Dulcinea and Jasper! Dulcinea mentions the feeling of lurking and as Jasper finishes her heartfelt promise, right behind you there is suddenly the sound of clapping! Someone is there. She's a young woman wearing mussy jeans and a wrinkled black t-shirt that says "I <3 Fortitude" in white letters. She's got an umbrella but she's not wearing a rain jacket or anything. Peaking out from under the umbrella is her brown hair, all up in a ponytail and it seems like she tried to put a flower in it before going out, but it's like a daisy that's missing a few petals so it's kind of sad. She's got this sincere look on her face as she claps for Jasper though, and it feels like things will start to calm down a little as she's clapping. Dulcinea, you probably hate this. Jasper, you probably find this to be unusually polite based on what you've seen of Fortitude so far. "Oh wow, that was so moving. Um, you must be new here. I'm Shokyou, it's very nice to meet you!" She extends her hand kind of stiffly for a formal handshake, but doesn't wait for it to complete to keep talking. "I, um, heard you talking outside my window, so I thought I'd come down and say hi. I was feeling kind of down because my comics got all drenched today, but listening to you talk has really helped me feel better!" She gives you just the warmest smile. It's almost infectious. You could tell her to get lost and go get some ramen by yourselves if you really want. Or you could take her with you, she'd be so happy to get ramen together like friends. She likes plain ramen with salty broth and a little gyoza, by the by. [Dulcinea, take one Science! XP and one Outside Stirs XP for your theorizing.] [Jasper, go ahead and take an emotion xp for touching Shokyou's heart (you can't touch Duclinea's heart because she doesn't have one, of course).] ***** "Yes, of course! I'm a master chef!" Seizhi says, straightening her bearing as she starts heading towards the back. "Don't even worry about the menu OR the uniform. I, Seizhi Schwan, who must have been around quite a long while to have learned to cook as well as I have in any situation, will prepare you something right away, just to your taste!" Sessily giggles a bit. She seems to be enjoying the place, Rinley. Maybe it's just that the people here are lively, or maybe she likes maid outfits! If I were you, which, to be clear, I am distinctly not, but if I [i]were[/i] I'd ask her some new friend questions while Seizhi is getting your mystery food ready. Maybe learn more about the maid who's running the place too. You could have a group conversation, like "everybody say your favorite food out loud on the count of three!" or "we'll each go around the table and say our favorite secret glass dragon fact, ready set go!" Meanwhile, Seizhi has grabbed a couple cans of some kind of fruit and has turned on the camp stove and she seems like she's super into it. She's got some powdered eggs too, and flower, and it looks like she's whipping up some kind of light fruit pancakes, maybe even crepes! Sessily would probably really like crepes, on the grounds that almost nobody would be like "oh yeah, I hate dessert crepes, like, they're the worst, who would ever want to eat [i]that[/i]?" Mila, since Rinley is showing her [s]girlfriend[/s] friend who is a girl this lovely place and Seizhi seems to have the food situation well in hand, how do you busy yourself? Do you try to avoid conversation or let Rinley wrap you up in her web? [Mila, not seeing any XP since you already got the suspicious one and you're handling the unexpected influx of people pretty well.] [Rinley, you marked your own XP already, but confirming storytime from earlier. So really you're just trying to get a "noooo!" out of us and maybe learning some mysteries now.]