What I Have So Far: [hider=The Unified Imperial State of Tekisasu] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/FZNOXKi.png[/img][/center] ------------ [center][h1][b]The Unified Imperial State of Tekisasu[/b][/h1][/center] ------------ [b]Name[/b]: The Unified Imperial State of Tekisasu [b]Flag (picture or description)[/b]:[url=https://i.imgur.com/FZNOXKi.png]https://i.imgur.com/FZNOXKi.png[/url] [b]Territory (picture or description) and Geography[/b]: [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Dciib2r.jpg[/img][/center] [center]Major Cities[/center] [list] [*]Dallas/Fort Worth, aka “Dal’FoW” (Capital/Major City, and the largest city in Tekisasu by current times) [*]Houston/Houstin (Major City and Naval Trade/Military Center in Tekisasu) [*]New Orleans (Major Trade City, recently conquered within the last few years) [/list] [center]Other ‘Notable’ Locations[/center] [list] [*]Port Arthur (Notable Military/Naval Base) [*]The New Orleans Peacekeeping Forces Region (Area of New Orleans where annexation forces and garrison forces are most concentrated) [*]Gainesville (Budding trading settlement on the northern Tekisasu border, a shining example of a place that has successfully modernized and is seeing growth from it by tapping into some of the trade north of Tekisasu lands. It continues to try to promote itself as a good place for traders to come) [*]Yette/Lafayette (Minor City, former capital of the Yette Rebellion, and which has been the last area of the nation to modernize before any new expansion was made) [/list] [b]History[/b]: The Unified Imperial State of Tekisasu, more shortly referred to as the nation of “Tekisasu” and its people as “Tekians”, is a nation currently composed of an eastern chunk of Texas as well as southern Louisiana. [center][h3][i]A Beginning to Glory[/i][/h3][/center] The origins of this nation began long ago, with the emerging inhabitants of Vault 104. The people of this vault were composed of a variety of races and wildly different backgrounds, and had been raised for generations as lab rats while being extensively used as subjects for a myriad of culture-changing military brainwashing experiments. Such experiments were worked out by Vault-Tec in tandem with the U.S. military in order to gather data, data that would be applied to biological weapons used on “Chinese and Chinese-Amercian citizens” to shift their loyalties to America and even sow seeds of chaos behind enemy lines by mass-brainwashing populations. In the case of this vault, however, the brainwashing experiments for this ‘trial run’ were to make the residents ‘feudal Japanese’ in culture. When the myriad of descendants of the original residents emerged from the depths of their vault in due time, they brought with them a new and synergized culture alien to that of the various tribals who were living in the ruins of the Dallas/Fort Worth area that the vault had been placed in. With time, however, the mix of the vault dwellers and local people would produce a budding and growing faction calling itself “Tekisasu”. With a feudal-style system of governance, plenty of peasants to work the plant, and a ready warrior class of 'Rangeri" whose ‘lords’ sought to carve out new lands, the Tekisasu began a heavenly path of conquest that would lead them a little north as well as south towards taking Houston and the coast. Conquest and assimilation of various local tribals was the vast majority of anything they dealt with in their first expansionary period, taking more lands and more peasants and uniting them under one banner as their people expanded across the land. Even a good portion of southern Louisiana was eventually taken as the need for better farmland and such grew to support the new nation. [center][h3][i]Growing Concerns, Reformation, and the Yette Rebellion[/i][/h3][/center] Yet the borders of the Tekisasu could only stretch so far as time went on, their feudal-style system could only support so much land and lords and warriors and peasants, and could only handle so much governmentally before the myriad risks of ‘bursting’ or internal divisions might rear their ugly head. At times, even, such issues were rather narrowly avoided. It would only be a matter of time, however, before a more decisive change would have to be made. Information from well beyond their borders had often reached them of other larger nations and ilk that existed, usually acquired through trade and word of mouth, but not much of details at first. Over time these details about the peoples and groups they’d heard of began to reach them more and more, however, and began to have more and more impact on the minds of the Tekians. Groups of men clad in Power Armor and wielding mighty technologies that outshot them by a country mile. A titanic ‘Bear’ out to the far west that had fought an equally great ‘Bull’ in a great war that outshone any they had seen. A group from before the destruction of all things that had tamed Deathclaws into weapons. Motorcycle-riding raider-traders who sought to travel from coast to coast. Fears about such mighty peoples and great threats, especially ones potentially turning their eyes towards them in turn at some point, began to spread through the population. From here it rose up the chains of command, the warriors, the lords, and ultimately even a past leader in the form of the Sherrgon at the time would come to be influenced by such concerns. They had subdued many tribals, even pushed back some lesser-armed and smaller raiders, but were such powers to expand near them...the results could be disastrous. While they had pride in their might, to face a ‘modern’ nation as they were would leave them woefully behind. This would result in the current Sherrgon of the time laying out the plans for and beginning what would be called “The Campaign of Reformation”. ‘Foreign’ scientists, those skilled in technology, veterans who had much battle experience, and even vault dwellers with the right expertise would be hired in those following years, brought in by the Sherrgon to help the Tekisasu nation modernize and centralize. Or in other words, the Sherrgon blew his personal wealth and his nation’s treasury in order to modernize and shape up his nation over time into something capable of surviving in the modern world. At first changes would begin in areas that seemed more accepted, primarily being in the new ‘professional’ military where many of the warrior-class ‘Rangeri’ would acquiesce to being paid to give up old power and take up comfortable commanding positions to help train and direct the swaths of new recruits for their nation’s modernized army. New officials to govern provinces in a new and more stable bureaucracy were put into power, while bribing what old Lords of the realm would ‘retire early’ for a large stipend in return to stepping aside. Better education standards for the common people provided for free all around, and even those more skilled in medical care alongside machines of the old world were imported to improve living standards. More trade routes, as compared to the few the Tekians had ever accepted in the past, opened up and created many wealth-accumulating minor Tekian trade hubs along areas on their borders. However, the old Lords and those Rangeri who still weren’t compliant or had been barely kept out of the way by their large stipends were alienated more and more over time as the Sherrgon shifted things around. By the time this unrest among these alienated members erupted into rebellion, spurred on by their privileges and stipends being but out entirely, these still overly-confident Rangeri and Lords felt they would be able to swiftly overcome these ‘new ways’ and place a new Sherrgon on the throne who would return things to the ‘old ways’ again. Such was their confidence that, after amassing their forces in the province of Yette (formerly Lafayette, Louisiana), they began a blunt and open march westward with the intent on subjugating and taking down their enemies in a grand show of force. They were supplemented by a few ‘disposable’ (in their minds) raiders groups that, with some bribing and promises, fought for them for the reward of lands of their own if they would but assist in the rebellion. In return, however, the now-former Sherrgon (now calling himself “Emperor” and known as the “First Emperor”) had been preparing for such an occasion due to suspicions of such unrest forming within his borders. The “New Army of Tekisasu” was rallied into action, alongside some proper mercenaries that were hired up, and deployed tactically to intercept and crush the dissenters in this “Yette Rebellion”. [center][h3][i]The Battle of Port Arthur[/i][/h3][/center] These forces would meet at their fated battle site, clashing near the coast at a settlement/military base in the now well-known “Battle of Port Arthur”. It was here where a new Imperial military base of operations had been made to act as a bulwark and secondary naval center in the east. The Yette forces came in with a fury against the defenses and defenders, seeking a swift and confident victory to maintain their momentum before the main Imperial Army arrived. Their radstag cavalry swept in from the sides, their sword/pistol wielding Rangeri came in from behind the allied raiders and poorly-armed levies that were charged in first, and the rebel Lords set up a viewing area to look down upon as they drank to witness what they felt would be a sure and decisive victory. Imperial defenders laid down