The only detail that betrayed the impact of Meesei's spell in the eyes of the Dominion -- apart from eyes darting left and right to the soldiers beside them -- was the delay before they responded. They had to process the site in front of them as if it was an illusion. The Dominion officer on the ground showed the most expression through his helmet. It was the most incredulous he had ever been in his long life. But he knew exactly what Meesei's magic meant. He pointed a bound sword towards the enemy. "Advance, lightning!" His order barked across the lines and lit up the right hands of every dominion soldier. A cavalcade of lightning bolts flashed and forked directly into the Daedra pincered by the Nords and Senche-Raht cavalry. Bestial cries of pain and indignity played out between the magical sparks that cut them down behind their fallen defences. When the front rank ran short of magicka, they would fold back to allow the next rank to take over the magical assault. And the slow march resumed in the Dominion forces, closing in on the Daedra to reduce their manoeuvres. Sabine found her chance to help then and there by ensuring the spells kept flowing. She raised the Staff of Magnus towards the sky and let a bright restoration magic flow into all the Altmer around her, keeping their magicka reserves comfortably replenished.