[b]File Entry[/b] - "Flesh Flu" [img=https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTkEqfZLEt0dRoQgUurTiCNegwzAv9xWpT2q0EJ_okwcoAQUHvU] [b]Specimen ID[/b] - 002 [b]Classification[/b] - Omega Phenomenon [b]Description[/b] - Specimen 002 is a spirillum class bacterial infection transmitted through physical, skin on skin contact with the effected cells of an individual. 002 infections are characterized by inflammation of the respiratory tract and by fever, chills, and muscular pain. Symptoms also include nausea, vomiting, sporadic genetic mutation on a massive scale, profuse sweating, headache, and in a few cases, death. 002 displays infectious properties and symptoms identical to influenza with the difference being that 002 appears to infect and alter its host's genetic code. Subjects infected with 002 will experience rapid mutation, growth, and loss of biomass, appendages, and organs. Some genetic growths may detach from the individuals body and display a rudimentary form of locomotion. This behavior is not subject to the will of the infected individual as once these growths have detached, they become independent organisms until they expire. Despite it's anomalous properties, the human immune system seems to be capable of synthesizing a method of fighting and overcoming the infection. However this process typically takes between 4 and 7 weeks and can vary depending on the condition of the effected individuals health prior to 002 infection. Once all traces of the infection have been terminated from a hosts body, their genetic code and physiology will return to normal, though subjects tend to retain striae over the entirety of their epidermis where mutations had formed, and acute muscle pains. No known cure for specimen 002 has been developed. [b]Containment Protocol[/b] - In the event of a 002 outbreak, any and all effected individuals are to be detained and any location deemed contaminated is to be quarantined immediately after specimen confirmation. Any attempts quarantined individuals make to escape containment is to be considered a threat to global security and neutralized appropriately. Once all subjects infected with specimen 002 have been located and contained, they are to be transported to the nearest Foundation facility and placed in a sanitary containment ward. Effected subjects are to be cared for by on site medical staff equipped with bio-hazard protective gear until such time that they expire or recover from the infection. Any growths that detach from host are to be considered a Omega class entity and neutralized immediately via incineration. Any subjects that make a full recovery from a 002 infection are to be questioned and then administered an amnestic drug. Dosages vary relative to the amount of time subject was detained. A sample of the 002 bacteria is to be stored on-site at any given facility in a Quarantined, heavy containment vault for the purposes of research towards synthesis of a cure. Access to 002 samples is highly classified and rarely granted. All experiments and research involving 002 is to be cleared by a Department Head or higher ranking officer. [b]Experiment Log[/b] [b]Incident Log[/b]