further in the grand line, and then out to the new world, she'd have to align herself with a crew that was heading in the same direction. Shrugging off the death of the ideal situation, the figure turned and headed into the town, certain an opportunity would present itself. After all, there was a great big world of adventurers, and it appeared they were all restless. No doubt she'd find someone going her way. Then, it was just a matter of going with them as far as she could until either a better opportunity presented itself, or the current situation included too many negative variables to make worth the risk. Grace headed deeper into the kingdom until her stomach started growling. When was the last time she ate? A day, maybe two? Strange how she was able to leave her home on a whim and pilot a vessel she'd never seen before, but couldn't remember when her last meal was. The outside world was a strange, and possibly wondrous place indeed. As she continued down the small road she caught the smell of something that doubled the pain in her stomach. Eyes closed she raised her nose to the air and sniffed gingerly. It was close. Stopping to look around, Grace eyed the immediate area, and an old tavern looking structure caught her eye. On it was a sign that said the old dread in. That would be her first destination. She detected a seediness about it as she closed the distance, a fact that was all but confirmed as she noted a man coming out, with what looked like a drunkern in tow. There was a part of her, deep down that warned it might be wise to try somewhere else for a meal, but that was quickly silenced by another rumble in her tummy. Hand on the door, she pushed inside and was met with silence, and the sight of a stranger in a cloak, talking with a group of individuals who were paying rapt attention to her, or at least one, in a cloak was paying rapt attention to her. The other man was watching with something akin to interested disinterest. Strange how nobody in the room seemed to care, but her eyes immediately zoomed in on the table. Without hesitating Grace stepped towards the group. [color=blue]"I'm sorry to be so forward"[/color] Grace stopped and noted the paper with the blade in it. [color=blue]"But what's going on here?"[/color]