[h1][center]Kai’mos Varthus[/center][/h1][hr][hr] “You are off to a wonderful start, Mister Vin'Akali.” The Doctor said with a slight smirk to his expression, handing the fallen walking cane back to Kev. “Do try to be more careful in the future.” He continued with a nod, and at that moment his attention was drawn to an unfamiliar figure who had walked into the MedBay, addressing the Captain first -and apologizing for any interruptions- before her eyes met Kai’mos. Unaware of the subtle shock that hit him from the other’s appearance, the Ithlo medic arched a bushy eyebrow and cocked his head ever-so-slightly. [i]Intrigued[/i] would be an understatement for sure, but no doubt it was more an upsetting scenario than anything else. However, there she was, another Ithlo, in all her pink-haired glory, standing near the entry of the room with a mixed expression of uncertainty and apprehension. No doubt the young girl was aware of Ithlo culture and ideology of cybernetics -a practice frowned upon by their people- especially when introduced into the physiology of the Ithlo species. It is, for lack of a better term, a festering wound to the very fabric of their genetic makeup and an affront to centuries of culture and honor. The more Kai’mos even entertained the thought of one of his own allowing such atrocities to occur only caused a knot to form in the pit of his stomach; one that may take time to unravel in fact, especially if the girl is to remain with the crew for an extended period of time. He couldn’t help but overhear the exchange between the Captain and the Persephone regarding something about an “android” and “rewiring”, specifically. Had an android been brought on board as well? Who were these two new passengers, and kai wondered what the Judge would think of all this. And why is it that Maria seems comfortable enough with any of the young Ithlo’s suggestions. The ship itself was quite literally falling apart at the seams and they want to dismantle even more of it for the sake of a mindless bucket of spare parts? “Welcome.” The doctor nodded his head slightly in the girl’s direction as the Captain introduced him and Kevej.. “Please let me know if you are in need of anything.” Kai wasn’t sure if those words really meant anything to him. Did he truly feel inclined to assist an Ithlo who clearly had no regard for the laws of nature? Or perhaps he had to look beyond his own beliefs in order to properly make a guest of the [i]Veritas[/i] feel welcomed. Either way, the Medic had plenty to do where wasting time with idle chatter had not been amongst the list of duties. And with that, he returned his attention to the hand-held datapad, continuing to monitor the female mercenary who laid unconscious on the table across from Kevej. And as much as it pained him, Kai hoped that the passing would be soon, to spare anyone -especially him- further anguish. “I think once we get to port...” He looked up from the screen and over at the First Mate. “I could use your assistance in acquiring medical supplies and general restocking.” Kai’mos needed a distraction from all the madness.