[@ERode] I think I stated it in the CS, but she can't move very fast during time stop. It's also the sort of thing that would drain her mana really fast if she went to do anything dramatic. I recall ari saying that gravity and time were interlinked a bit, so I'm not even sure if it needs t obe a gifted ability. Regardless, I have no problem removing it. She's built around the idea of being an inescapable predator, and timestop is usually used as an offensive move. Will get right on the "beast thing." Yes, Behemoths are just the RP's strongest classification of monster. She would be scheming something for one of these to show up. At present, her Phylactery is located on her original world in a mangled building. It's probably not going to stay there, as it's hard to look after and god forbid a monster decides to eat it. I was thinking after she makes a few friends and establishes a hideout, its new location would be revealed ICly.