mostly imported and some locally made mines, scattering them over a few select key areas, and hid behind defenses as they wore proper armor on their bodies. Traps and salvaged turrets were also arranged to help hold back the attackers, among these overall measures formerly considered ‘dishonorable’ to those following the old ways. While rebel forces were hard to keep back, and some outlying areas fell due to numbers, the defenders did perform more than admirably and even effectively enough for the main Imperial force to finally arrive. Soldiers bolstered defending positions as they began to sweep in, before moving through the outlying areas to retake them. Imperial salvaged-and-refitted ships were pulled in alongside steam-powered ironclads to carry in soldiers to the east and get into the bay to fire bombardments at rebel positions, While close quarters combat and experience were the specialties of the rebel Rangeri, though, the ranged and technological advantages of the Imperial forces combined with the greater numbers proved to be too much to hold back alone. Rangeri and such leaders were also targeted, leading to a loss of morale and the rout of some of the less-than-willing levies that had been raised and eventually the flight of the raiders themselves before land vehicles forces around the edge of the battle ultimately mopped them up. The watching rebel lords were shocked at how decisive the battle was going against them, and by the time word of their soldiers’ base camp having been destroyed got to them they were already preparing to escape. Rushing in their haste, they were left outnumbered and outgunned as vehicle forces swept over in their direction and surrounded them. Their guards were gunned down, however, before the Lords themselves were pressured to finally surrender. [center][h3][i]Aftermath, and Imperial Ambitions[/i][/h3][/center] The rebel Lords and Rangeri had their remaining property, wealth, and possessions seized, before it was divided up among those who had been imprisoned for remaining loyal in the Yette province. Those lords who had rebelled were also publicly executed after a legal trial, one which was carried out to the ‘T’ in order to ensure the majority of public support remained behind the action. It was the first military victory of the new Tekisasu, and a major one that cemented its new government as well as the superiority of the modernized world over their old feudal system. This and the battle itself sent ripples through the population, with most hailing the new ways and victory as some wept over the loss of the old ways and formerly-idolized Rangeri warriors. Despite the decisive victory, the improvement of the military, the vast uplifting of the quality of its citizens’ lives, and overall completion of modernization...the struggles of a nation that had only ‘just’ modernized within the same lifetime of most of its population would without a doubt arise. The Tekisasu had accrued much debt from the very brief war and many years of modernization efforts, their new border trade cities and new economy style were only just barely beginning to gain any real traction in regards to income, the independence of their nation was still a major concern among the population, and frankly speaking the struggle to find a proper outlet for dealing with the very scattered small pockets of those who had once supported the Yette Rebellion. This would lead to the following times being filled with efforts to stabilize these issues, the foremost of them being the Tekisasu debt. With the city of New Orleans, a wealthy but only semi-stable independent trader city, and lands about it just sitting just a bit beyond their border...they were seen as tempting targets for a first imperial conquest. Too tempting, in fact, as their acquisition would be a very valuable addition to the Tekisasu cause and payments of their debt. At first the offer of a peaceful annexation was made to New Orleans and its inhabitants, however, a proposed deal that allowed complete autonomy and military protection in return for a negotiated payment each month. Not thinking the Tekisasu had anything to offer them in terms of military strength or ‘protection’, however, the people of New Orleans laughed them off and mocked their emissaries despite their at least seemingly good intentions. After all, did these barbarians from the west think they had any good technology? Hah! Yet there would also be the final grand ‘mistake’ that the people of New Orleans would make as well, as when a second set of emissaries was sent again they were beaten up terribly and kicked out of the city. [center][h3][i]The Occupation of New Orleans and Current Times[/i][/h3][/center] The Emperor ultimately sent in the military, enraged by the terrible treatment of his people and the rejection of their offer, and it was here the people of New Orleans learned the hard way. The Tekisasu military came in hot and fast, like a furious storm rolling in from the coast as they blew through the very overconfident and lazy-to-prepare local Raider militia like they were tissue paper. By the time the citizens of New Orleans recoiled from the initial shock, most of their city had been occupied by enemy forces and their external defenders were obliterated. The Council of New Orleans, a representative and ruling political body composed of faction/group leaders that actually controlled the city itself, sent a hasty offer of surrender to avoid more trouble. The Tekisasu commander in the battle accepted this surrender, but had those who had beaten up the former representatives arrested and shipped back to the capital to be tried and imprisoned. Diplomats arrived after this, getting together with the city’s council and arranging a new situation for the city. The council would remain in power moving forward, to avoid shaking up local relations too much, but they would report to and work with a temporary Tekisasu official who would be set over the area and above them during the annexation period to ‘ensure peace’. There would also be the supplanting of the old Raider militia with professional Tekisasu soldiers/guards, at least until such time as tensions cooled down enough and new local militias could be trained standardized and retrained. Then said soldiers would merely retain garrisons around the borders of the city to protect it and its trade from raiders as the lands around the city were annexed as well. Safe to say, since then many locals have adjusted to the new normal and complied to the new status quo. Wasn’t like the city hadn’t seen its share of ‘leaders’ in the past anywho, and these ones were at least being more merciful and accommodating in some part. Yet there were also the many who have also not accepted the new status quo, including even some far seedier merchants who’d traded with local raiders from without for an extra profit (and said raiders in turn), who still have ideas of an independent New Orleans and want their old status back while bearing a resentment of their new overlords. [b]Population[/b]: 450,000 [b]Government/Domestic Politics[/b]: At the head of the government is the Emperor, who rules with a supreme power and whose family are literally royalty among their people. The Emperor acts as the military leader and an absolute authority, though does not have to actively manage the day to day passing of laws despite being able to get involved in this process. Underneath the Emperor is the Senit (“Senate”), a group of veteran officials scouted out and recruited from all over the nation that are chosen to represent their people. A large political body, it takes care of the passing of nation-encompassing laws and dealing with the vast bulk of the day to day political/economic matters that need sorting out. Records of what is passed and discussed each session are recorded by a dedicated staff as well, and are sent to the Emperor to read over before being archived. Below these are Goveno (“Governors”), individuals elected by the people to manage their respective provinces. Such individuals require an interview with the Senate, however, before being able to take office. To fail this interview/investigation is to not get the office, and the second place candidate is then chosen and interviewed. If all candidates fail the test, another election is held to find new candidates. Below these are the Mayo (“Mayors”), aka the local mayors that are elected by the people to manage their own individual settlements. It is illegal to be chosen the mayor of more than one settlement at a time, which was an initial issue that arose before things were finally settled politically. Such leaders are basically just local settlement leaders, albeit united under a better centralized governmental system. [b]Notable People[/b] -[i]His Holiest Great Emperor of Tekisasu - Walker T. Kartye[/i]: The current emperor and “Second Emperor” as of the beginning of the RP. The son of the titular “First Emperor of Reform, Harden T. Kartye”, he has continued his father’s legacy since ascending the throne and taking his place at the seat of government. While he does sit at the head of the Senit, which is composed of officials imperially chosen and promoted from small and actually locally-elected positions all over to represent various areas and help make and pass laws, he also wields his power from the top in order to guide his people to a prosperous future. While being a magnificent presence that is given much reverence by his people, he does seem