[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/thU5NC6.png[/img] [/center] [color=8882be]Time:[/color] +4 hrs [color=8882be]Location:[/color] Space, a very far way from Earth [hr] [center][@BlueSky44][@Nallore][@Morose][@Framing A Moose][/center] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/mZuhVmO.png[/img] [I][color=#ad4545]Location:[/color] Atrium [color=#ad4545]Skill:[/color] N/A [hr][hr][/I] [/center] Tessa stayed away from the opening of the river. She was impressed with Zarina's willingness to climb in and start checking it out. Tessa figured it just led up into a vat of water. There probably was a filtration system of some sort too. [color=#ad4545]"Wait, what about where the water exits."[/color] She pushed herself away from the tree and started following the river downstream. It ended eventually in a pond, but it couldn't be a closed system, if it was that meant that the water would just be flooding the room. [color=#ad4545]"Luke, you can swim, right? Like you're good at it, you said you had the swimmers cap in your room."[/color] [color=#45adad]"I'm fairly confident about it yeah. Why?"[/color] [color=#ad4545]"Zarina is going against the current. What would happen if we went with it? That pipe probably leads to a vat of water that is processed from the water that is coming from this pool. Right?"[/color] Tessa looked helpless thinking. Noah joined them. [color=0080ff]"I don't think you're wrong. Let Zarina see what she can discover. If the water pressure is too much we can try this direction, but it might be a completely closed loop. However, in space water is extremely valuable. It is possible whoever we are dealing with has figured out a way to synthesize it."[/color] [color=#45adad]"Synthesized what?"[/color] Luke asked. Tessa was wondering as well. [color=0080ff]"Water."[/color] Noah said. He shrugged and then walked back to the mouth of the river. [color=0080ff]"How is she doing?"[/color] For Zarina she would catch in the flash of the light another grate up ahead, it would be a struggle going against the water though, she would also hear Raynor's message over the radio. She would not be able to tell if the grate in front of her was screwed in from this side or the other side. To Vinnie Manny said [color=02f696]"Blowing stuff up is a lot harder than just some alcohol. Especially if it is metal like this is."[/color] He said holding up the grate. He sighed when she started going off. With Cal's revelation that Vinnie the girl made more sense and he relaxed his shoulders a bit. [color=02f696]"Okay, can we calm down a bit? However, a blow torch or something might help. Though not sure how I feel about giving a blowtorch to a teen."[/color] [color=f69602]"I-"[/color] Kyle started to say and then he sat down holding his head. [color=f69602]"Oh, oh boy. Okay. I just have a lot of memories suddenly. I do climb, competitively for fun. I also am a cop and work with Interpol. My wife, she was the one I remembered with the lizard. She really likes lizards. That's her thing."[/color]