[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmJlOTlkMS5VbVZwSUZOaGRHOCwuMAAAAAAA/sunday-best.regular.png[/img][hr][sub][@Riegal] [@AdmrlStalfos19][/sub][hr][/center][indent][color=lightgray]The piercing sound of an alarm blared out, cutting through what was otherwise nothing but peaceful silence. 7:00 AM on the dot. Rei opened her eyes, the disheveled woman groaning softly as she shut off (not snooze) the alarm. As comfortable as her bed was, and as much as she would've liked to stayed in underneath the warmth of her sheets and blankets, routine was important. It was one of the many components of maintaining order in her life, and she valued the structure of her life more than five measly minutes in bed. Rubbing her eyes as the light of the day flooded her room, she sighed and shuffled out of bed. Despite Rei heading to bed at about 12 AM and getting about seven hours of sleep, it felt like she had slept less than half of that, and it was reflected in her grogginess and lack of haste when it came to coming out of it. Her sleep was rather turbulent, filled with what could be best described as nightmares. Rei wasn't aware that she was having them, as she had thought that it was impossible for her as an adult to continue to have nightmares. To her, nightmares just moved into real life as you got older. Why have nightmares when some lived them every single day of their lives? Stepping outside of her room, she kept her cup of toiletries close to her as she shuffled her way to the bathroom. To those around her, Rei just appeared to be another woman living another day. Just a girl with a white t-shirt, navy blue shorts, and black slippers. And to Rei, everyone was either someone to protect or someone who would do harm. However, she was in no position to make a judgment about those around her. For her own safety, however, she was going to err on the side of caution and assume otherwise. Everyone had the potential to harm, and those who needed to be protected were bound to show themselves and their need for protection. Despite the vacant look on Rei's face, she was surely analyzing the possibilities and implications of various scenarios. Rei also wasn't very particular toward the fact that some of these people were already breaking rules. If they were out there being noisy past the mandatory quiet time, then who knows what else those people were capable of? Why would they be worth associating with? Rei wasn't privy to being associated with people who were willing to break the rules. Stepping into the bathroom, Rei got into her morning routine. Putting toothpaste on her toothbrush, she wet it and proceeded to start brushing her teeth. Two minutes. Nothing more, nothing less. That was what the dentists recommended while still making sure that she would make the most efficient use of her time. While she was brushing her teeth, she couldn't help but notice that there was someone next to her who let the faucet run while they were brushing their teeth. Maybe they were on the tail end of brushing their teeth or something like that. That was understandable. However, Rei had eventually finished brushing her teeth, but they still had the faucet on while brushing their teeth. It was starting to become a waste of water, which was against the mantra of conservation that was posted all over the bathroom. Spitting the remnants of her toothpaste out, she looked over to the person, a glare in her eyes. [color=b1a2c1]"I think you should turn the water off."[/color] Rei said offhandedly, before rinsing off her toothbrush briefly. [color=b1a2c1]"We should be conserving water wherever we can."[/color] The person next to Rei looked rather annoyed and shut the water off rather begrudgingly. Rei finished off her morning routine and stepped back out of the bathroom, her hand touching upon the water conservation poster just next to it as she made her way back to her room. Today was a day full of classes. Learning the law was not something to be taken lightly, and Rei was fully aware of that. She was more than aware of the purpose law served in society, and she didn't want to miss any detail, because the smallest detail may have made the difference between serving someone justice and letting them walk away scot-free from their crimes. She couldn't afford to be distracted and stray away from her one true goal. But yet, the temptation to do so only grew with every day that passed as a student of this university. She'd seen many instances of rule breaking at her time here, but yet people seemed to do it. It begged the question of whether or not it was really worth it at all, and it weighed on her while she sat in front of her desk, slaving away in front of her books. A few minutes had passed and Rei had stepped out her room once and for all. She slipped on a blue jacket, and black pants accompanied with a somewhat packed backpack, filled with her laptop and her books as she made her way to the community kitchen. She still had quite a time left before her first class, allowing her plenty of time to have some breakfast. Rei was told that breakfast was the most important meal of the day, after all. Why would it be any different at this point? Walking down the hallway, Rei slipped her earphones in and played some [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFFOXwniVKw]music[/url] to tune out the chatterings of her peers. Rei wasn't particularly interested in conversing with her peers, and she found that having headphones in were the best way to prevent unwanted conversation. All she really wanted to do right now was to get some food in her belly and see to it that she have a productive day with her classes. Eventually, Rei had made it to the community kitchen, where many more of her peers would be gathered with the same intention in mind. Some were around to socialize, but Rei figured there wasn't really a rule against it. Glancing around as she stepped in, it seemed quite the bit lively. Even music wasn't enough to dissipate the amount of sheer social energy that this place had, and Rei felt that. Rei still wasn't the slightest bit interested in conversing with people, but she still wanted something to eat. Making a beeline straight for her own personal box of Coco Pops, Rei hoped that there was still some almond milk in the fridge that she could use. Rei wasn't entirely tolerant of lactose products, so it was recommended that avoid dairy products so that she wouldn't experience discomfort later on in the day. Sliding over to the fridge, she opened it and found that there was in fact some almond milk in the fridge! Seemed like Rei's day was off to a good start! However, as soon as she stood up from the fridge, something peculiar caught her eye. Glancing at someone using the microwave, it appeared they were microwaving something they [i]really[/i] shouldn't have been microwaving. Rei didn't get a very good look at what it was exactly, but the general shape of it was more than enough to figure out what exactly it was. Was that... fish in there?! Rei was so absorbed in the terror that this person was about to unleash on the entire kitchen that she hadn't bothered glancing in front of her. As a result, she ran straight into a girl nearby. Feeling the force of the bump, Rei grunted, but she still managed to keep her cereal and almond milk in her grasp. [color=b1a2c1]"Oh, sorry!"[/color] Rei said awkwardly, before her face turned a light shade of red. [color=b1a2c1]"Are you alright? Pardon me, I didn't see you, I was looking at the microwave and I deeply apologise for it."[/color] [/color][/indent]