to genuinely care about them and their wellbeing and a sense of justice for them in the hellscape nightmare of a world they all live in. He is a man of few words, however, only caring to speak when he feels the time is appropriate and getting to the point he desires to as bluntly as possible. As a military leader he is seen as generally sound, especially after he got personally involved in strategizing the key battle at Port Arthur and even the occupation of New Orleans before his father’s death. An ardent leader to keep his nation safe and to help it continue its recovery from accumulated modernization and war costs, his at least personal goal is to get the New Orleans area to a state of settling down while not trying to overstep and trigger another internal conflict. However, not wanting to repeat the Yette Rebellion, he does seek to keep enough of a military presence to ‘strike’ if he needs to. Likewise, he wishes to send people out to scout out other nations and peoples to take better note of the grander world he and his people live in. To expand his peoples’ foreign relations is something he sees as a good potential investment for their future indeed, whether to note future enemies or find potential allies, and he is an open and progressive sort of person in this regard. Even so, when it comes to ideas about negotiations he does remain on the more respectfully cautious end of the spectrum when it comes to his ideas of negotiations for trade or such things. No sense in expanding one’s horizons, at least if some deal ends up blowing up in their faces! His middle name is “Tekisasu”, literally speaking, and is a middle name passed down his family line for generations of Sherrgon even before his father. -[i]Princess Gemini T. Kartye[/i]: The oldest child and heir of Emperor Walker, she stands in-line for the succession of her father and grandfather’s throne. Raised with the aim of forging her into a great future leader, her education and weapons training and the ilk have been top-tier by post-apocalypse standards. A disciplined and strict individual who is a crack shot with a gun or pistol alike, she has been involved in efforts to continue driving her nation’s military forward and has become involved in her father’s efforts to expand relations in the outside world beyond that of their own nation and ‘neighbor’. Self-driven and dedicated, she is not someone to back down when she’s stuck her heels in about something...more like a stubborn mule that will pursue her course of action to the bitter end if she feels it is right and has taken a good look at her options. Even so, around close family she is noted as being softer, even smiling and laughing around her mother and various siblings. Being the heir to such a nation as hers, however, has been of some pressure. But it is a pressure that she has vowed to take in order to ensure a brighter future for her family and people. She also bears the traditional sword and revolver pistol of a traditional Rangeri, a sign of respect towards the old ways even as she pursues the future of her people. -(More to be probably added later) [b]Military (try to be somewhat realistic)[/b]: -[i]General Infantry[/i]: Rifle, which could be switched out for a salvaged pre-war gun or assault rifle or submachine gun or the ilk. Pistol. Knife. Maybe a grenade. Light metal armor is always worn in a select few key/vital areas, which is normally supplemented more so with leather armor in remaining less-vital sports. While far more numerous than their more elite counterparts, this general body of infantry is the main fighting force and standing army of the Tekisasu Military and the main set of bodies one will find fighting on the ground in any sort of conflict. By the standards of some other groups and post-apocalyptic militaries their training is “strict”, but also rather organized and drilled and streamlined and professional in nature. -[i]Newku Rangeri[/i]: Also known as the “New Rangers”, they are a form of elite soldier who takes inspiration from the warrior-class “Rangeri” of Tekisasu’s past. Each is equipped with a ‘side’ sword (most commonly) or more rarely other melee weapons of some kind (whether it be a metal-tipped spear or a scavenged sledgehammer or machete or a salvaged Ripper or the ilk). Their primary weapon is normally a laser rifle or top-grade rifle, either traded for with the MWBoS or constructed back home or reverse engineered, or even some kind or top-tier salvaged pre-war gun. Their firearm-sidearm is very commonly a revolver, or even locally modified laser pistols arranged to create a rapid multi-shot semi-automatic “revolver” style weapon, and they are pulled from among the ‘best of the best’ in the standard infantry. They receive better armor (especially traded-for or salvaged combat armor and the like) and supplies as well to boot, but in turn are trained and pushed far harder to be the best possible soldiers in the regular Tekisasu Military. They are drilled in stealth, sniping, melee, and unarmed combat. They also learn how to survive in the harsh wasteland/wilderness, and even some first aid in the field among such things. Their training is rigorous and tough to say the least, and those who stand out amidst these tend to get even better gear and equipment at that due to being among the true “elite among the elite”. While not as numerous as the standard infantry of the Tekisasu Military, who are still trained well and rigorously in their own right, these elite soldiers stand head and shoulders above their peers. -[i]Imperial Newku Rangeri[/i]: There is also an even more elite unit of just 500 soldiers that stands apart from other Newku Rangeri and are selected from it. These top picks of the “elites among elites” are called the “Imperial Newku Rangeri” and also called the “Immortals”. These soldiers act as the most elite troops in Tekisasu as well as being the titular “Imperial Guard” who are solely loyal to the Imperial Family and them alone. They recieve top-grade weapons and armor and equipment even by their other Newku Rangeri comrades’ standards, even wielding the entire stock of what salvaged and repaired power armor Tekisasu has. Loyal to the Emperor and the Emperor’s family alone, serve as guards and tend to remain in the capital or by the side of non-Emperor Imperial Family Members who are traveling about. On certain occasions, some of these might be sent on a ‘special ops’ kind of mission...or even be temporarily ‘loaned’ to a particular military commander for a particularly important or desperate battle or show of force or other important situation. According to rumor, debatable battlefield accounts, and legends that gained them their secondary name, these best among the best soldiers will keep fighting through all injury and pain and suffering to the point one has to literally dismember them entirely to actually stop them. To manage to kill one is to find another already upon you. To underestimate them is to find a bullet to laser blast piercing one’s skull in the blink of an eye. -[i]Cavalry[/i]: A corp of troops assembled from assimilated tribal groups who possessed such beasts of war, and a former fixture in old-way armies, they are generally used on rougher terrains and are employed in combat before risking more valuable Land Vehicle forces. Originally ranks of Rangeri composed all of the cavalry, but with the incorporation of tribals and even descendants of old world native Americans who possessed mounts of some kind these sorts have replaced the old Rangeri cavalry and number much more than their predecessors did at that. Even the first Emperor noted the potential value in keeping such troops around to continue to supplement land forces...as well as somewhat appease those who look to this revamped but still-present corp as a sign of not ‘all’ the old ways being tossed aside. Wielding bows and pistols and rifles, usually alongside whatever traditional melee weapons of some sort their people had before or they could scavenge or cobble together, these soldiers stand as pillars of a certain sign of respect for natives and the ‘old ways’ that Tekisasu has maintained despite its advancement. To serve in this corp is to serve with pride for both one’s people and one’s nation, or so they are drilled, and this is the one corps of troops in the entire Tekisasu Military that are not recruited from the ranks of general infantry. Rather, these troops are simply recruited from the population and are drilled in some general tactics and discipline to make them better on the battlefield. Equipment repair is a service allotted to them as well, and if they lack a melee or ranged weapon they get a standard infantry type of armament to supplement. They are also useful for larger scouting parties, as well as sending out as standard-level scouts to observe and track enemy movements among other things. -[i]Land Vehicles[/i]: An amount of general vehicles and recovered pre-war APC’s have been recovered (and scavenged and cobbled together in new post-apocalyptic designs), at least within reason, and maintained by the Tekisasu Military. This fleet of vehicles can carry simple weapon mounts for soldiers, or if heavy/large enough carry a small cannon or two or a mortar or two on the other end of the spectrum, and are generally used to harass enemies, attack vulnerable groups of enemies, ride down fleeing foes, and carry soldiers to and from the battlefield. Even some bicycles, and some motorcycles at that, have been