[center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/uFY0Reo.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/KNueJNm.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/faFVXYs.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/X7zKc5z.png[/img] [hr][hr][/center] Hagan was so bullheaded at the moment that what Finn said to him barely even registered. What was about to register was his boot up Stacey's bitch ass. He narrowed his eyes at the son of a bitch as his grip got a little tighter. [quote=Stacey]"Let go, let go, please. I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. She ki-kissed me first. I didn't touch her. I swear, Brodie, I didn't! Do-don't hit me, Brodie. I'm sorry!"[/quote] And Hagan's grip loosened because he was so caught off guard by... whatever the fuck Stacey was going through that his narrow stare turned concerned? What the fuck? Who the fuck is Brody? What the fuck is Stacey even on about? He tilted his head as he asked. "The fuck are you even on about, faggot?" Hagan asked as finally what Finn and Isla said registered in his head. He whipped his head around towards Finn as he hissed, "If he does it again, I'll kill him right here and now!" "Hagan..." Zoey trailed off, "You're scaring me a bit here." Hagan paused. He looked down and saw Isla also telling him to relent. He felt her touch him but couldn't feel anything but some type of revulsion. Not saying or doing a thing. He shook his arm so that Isla would release him before he shoved Stacey hard as he could to the ground. Before he took a few steps away and walked into the nearest office without a word. And Zoey sighed. Okay, she admitted that she stirred the pot there a bit but hey. Long as they aren't jumping down [i]her[/i] throat. Zoey shook her head as she wanted to talk to Hagan but they needed to get accountability. Spooky Bitch and Penny were out there for a long time. "Okay, I'm going to make sure that Penny's good..." Zoey spoke as she slid over towards the front doors of the bank. There were some odd sounds outside, like... people. And Zoey was hoping that this one long schizophrenic episode came to a fucking end soon. Throwing open the doors was a confusing experience for Zoey. The entire environment had completely changed from whatever weird-ass generic city to... [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/500306967487578132/718818699288641656/image1.jpg]a bright and colorful city[/url]. Almost like she stepped through a time machine and entered the fucking 50's. Or 60's? Whatever the fuck. She was not home, but the streets of Paradise (?) were crowded and busy as all hell. Zoey was frozen as she looked back. "Guys," She started, "Penny and Dessa are gone!" Shit, this wasn't good. She was hoping that the two were okay. "... And we're [i]definitely[/i] not where we last checked." [center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/amj5CbJ.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/bDv4w6L.png[/img] [hr][hr][/center] [i]She's losing it.[/i] Odessa thought to herself with the tiniest grin as Penny rambled on. It didn't look like she listened given that she just stood there, staring at her with that smirk on her face. It was funny, that seemingly nothing was going their way. Fortunately, Odessa knew that there was a [i]possibility[/i] that they could run into the rest of the strangers again. Or... they could end up like Mao and Lilith and disappear without a trace. It would be unfortunate if they never saw them again, but - for personal reasons - Odessa didn't like the idea of seeing some of them again. [quote=Penny][color=goldenrod]“Any guesses as to what we do? I mean obviously we got to find them, but like how? Can you do your weird thing and sense them?”[/color][/quote] Odessa chuckled. "If you sacrifice just a virgin or two, I can work my magic," Odessa laughed, "But there are [i]definitely[/i] not a single virgin around here." She joked again as she placed her hands together and walked down the stairs. It was her way of adding levity to the situation. Any type. Because far as Odessa could tell, they were fighting insanity as much as whatever the hell this Paradise was throwing at them. Stay sane, stay alive. That's what she kept telling herself... but Odessa felt like people like her are already broken beyond repair. And should stay that way. When her foot hit the final stair Odessa fell to her knees. She pressed her hands up against the ground and focused, channeling her sensing ability the most that she could. Last time she tested it she could sense [i]all[/i] Extra-Normals within the range of, say, a moderately sized city. However, that was an approximation and as talented, beautiful, and graceful Odessa was... she was far from perfect. Of course, she was never going to let [i]Penny[/i] or anyone else know that. By channeling this ability, Odessa found one person... and she sighed. "... It seems we have business to attend to, first," Odessa said as she stood up and faced Penny. "I can sense [i]one[/i] Extra-Normal. And only one." She sighed. "... We should handle it first," Odessa said as she began walking towards it. Before she stopped on one foot and started laughing again. She pulled her dreadlocks aside as she said, "It's almost like this place wants us to do this, walk down this path."