Ash never answered him, but the fact that she was up and moving around was enough to convince Rohaan that, though she was a little battered, she'd be fine. Good, at least he didn't have to worry about that. The dagger still bothered him though. Not enough to make a fuss of it, but he sort of hated the thing and wished he didn't have to see it again. Rohaan reminded himself that he just had to get this girl to Valdemar and his contract was over, and he could go about his merry way. He could deal with a lot of uncomfortable things until then. As Ash began the grim work of sorting through the bodies, Rohaan sat down on the floor and began slipping out of his gear--his leather bandolier of pockets, his leather vest, and his gray shirt--so he could mend both the cut on his arm and his clothes. His bare torso told stories of injury and abuse, and one of his ribs looked like it had once been broken and had healed a little crooked. A pale round scar on his left shoulder suggested an old arrow wound. From one of the pockets of the bandolier, he produced a little bundle of waxed cloth that contained a sticky greenish-gold salve that smelled both sweet and pungent, and a strip of old cloth. After unceremoniously wiping the excess and mostly coagulated silver blood from the wound and then wiping that on the stone floor, he liberally coated the cut with the salve. Rohaan wrapped a band of cloth around it as a bandage, using his teeth and his one free hand to tie the knot. With that sorted, he tucked away the wound care supplies and took out a needle and a little wooden spool of thread that he used to stitch the sleeve of his shirt back together. The shifter was just donning his gear once again when Ash asked if he was ready. Rohaan looked at the glowing ring and made no effort to hide the derision in his expression as he pulled out a flask and took a long pull from it. He gave a long, begrudging sigh as he lowered the flask. "I am now," he muttered, and sat down to take Ash's hand. He'd be glad to be rid of Karl Valdemar when this was all over.