restored or scavenged or assembled in some post-apocalyptic design to carry messengers or certain types of ‘elite scouts’ around and allow them to quickly report back with vital information about enemy encampments and the ilk. -[i]Train Forces[/i]: A powerful technology in the post-apocalypse, part of the industrialization efforts of Tekisasu included the restoration of many old tracks to ‘be usable’ and building of ‘new’ tracks to stretch to new important locations. Likewise came the creation of new steam-powered locomotives or the salvage of pre-war steam engines that had been left in old train museums. A swift tool for moving supplies, troops, and people across their territory as they seek to expand and develop it, this technology has proven to be a very effective and key for this newly industrialized nation. However, while trains for trade and moving things is one thing, there have also been armored trains built and mounted with gun turrets. Such are used mainly for helping move troops into or close to dangerous areas, to watch over workers where new tracks are being laid and placed down, deal with bandits/raiders, and even to pull cars full of cargo when security concerns arise in a given area of the railway. They are a powerful tool, usually mounted with very simple gun placements for soldiers to use, or some kind of small cannon or two placed in top-mounted turrets, or even individual mortars mounted on to provide suppressive fire to a battle or position close enough to the tracks from afar. Albeit, due to their features and use such armored trains are naturally slower than their unarmored counterparts. Due to the value of a railroad in this current day and age, the railways of Tekisasu generally will always be kept watch on and maintained. -[i]Naval Forces[/i]: A once large tradug hub for the USA within the Gulf of Mexico, Houston Harbor became the Tekisasu naval center for trade and even naval military matters (with Port Arthur becoming a secondary area for this). It and areas along Tekisasu controlled coast was ultimately just a myriad of better or worse condition civilian ships, ranging from former personal boats to cargo ships left over from pre-war times and the ilk. Whether docked or washed up on the beach or half-sunk next to the shore, whether they were useful as scrap or could be repaired/repurposed in some fashion, they were inevitably put to use regardless for some kind of use. Some smaller surviving watercraft were converted into a small fleet of fishing boats, to supplement the food supply, and others were made into other boats with or without guns on them that were used for trade. Those that remained were repurposed into military craft for use against pirates, as well as being used for carrying soldiers and crew and supplies to battle areas close enough to the coast to be useful. The Battle of Port Arthur and the Battle of New Orleans were two instances in which the naval military ships were actually at their most relevant, to give an example, and the ever-present threat of pirates affecting Tekisasu trade and coastal territory has also necessitated the use of such watercraft as well over time. Faster and lighter steam-or-sail-powered lighter plated ships made by hand compose the majority of ships in the Tekisasu navy, however, and act merely to supplement what little pre-war civilian ships were able to be reused in various areas. Among these a very small about-handful of scrap-forged ships are actually Ironclad ships, ones which are armed well enough to be a real threat in this day and age but are also just mainly used in major enough or important enough military situations at sea or around the coast. They are not deployed often due to their costs, but are always stored away well and are stocked with veteran crews and sufficient support whenever they are actually deployed. -[i]Deputai[/i]: The ‘sheriffs/police’ and effectively ‘military police’ of Tekisasu lands. Responsible for acquiring/making their own weapons and armor and firearms, or otherwise buying them from the government if they want something ‘better’ at a cost out of their own pockets, they are hired on from among the local population and at least receive some proper military training for free before being assigned to an area to help police. In the end, however, they work for the government and are basically assigned across all of the settlements and cities in Tekisasu Lands to keep the peace and ensure the law is enforced. These officers roam the territory they are sent out in, and meet up at “Deputai Offices” located in each settlement (or constructed there if not already there) in order to coordinate themselves as well as jail prisoners in a prison portion built (or designated an tweaked in the case of a reused pre-war building) underneath these buildings. While a certain sense of ‘competition’ does arise within this police force, seeking to put down threats before another can or doing sabotage to keep out a competitor in order to get the pay bonuses designated for those doing a ‘superior’ job, a military official is set at the ‘head’ of managing local police forces and ensuring their job gets done ‘right’ despite this. If the local Deputai get too in-fighty or are causing notable trouble or the ilk, this official from the military is there to reign them in and even call upon help from nearby settlements or the government if needed. There is enough incentive to keep in-line for the good pay and prestige locally that these individuals do generally keep in line, but beyond that a certain “Code of Standards” has formed around this group naturally due to their influences and inspiration from ye olde samurai and the former Texas Rangers. This “Code of Standards” determines what “is” and “is not” acceptable to do, and indeed has been eventually formalized and compared to the tenants of the old warrior-class Rangeri in turn. Civilians have tended to look upon such officers more or less favorably due to how well they adhere to this code of honor/discipline, and entire families of Deputai have formed in local areas that seek to maintain their prestige and strive for a very high excellency of service and skill to the people of Tekisasu and their Emperor. Such families deal in strategic marriages, trades, alliances and rivalries, and the ilk between each other over in order to claw towards the top...but even this is held to a certain standard. Two families having a large war in all the streets or trying to divide a town in half between them could very rapidly devolve to military intervention and a loss of any status, property, life, and the ilk (literally everything) they once had. This class of individual can also be assigned to more strictly government-possessed or government-guarded areas, acting a proper military police and being more tightly ‘on the leash’ in return for a better paycheck and retirement. Only a few veteran members of this corp are also present in New Orleans, all newly re-assigned and equipped to try to help keep the peace in this city...at least as the military continues to work with the locals and tries to transition things there well enough to eventually pull out. From there the plan is to pull in more Deputai as the military transitions out, in order to maintain local order and adjust locals to things in a more easy-going and natural manner. -[i]Other[/i]: Other than the use of agents and a myriad of smaller specialist corps for things such as infiltration and sabotage and the ilk, there are also a few experimental concepts and ideas being worked on by Tekiasu. One of these is a still-experimental airship project that has been in the works for some time, an idea ultimately conceived and based on the remains of a crashed Brotherhood airship found years ago near their territory. While the ship seemingly had no survivors, aboard, its wreckage was hauled back and taken to be studied and analyzed. Though still in the experimental phase, the project heads hope to engineer something that could at least help move goods and supplies from place to place...if not also maybe troops and guns mounted on it and such things as well in due time afterwards. Likewise, there are experiments to create a heavily armored land vehicle that can carry guns and handle front line combat. Something that could ultimately shield infantry, perhaps, or tackle approaching enemy positions while cutting down on potential infantry casualties. Or in other words, Tekiasu is experimenting with creating a proper tank of some kind. There also exists an 'elite' kind of agent employed by Tekisasu beyond their usual agents and spies and such...the Ninjeck. Wearing black balaclava masks and learning a variety of tactics like assassination and spying and sabotage and sneaking and infiltration, they are known for their dangerous martial skill and highly versatile skillset ranging from wilderness survival to explosives making and poison/medicine creating and the ilk. They are taken in and trained from a very young age, from childhood, to take down the enemies of Tekisasu and loyally serve the Emperor and the government. Many an orphan or lost child with nowhere to go has found a place here, male and female, and have been employed since the time of the Sherrgon and old Rangeri. They were formed by the Sherrgon of old, and other than a wider inclusion of skills and better discipline/training/resources have otherwise seen little to no changes from modernization. [b]Economy[/b]: The Tekisasu Economy is