Silver's GEAR was alive under his gloved hands, and he almost felt like it was anticipating the action as much him, by the soft hum of its' running systems. The ribbon of dawn sky [url=]called to him[/url] as the machine moved to the rear of the transport, poised on the precipice of the ramp. As the harsh buzz of the drop sounded, he pivoted the GEAR over the edge. The fox drew the knees and the arms in, somersaulting into a spin to change direction, before spreading out the arms and legs in an aerobrake. The GDFS flight packs' wings and control surfaces extended smoothly with a whine of servos lost in the whirling wind of the drop. Holographic displays through the AR interface showed him well in the pipe and dropping on course, with Python strung on like beads on a line behind him as they plunged toward the ground in a graceful glide. The pulsing thrill of adrenaline surged through the old foxes' veins as the ground loomed closer through bands of cloud. "Negative on the redirect," Silver replied to Max as they spiralled on the glide path. "Stay the course; the packs can handle it and so can we. LZ is looking good" The cloud engulfed the GEARs and wingpacks, buffetting them as they descended and a spray of icy rain blasted across the external cameras, plunging things into a dark mist for precious hearbeats, before the light of the sun breaking across the horizon bathed them in a radiant glow as they emerged from the underside of the wispy mass. Blades' sensor alerts came to life a moment later, passive systems showing a small gaggle of forces emplaced at the bottom of the hillside below, in the meadow where they'd been due to land. "Too late to change course," Silverwind growled to the others over the commo network. "They haven't targeted us yet, push our advantage and rush them!" Shifting his orientation, Silverwind unlimbered his GEARs' rifle and let off a volley at a light vehicle, along with a three-round volley of high-explosive from the mortar on the shoulder. The steep hillside rushed up to meet him, and the fox purged the flight gear, dropping onto the earth of the hillside and skidding on the bipedal machines' heels. Python followed suit, flowing like liquid into the charge and working in a single, continuous charge, working in sync. Burner suppressed a truck-mounted gun with a volley of fire from the rotary cannon her GEAR carried, giving Lowdown the opening to bound forward on back-mounted jets and waste a utility vehicle with a shotgun blast. As the light truck tumbled and rolled over, Red plowed past, skidding on foot mounted wheels down the slope, firing off an anti-armour missile in concert with Riser as her GEAR landed from a bounding leap from the hillside, the missile slamming into a hostile GEAR as it turned to fire, before being caught and exploding, the debris tumbling and rolling in a sheet of flame and smoke. The porcupines' auto-shotgun tore through the gun crew on an anti-air platform, which was then blitzed by anti-armour cannon fire from Burner, giving Silverwind an opening to skid past on foot-wheels and slam the pile-bunker on his GEAR's forearm into the chest of a second hostile GEAR, pinned in place by rifle and shotgun fire from Case and Lowdown. The LZ was a mess, but Ghosts had arrived in decisive style