[hr] [h1][center]Isaiah Hussian the III [/center][/h1] [hr] Isaiah stared at the drink as he slowly began consuming it. Wishing he had a mess hall compared to something other officers would get onboard the station, or at least being able to trade meals for solid and possibly better foods. He stared at the liquid as it was slowly lowering only able to tolerate so much of it in his mouth at once. It was like he tasted his mouth, not being able to clean himself due to the lack of items properly, but he hated the taste. His eyes closed as he pressed his lips to the cup once again, and he placed it down. He stood, done with it before he turned to a messenger, some young lad like him who had been tasked with finding him and asking him to go to the medical room for an inspection. Why would they need to look over him, they shanghaied him, for what reason, probably just needed crew. He rolled his eyes and muttered to himself as he walked past the man, "Fine, yep gonna go see the doc for whatever reason..." After a few minutes, he stopped and thought for a moment where was the damn infirmary, medical deck, whatever the ship had. He didn't know the ship that well, or at all, but what little signage or crew was near him helped. It might have helped if he had gained augmentation for some form of visual assistance, but he despised it as much as his parents did. Now, what he could go for is the beautiful landscape of his homeworld, lovely beautiful skies lacking the smog of hives, wide-open dunes, the eventual grasslands full of roaming beasts to ride upon, or even the few tropical forests that dotted the landscapes. Possibly he could have been sailing on a luxury yacht with some beautiful women on the outskirt. Still, no he decided he was going to be in the navy, not the PDF, not one of three regiments of guardsmen the planet kept reinforced and maintained. He eventually found the doctor's office through his daydreaming and more or less annoying whomever he could see where he was going. Knocking on the door to wait for his 'appointment,' was it an appointment, or was it just an inspection. ((TBContinued in a cooperative))