in a state of growth, having been reformed and refounded during the lifetime of the First Emperor and his campaign to modernize his nation. There are many facilities for manufacturing and the ilk that have arisen, and things like old mines and new locations with resources have been transformed into standardized resource-gathering operations to fuel a modern nation. Scavenging ‘companies’ can also be found, sending people out or sifting about within Tekisasu lands to gather parts and materials and information and the ilk. These are things that, for these salvaging groups, be sold to their own government for a better profit if rare/valuable enough or at least to manufacturing areas and foreign traders and the like. Beyond there, agriculture and farming and fishing feature as the top three largest ‘industries’ in the entirety of Tekisasu due to their need. Agricultural practices have been improved distinctly after old Vault 104 hydroponics were eventually returned to and analysed/queried to try to improve food output aboveground. The catching of mutated fish, Mirelurks, and the ilk from the sea has also proven to be a boon to feeding a growing population and fueling a modern nation. Likewise, caring for Brahmin herds and even a few rare Radstag Ranches help provide another source of food to support a now more steadily growing population. [b]Culture and Technology (include views towards slavery and mutants)[/b]: [b]Religion[/b]: [b]Other[/b]: -[i]Note[/i]: [u]Other Relations/History/Trade Partners[/u] - ***MWBoS (considers Tekisasu ‘decent trading partners’; trade done by riverboats down the Mississippi River; MWBoS might be interested in their shipbuilding capabilities. In exchange, they'd be willing to sell armor and weapons, although nothing fancier than combat armor or laser rifles. Or if you need building materials they could trade stuff like limestone, cement, and lead.) ***80s (Beyond far-traveling mercenaries and traders from this group that appear for hire or trade respectively, a trend that has continued consistently through current times, there was a time period where a presence from the 80s was more notable for Tekisasu. This time period of ‘peak’ trade with the 80s was between the years of 2180 and 2240, under the guidance of a past road chief by the name of ‘David Son’. The man’s road name Son and the clan name was David [Jewish 80s could be a thing???] He had made the long journey south to Texas back in the days, until his small empire crumbled after his death/split under his sons who soonish either became fully local or died as well. Due to this, after David Son’s passing interactions and trade declined until they finally leveled out to their current state. However, those 80s who had been left in Texas were ultimately assimilated into local culture, albeit standing apart in their own way and becoming their own distinct and potent percentage of the Land Vehicles Forces of the Tekisasu Military as time has gone on. They live along a length of the I-20, and with Tekisasu modernization have become matured settlements and a people who’ve adopted an identity that takes pride in their past but join together with the modern and moves towards the future. Dubbed “The 80-20s”, both locally and among their own, they desire to one day be able to send people to travel the sacred I-80 once more to walk the ways of their ancestors as they proudly take their position as proud citizens of Tekisasu and fight for their new homeland. The current leader of this break-off faction from the 80s is called “Manche Wilder”, his road name being Wilder and his clan name being Manche [his clan being formed from descendants of former Comanche Indians].) ***Legion (Legion Frumentarii have been a problem in regards to their chem selling and spying work. In fact, their presence and rumors of their home nation became part of the kindling that stoked the fires of fear about larger nations to the West and ultimately helped lead to Tekisasu modernization. While counter-intelligence and counter-agent efforts have been undertaken to secure the Tekisasu borders in general, between rumor and Frumentarii they do approach things in a very cautious manner about the Legion at large. Especially with a lack of information on them to boot.) -[i]Note[/i]: [u]General Military Organization[/u] - There are commanders over different amounts of soldiers, similar to that of the Roman military actually. There is a commander set over every 10 soldiers, a commander over 100 (10 units of 10), and even a commander set over each 1000 soldiers (10 units of 100) and so forth. The Emperor sits at the very head of the military to boot, being the highest military official in the nation. -[i]Note[/i]: [u]Rifles[/u] - Among the types of ‘traditional’ rifles and ammunition in use by the Tekisasu Military, .30-30 Carbines, .45-70 Carbines/Revolvers (including “Forager” rounds), .50-110 Carbines, and .357 Carbines/Revolvers are featured in varying degrees as some of the most notable models in use. Most of these such carbines are lever-action, while only some are bolt-action. -[i]Note[/i]: [u] Emperor’s Bodyguard - The Samumanche[/u] - There exists another elite unit that is still ‘part of the Imperial military’, but also acts solely as the bodyguards and personal soldiers of the Emperor (formerly Sherrgon) alone. Warriors recruited from lands far distant from Tekisasu’s own, rumored foreign lands said in legend to be filled with peoples who war and shout and wield weapons and worship a strange deity never seen before. Donned in mighty top-grade armor and wielding odd weapons (like giant electrified or heated saw-like blades they can swing around and wield very easily with one arm) fusing local tradition and Tekisasu technology, these very tall darker-skinned warriors that hide their faces behind the metal masks are an imposing force to be reckoned with as they stand in their silent vigil. Adorned with a myriad of body-covering tattoos, at least according to local rumors emerging from the royal palace in the Tekisasu capital, these odd people are even said to never speak...perhaps having taken a vow of silence? They even stand at an imposing height, as tall as Super Mutants at the very least! In battle it is said they are “like demons”, and that they roar in this situation with the force and crackling boom of a radstorm. -[i]Note[/i]: [u]The Immigrants - Marco-quetza[/u] - The stock of people the Emperor’s bodyguard seem to come from, all the same kind of super-tall and odd foreigners like them who have ever since immigrated and come to live in the various cities and areas along the coast of Tekisasu. Others have migrated further inland from there, though the biggest concentration of these live outright in the imperial capital itself. These people can kill creatures with blowgun-style weapons, are good at construction and often hired for this throughout the empire, are known as great workers with stone and making seemingly perfectly square/rigid types of statue/sculpture, and are capable farmers/fishers in their own rights. In terms of non-native populations that have appeared in or immigrated to Tekisasu, they are the largest by far. They have, however, over the years most definitely assimilated into areas alongside natives and others and become yet another of the proud people of Tekisasu. Some have adopted local culture, some have adopted a mix, and even others have retained a certain distinctness in their ways retained from whatever mysterious and rumored home they came from. Another better-known fact about them is a celebration each year (sometime in October) they call the “Moztlati”: a tradition that celebrates the “sparing of the world” from annihilation and preservation of their people from utter destruction. Those participating prepare dishes from “poor” and very common ingredients locally, and eat a humbly made but splendid feast of various dishes with friends and family and visitors while recounting the orally-passed-down story of mankind’s deliverance from total annihilation in their homes. They are known as hard workers, and their food tends to make use of big soups and stews and long-lasting cakes imbibed with various foods and meant to survive long-term storage. They have introduced the unique farming aspect of deriving a grow-able source of water from a strange type of ‘mutated cactus’ present in the desert. It takes in radioactive water and produces reserves of fresh water inside, ones that can be safely tapped into for use by adding a simple turn-on-able spot on the end. Apparently a similar plant existed back in their unknown homeland, or so some immigrants say. Likewise an odd form of grain once brought in by them has mixed with local razorgrain and formed a unique species that has been since more and more commonly farmed in Tekisasu in certain kinds of crop rotations. No examples of the original grain remain, however, save for maybe a rare area near Galveston rumored to have some. Perhaps mixed with a kind of stunted mutant corn, this foreign crop hybrid produces long ‘cobs’ along the mid-shaft of the plant’s stalk along with a number of hardy seeds. Such seeds can be harvested along with the plant when ready, but if left for too long the seeds will ‘explode’ a tiny internal reserve of water and oil mixture in them that scatters the seeds over an area around the mother plant. These people have also brought an odd and unique language, which to any pre-war-familiar groups like the Brotherhood might