[center][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/j4reGhD.png[/IMG][/center] [quote=@Rezod92] [color=a187be]Speaking of Bart though, is he up yet? There's a knight outside wanting to join, says he seeks 'enlightenment'. If you ask me, I don't buy it. Of all the places you could go to find that sort of thing, he thinks coming here would help find what he's looking for? But hey, who am I to judge?"[/color] [/quote] [color=gold]"Oh I don't know. Ever since I started training with Sensei Yang, I've been feeling pretty zen."[/color] He said while making a little prayer sign with his hands. [color=gold]"Besides, I've never ran into a group so welcoming. It's gotta count for something."[/color] He moved past her as he made his way outside towards the others. [color=gold]"Hey if you're not busy, I'd like to use today to get properly acquainted."[/color] There was a point made, members come and go, and he didn't want to waste a single moment with a new potential friend if he could. [@PaulHaynek][@Stern Algorithm][@13org][@Restalaan] Before he could reach the door, most of the guild had barged in, a new comer in tow. [color=gold]"Boy I thought I got up early..."[/color] He shrugged. [color=gold]"Morning everyone! I got coffee ready!"[/color] He announced cheerfully. The discussion seemed to shift as Ozzy went back to the kitchen, getting the pot and cups ready. There was apparently some discussion to invite the knight into the guild. Ozzy made his opinion known by offering a cup to Sir Reed first. [color=gold]"I was welcomed no questions asked so I say we could do the same. Welcome! My name is Ozmodius Skyway. Scholar and Socialogist. Let me know if you need a question answered or, ya know- "[/color] He unfurled his wings. [color=gold]"A bird's eye view on anything."[/color]