[@LegendBegins] As someone who uses a (private) forum which has the functionality of 'fixing' broken BBCode in a preview pane, I'd be against it. In that forum's case, it ended up more frustrating than it's worth when autocorrecting anything more complex than simple bolding/italicising/colours, and it's generally not so hard to fix these errors anyway. It would seem to be an unnecessary addition. I'd be down for highlighting errors as a luxury, but automatically fixing them seems like it could cause more problems than it's worth. A further worry is that it would end up like the previous BBCode update from years back. It may not break current RP threads which rely on these errors [i]until edited[/i], but for some of us with active roleplays who edit/update posts fairly frequently, it could be extremely annoying. As an example, old accounts with posts from before the last update have... considerable glitches, as in you literally cannot save any edits you make/delete the content of them/etc.