potentially be able to recognize it as some kind of Nahuatl-Spanish-English mixed language (more dominant influences of each respective language going from left to right) the locals in Tekisasu have dubbed ‘Marco-quetzan’. -[i]Note[/i]: [u]The Rangeri[/u] - The Rangeri of old, the former warrior class that existed within Tekisasu and kept order in the land. They wielded three weapons in the beginning, that being a scrap-made sword, a wakazashi made out of small pieces of broken metal or things like sharpened rulers for if they needed to commit soup-puku, and a revolver pistol. Each lord of old would promote and grant land to their Rangeri within their area of control, and the Rangeri were responsible for keeping order and peace and productivity in their respective slices of land. Often the Rangeri would then on a local scale gather up some locals to serve them as retainers, as well as local extensions of them in enforcing order and law, who would be given small boons or certain advantages such as a smaller stipend of caps. Some would even invest in local projects or art to impress their lord, if not the locals, in order to help maintain their status and significance. When having a dispute over something to the point they'd come to blows, if not when they might have a dispute their with lord, the traditional thing to do for Rangeri was a "Duel at Noon" rather than make a mess of things. Such duels became storied among the Tekians, where two would meet down a long open street and battle until one was dead or surrendered. The victor would then get not only his side taken in the dispute by his lord, and locals, but would get compensation paid by the loser's family as well as take a slice of the loser's land. A big price for such a duel, and when they'd turn lethal the standard thing to do was take in the loser's family and land as one's own and treat them well out of respect. Likewise, while they did lord over the locals in their territory the Rangeri also took to protecting them as a matter of pride as well. It was their duty, their job to not only serve their lord...but above and beyond so to further ensure the safety of their lands and the overall territory of the Sherrgon. Some stories tell of honorable and mighty Rangeri who took great care in their duties to the people and Sherrgon, whilst there were at least a few examples of the opposite occurring and the myriad problems that came with it as a warning to other Rangeri and their lords and peoples. The main sword of a Rangeri was also considered part of themselves, an important piece of their status and a symbol of their might that they were to care for. They practiced with it and their revolver, held in a similar regard, very often in order to hone their skills. There were even schools in the capital where they could go or send their future heirs to go learn, study, and practice both martial skill and academic skills. Whilst original Rangeri swords are mostly gone between the civil war and modernization efforts and the ilk, a few rare ones made of just scrap have been well-cared for and repaired and passed down and maintained even through current times by descendants who keep them to 'honor the past'. Meanwhile more the better-made and more recent Rangeri swords survived, or were gathered from those who died in the civil war, and were passed onto either living descendants/kin (if there were any) or given as gifts to new higher officers to merely as gifts and symbols of their position in the new modern army. The one the heir to the throne of Tekisasu currently wields is actually a custom-made blade, forged from the finest steel Tekisasu money could buy and forge. Families of the Rangeri would be kept at their lords' estates, staying there as well-treated hostages in case any Rangeri got ideas of rebelling or something of the sort. This kept the system in-line, but when modernization occurred many of these were bought out by the first Emperor and adapted to the new modern army system that arose. It not only freed their families from the lords, but with the people already liking them it gave them greater prestige and better pay to boot. Those who resisted, however, claimed that such change was uncouth and frankly endangered their livelihoods and status. -[i]Note[/i]: [u]Minority Chinese-Descended Population of Tekisasu & The Yangtze[/u] - The Yangtze and its lone captain were eventually assisted by another traveling passer-by who went to investigate it, albeit this mysterious kind soul eventually died from radiation sickness and wounds sustained from feral ghouls in the ship after helping Captain Zao fix it. The captain helped bury the body of this kind friend before heading out on his voytage to try to go home, but got as far as the Gulf Coast and Texas despite his attempts to 'stay safe' by keeping closer to the shore. It was here he was eventually run across by others off the coast of Galveston. It was here he found some other Chinese ghouls and even Chinese-descended people all from the same crew of another Chinese sub that 100 years ago beached near the old Galveston drydock due to a myriad of issues. While it had since been kept in once piece by the Chinese ghouls and some of the descendants of those from weren't dead or ghoulified by then, mainly just to keep the on-board reactor from causing issues, this sub remained rather strongly seaworthy still. Yet the First Emperor had given them special permission to keep maintaining it, as well as gave them special payments for all among them who could be pulled in to help the nation of Tekisasu modernize and teach others at least some things. A scrap-forged dry dock had been built by this time as well as part of a larger payment for technical knowledge, at some cost out of the Emperor's personal finances to boot, in order to better isolate and allow it to be maintained and preserved for research and safety reasons. Likewise, these descendants had been allowed to spread out into the general population and now formed part of the populations along the Tekisasu coast as well as in some areas farther inland to boot. Finding some of the old ghouls still there to be from Zhongguo as well, and after realizing that his sub could not make it home due to other travel issues his former comrades pointed out, decided to stay and live with his fellows. Putting down the feral ghouls inside, and doing further repairs to The Yangtze, the old ghouls and those living who could assist gave Zao a sense of comfort as well as took their knowledge of their sub to repair his to a better condition (at least) than it had been when he was leaving Boston. Likewise, parts and ammunition from the other old sub could be used to restock The Yangtze if it was used. To this end the Second Emperor has even paid the ghoulified submarine captain to work for his nation and prosper with his people in his lands. While it is only one sub, with limited supplies for restocking its lesser armaments and ilk, it does exist as a part of the Tekisasu Navy as its most key and prized piece of them all. The single most advanced thing their navy has, money has since been funneled and resources channeled to keep it in as best as shape as possible...if not try to return it somewhat closer to its 'prime' state. It also still contains the failed and useless ICBM within it, which to this day still cannot be fired and does not contain a nuclear warhead due to that being used as fuel. On another side note, some of these people form a distinct area in the capital. Albeit a rather new and growing area alotted to them, it has been dubbed with the name "Ya'ang" by locals and "Yang" by those from that area. [/hider] [center][h3]WIP's[/h3][/center] [hider=Tekisasu Sub-Faction 1: "The Greater Union of New Orleans"] [b]Name[/b]: The Greater Union of New Orleans [b]Flag (picture or description)[/b]: [find pic] [b]Territory (picture or description) and Geography[/b]: The territory of this faction encompasses the city of New Orleans, as well as a small bit of surrounding area. [b]History (if using a pre-existing faction, recent history will due. The RP start date is 2290)[/b]: A city which remained independent for some time and was embroiled in decades of post-war chaos, it was originally united by a council of faction leaders in the city who seized areas of influence before eventually uniting and creating a tension-filled peace after years of in-fighting over turf within the city itself. These factions were as follows: The Red Lighters, The Creole Kings, The Gass Guzzlers, The Vaultie Boys, and The St. Bernard Squatters. The groups, though disparate and different, worked out a sort of cohabitation situation in order to make the most wealth they could from the city itself rather than getting nowhere in years of attrition-filled battle between each other. Due to this, the area ultimately became a major trading hub that has remained in the hands of the new “City Council” for a good number of years. Yet while the factions who control New Orleans overtly keep to a ‘square deal’ they made with each other, and independent traders and customers coming in would find a safe place to sell and buy a large variety of wares, they also would...make some dealings under the table. Sabotage, bribery, the assassination of ‘problem people’, creation of inter-city alliances to gang up on others in council decisions, all of it was without a doubt commonplace even after the ‘uniting’ of New Orleans into an independent trading power. One minute