[center] [h1][color=f49ac2]Amaris Marivaldi[/color][/h1] [sub]Interacting with: [color=fc8686]Madalyn[/color] [@Achronum][/sub] [/center] “[color=f49ac2]Interesting.[/color]” Amaris responded, her tone lowered to match her partner’s. The logic was sound and not all that unlike her own, however, she had inverted the intentions. It wasn’t uncommon for vampires to sell or trade mages with breed pairing in mind, thus giving away a heart that wasn’t theirs; and who had more influence in the movement of mages than a member of the royal family? However, Maddie’s angle was something Amaris had not considered. Mages were legally considered property of the vampire they were bound to. To fall in love outside of an approved pairing was to offer something in which they had no legal claim. She decided to trust in Maddie’s assessment and adjust her selection from there. Turning her eyes back to the table before them, she considered her mage’s words carefully as she glanced at each of the other three in turn. One would hope that a mage belonging to a Sinnenodel would know better than to mess around haphazardly, however, knowing Varis and his manipulative ways such a situation could still be remedied to his advantage. And she couldn’t very well count the Starag boy out completely when the mage of an Astorio was also part of the equation. She also knew both boys had ties in one way or another to Eve’s mage, Lilie. The Countess recalled the scene Victor had caused by throwing the girl clear across the arena during their joint lessons. While both of the boys had made it over to their friend, Aaron had been the quickest to respond to Lilie’s ‘accident’. It was possible he was just the closest to her physically, or that the boy had some sort of hero complex that launched him into action, but to a girl who had just been knocked around by a vampire it wasn’t likely to matter. “[color=f49ac2]Hmm, Lilie then? I’m a first hand witness to her ignoring a directive from her partner, so I suppose a forbidden romance wouldn’t be too far outside the realm of possibility. And from what I could learn about her from my previous partner, she seems like a kind person overall. Not too far of a stretch to believe she and one of the boys might fall for each other eventually.[/color]” Amaris suggested, maintaining her hushed tone from before.