[centre][h1]Anya[/h1][/centre] [@Blade17] [color=8493ca]''No, I'm not drunk! I have consumed alcohol since I was a babe so I know how to handle it''[/color] Anya said finishing off her drink. Sneakily placing the tankard into her bag, she continued [color=8493ca]'' Besides I wasn't really being captured- I was just curious about that building and those men just happened to be there. I know how to fight, I could've taken them on''[/color]. Gently tapping on her brass knuckles, she grinned. While it was hard to kill anyone with them, they could cause a lot of damage allowing her to make an escape or take out a more dangerous weapon. Plus she could always turn herself into water in order to trip someone- while uncomfortable, it was effective. [color=8493ca]'' I wonder where everyone else went. If Marcus finds out, he's going to be enraged''[/color]