they all might be working together to repair levees and ensure the city isn’t obliterated in flood waters, the next they might be warring over influence with a new profitable medical drug on the market that some traders just brought in from New York or something. While a vicious cycle, however, the factions ultimately have put themselves in a deadlock of a situation...one where a local war between any of them would mean doom for the profit margin of themselves individually as well. However, tensions did continue to rise over the years, and near-conflict-inducing flare-ups scattered about here and there have been more common over the years through even now. More recently, however, when the nation of Tekisasu to the west sent representatives tthey were initially heard out, before being promptly laughed at and out of the city. All the Council of New Orleans knew about this group was something about lords and lands and a caste of odd warriors being among them, according to the rumors and tales of them, based somewhere in the desert or something. Sure they had moved into southern Louisiana and taken some land, but what could some sword-swinging bunch of Tribals trying to be fancy about things do for or even to them? They had people just as good and already in their pocketbook, basically just a large raider gang housed in an area of the city leased out to them ijn return for acting as the city's exterior-protection muscle. When the second delegation came, however, men from the Raving Raiders stopped them at the border and told them to leave. They had been told to keep out any representatives from the group, asked to even use a show of force if more representatives became persistent. Perhaps then these tribals would just leave them alone and step out of their business! Thus when the delegation refused to leave, stating they were there on important business, they were beaten to a pulp and robbed and then dumped outside of the city. The few lingering survivors would crawl back to their masters, all whilst the Council hoped this show of force would show they just didn’t want to do business and could handle themselves. Yet this decision would later come to haunt them, even as they glutted on their wealth and their insulating raider muscle was relishing in its profitable position. Rumors of a marching army coming the city’s way, apparently from Tekisasu lands, didn’t even phase the Council of New Orleans as they merely let their muscle get ready to shoot up a bunch of easy-to-crush and mock-honor-bound peasant-armed morons they felt would be coming. A bunch of primitive fools with pointy sticks and scrap crammed together to form a 'blade' would be nothing to bat an eye at, especially ones who were just rednecks and idiots mimicking the pre-war Japanese, though some factions almost jokingly suggested bribing the enemy with caps to see if some of them could be turned on each other! Though by the time the modernized Tekisasu forces swept into the lax streets of New Orleans like a red and yellow tide, wiping out the 'muscle' the city had long relief on against external threats, the ruling Council of New Orleans could barely scrape enough representation together to keep their own personal forces safe and propose a hasty but total surrender. These tactically-led forces, of which the future Tekisasu Emperor was at the forefront of the ground forces, ultimately annihilated the overconfident and ill-prepared/lazy Raving Raiders in a striking blitzkrieg that sent massive ripples through New Orleans' visitors, locals, and factions alike. Though the Council overall took some comfort in now being immediately executed and replaced, however, they were now in a new and tenuous position in the following years. Many, meaning most outside traders and a good portion of the New Orleans locals, eventually came to approve more of the new jurisdiction that Tekisasu had brought upon them after a time. Streets were cleaner, less druggies were meandering around the city’s more profitable areas, violent incidents from different factions were being suppressed, Raiders weren’t wandering streets deeper in on occasion to ‘help enforce’, and ideas of actual power being supplied one day and a railroad coming to the city spoke volumes for potential profits moving forward. This on top of work beginning on cleaning up the old Raider area into a new market hub and living area! A certain level of autonomy being left for them also allowed many people to live ‘normal’ if not somewhat better lives with a little more security and keeping their local traditions. Albeit, these moves were primarily made on the occupiers' part to try to maintain a sort of positive image and garner some local support for the annexation. Yet these motives aside, many of those in New Orleans seem to be looking at a brighter and more thriving potential future and profit than an independent New Orleans alone would have ever given them. On the other hand, the minority of ‘certain’ types of traders, some among the populace, higher-ups in some factions, and those whose otherwise profiteered from or worked within the steady stream of inter-faction conflicts were left rather unhappy. Disparate and small outside raider groups, once kept at bay by the city’s own greater external raider muscle and illicit under-the-table trades with them made by the factions, now look at the newly occupied city as an enemy and potential threat under its "new management" rather than turning their eyes away as they used to do. Those who work or worked as troops for the remaining factions of the city were cracked down on when ‘putting the greater public in danger’, their activities stifled and their influence being reduced (not eliminated of course, but reduced). Likewise, local businesses aligned with the flow of drugs in and out of the city being standardized found an increase in wealth and growth in business...but those who had dealt mostly with illicit or shady outside groups like other Raiders or selling to vulnerable communities to create addicts were basically cut off entirely. There were even those who just didn’t like the concept of being ruled by a new group, no matter how well it got, or otherwise have held resentment over the military occupation and whatever changes or other issues have come along so far with annexation. Then finally, the profits of the various Factions have been cut into as well, alongside a new flow of caps back to pay off modernization and civil war debs in the rest of Tekisasu that has led even more to a sense of distaste from those faction higher-ups and their personal forces who were used to the sweeter "supplemental income" they had reaped before. [b]Population[/b]: 40,000 [b]Government/Domestic Politics[/b]: New Orleans is run by several factions, who after once warring over territory united to generate profits and create a powerful trading hub in the Southeast USA. United as a group within the so-named "Council of New Orleans", -[i]Factions of New Orleans[/i]: ***The Redlighters - Based out of the former French Quarter, they are a faction who first made it big by delving into the business of alcohol brewing and prostitution and providing a ‘myriad of services’ like drugs to others. They also are the faction that hosts the yearly celebration of “Mardi Gras” in their area of New Orleans, a festival now seen as one to celebrate their survival of the apocalypse and to indulge in excess and luxuries and forbidden indulgences once a year in an virtually orgy-like party that occurs in the heart of the city and everyone/anyone is welcome to participate in. The faction eventually also invested in providing temporary housing and hostels/inns for traveling traders and the ilk, neatening up their appearance and territory as time went on and business became more profitable. Even so they have never stopped plying their original trades and services to the public, and indeed continue to make a hefty profit off of these as well to boot. They also deal in trade of chems and such drugs to “The Vaultie Boys” faction, albeit this relationship has gone from originally a singular partnership to a flow of goods that has become necessary for the city’s function. The local ‘forces’ of this particular faction consisted mainly of bouncers and basic door-guards who would keep clientele and their goods safe from thieving or harm. Likewise, a small force of trained ‘escorts’ would be scattered about undercover on the streets but be battle-ready to catch unsuspecting or attempted thieves trying to rob Redlighter personnel. Internal faction conflicts have also made the Redlighters the best ‘spies’ and ‘infiltrators’ in the entire city. ***The Creole Kings - Do you need food? Do you need people who can hunt and kill and track the myriad of mutated creatures and dangers of the Wasteland more than anyone else in New Orleans? This is where the Creole Kings shine, being a more rural faction filled with an array of specialized beast-hunting, farming, and crop-raising folk who are as rugged and tough and hardy as the land they live upon is deadly. And the land they live upon is rather deadly, filled with Deathclaws, Orleans Gatorclaws (a unique variant arising only in this area and spreading out some ways east from there), and a myriad of unique plant and animal species that survived and mutated in the post-apocalypse. What they lack in infrastructure, they make up for in numbers and improved genetics over generations of only the toughest and strongest members of their factions being able to survive. They speak with a thick, Creole accent and tend to be the most ‘foreign’ sort of group to interact with when visiting New Orleans. While minor conflicts with other factions were inevitable before the uniting of the city itself, these people never got the worst of it after proving to be very hard to fight on their home turf and otherwise too valuable for their food production to actually kick out. Their ‘forces’ will always total up to their entire population, as every man, woman, and child is taught to shoot a gun and wield a weapon from a very young age in order to protect themselves and even fight others if they need to. It is just part of the lifestyle they have lived for generations upon generations since the bombs fell, living off a harsh and even more unforgiving landscape than a great many other wastelanders have had to. Families socialize with each other naturally among their people, and bonds of blood and friendship and such relationships connect virtually everyone living in the titularly named ‘Swamp of New Orleans’. This is to the point they consider themselves ‘one big family’ in the literal sense, even with each family having a head, and to prod their people with attack and attempts to wipe them out is to invite a very quickly organizing effort and guerilla warfare and the dangers of the swamp in their entirety. While not the most educated of all factions, potentially the least, they are not as ‘dumb’ as some outsiders might think. Book smarts are one thing…“seein’ folks, knowin’ how ta’ keep tha’ peace, and knowin’ when ta’ keep an eye on them, how ta’ hide thin’s from em’, an’ knowin’ when ta’ pull the trigger are other matters entirely”. They are also experts with airboats, and not only operate and maintain ones that survived the bombs but have crafted ones since then with time and effort. Their boats not only move food about the city, however, but also help move supplies and transport people/goods in general. This transportation service they provide is something notable, and has become a vital lifeline within the city itself for outsiders and locals alike in getting about without tramping through the almost labyrinthine ruined city streets. This people consider the Redlighters historically to be their historic rivals and ancient foes, ones they keep a tenuous peace with for the city’s sake and their own profit margin. They are also a faction in favor of just ‘going with the flow’ and letting their annexations happen...after all, it only increases the area in which they can market, ensuring a new and bountiful batch of customers to come. They are perhaps the strongest faction supporting Tekisasu annexation due to the fact they will inevitably continue to reap sheer profit and growth in their particular area of expertise. Plus, buying more weapons to mod and modify for hunting is a plus to them. ***The Vaultie Boys - A faction formed from former Vault Dwellers emerging from the horrors of the Uptown New Orleans “Vault 71”, a vault where experimental attachments of robot parts to human bodies and human parts to robots resulted in an array of maddening deaths and strange abominations and ultimately evacuation of the vault after generations of trying to get the Overseer-disabled door lock to finally open. From here they ultimately assimilated what locals were originally in their current territory, and settled their turf with help of their vault’s robot-producing plants. Its macabre technologies would also come to be put to use for robotic or fleshy ‘prosthetics’, and its various medical facilities that were to be used to help with experiments were put to use healing up and treating locals. Robots made out of gathered scrap materials proved to be a somewhat-efficient ‘force’ to keep their area safe, and in turn these “Vault People” or “Vaultie Boys” came to claim old buildings and even an old hospital or two as they became a source of medical care in the area. It became their niche, at least alongside the refurbishing and ‘fixing’ of technologies or tools brought to them. The more harsh and violent factions were kept satiated, at least, by their providing medical care and engineering skills. Such skills ultimately cemented them, however, as essential service locals and outsiders and even travelers would tap into for the right price after the uniting of the city under the so named “Council of New Orleans”. Out of all of the factions of New Orleans, this one has perhaps been the most peaceful throughout its history. It never indulged in the backstabbing of other factions, but also sought out a profit through purely legitimate means its people knew were necessary to keep things running. Why go behind peoples’ backs, after all, when you can keep them held in the palm of your hand to get heir people patched up? In this vein, Vaultie Boys members are more likely to be face to face and blunt about things rather than sugar-coat them or go behind one’s back to make a deal. They are also the most cocky and confident of the bunch. However, this faction also has perhaps the most sway on the most worst-off among the population due to providing certain ‘free’ forms of care for locals and gaining a certain favor from many locals in turn. Not all, mind, but many. ***The St. Bernard Squatters - The youngest faction of New Orleans, originally composed of settlers and others who originally settled in an area of New Orleans after finding themselves without any other form of home to settle on or go to. They initially were nothing but a mass of people other factions sold to, due to moving upon a muddy and flooded area that had lots of scrap but also not much to offer at first. Yet what their land lacked in obvious resources they made up for in ingenuity to do some hunting and farming, though this put them at some odds with The Creole Kings and eventually into an alliance with The Redlighters (who only supported them to try to counterbalance the Creole Kings). Likewise, they began to make a profit off of simply sending people out to scavenge surrounding areas to the southeast and southwest and selling the scrap to the Vaultie Boys and Gas Guzzlers and others for a profit. Beyond these, however, they generally were used to performing various odd-jobs and gathering scrap as they basically ‘squatted’ on the land at first and brought nothing majorly productive. They eventually became primarily skilled prospectors and scavengers who would go out to gather scraps and loot and the ilk that might interest other factions, they also became an area where the majority of the city’s poorest and downtrodden lived and where religion came along and took root. The man who united the area in turn eventually became a religious figure, the titular “St. Bernard”. A patron for the downtrodden, a saviour of the hopeless, a being that watched over and cared about even those who did not actively believe in him, and a presence that supported prospectors and scavengers in their work and guided their minds and hands and eyes to what was most valuable. Thus a group of squatters and the poorest of the city, once sitting upon mud, became a prominent faction of local prospectors/scavengers and simultaneously the most religiously zealous people of the city. They have also traded for scrap and items to scrap with travelers and traders and other prospectors, seeking to keep a secure local market for their wares as they reap in the profits. Despite their oddities, however, they have remained stalwart allies of the Redlighters and even promoted one of the group’s former leaders to a venerated status in their religion. Similarly about half of their people stand among those who wish for the “infidel occupiers” to be driven from their city with a small occupation-supportive minority. It is a rather heated debate that still continues among the faction to this day, even as their priests and leaders manage to keep them civil for the time being at least. Their current leader is also their very religious head, taking the form of one man and former priest named “Nathaniel Wilson” who took on the name of “The Great Popar, Sanguis York” after his ascension to the head of the religion. While a bit ‘nutty’ and definitely ‘a bit crazy’, he is also a man of action and vehement words who stubbornly commits to his actions and decisions unless ‘divine revelations’ he gets tells him otherwise. It also might not help that he is a Daytripper addict (the drug being a religious thing for them) who continues to get shipments from his Redlighter suppliers. Even so, his faction is by sheer numbers the largest faction in the city by a good amount….even if his people still live in mud-and-scrap huts and other building ruins converted into some kind of more primitive habitable spaces. He also desires to eventually “create a utopia of civilization that would appease St. Bernard and the other saints”, plans for which have...never been really talked about so far in public at all. Aside from visitors to the better-built church areas and trade areas for scrap or to listen to sermons, most of the areas of this faction inhabits are only ever occupied by their denizens. However, what this faction lacks in better technology they make up for in raw numbers as compared to the other factions in general. ***The Gas Guzzlers - The final surviving original faction of New Orleans, they formed from a pre-war biker gang used to break strikes along the distance of the I-10. Wasteland experts at salvaged vehicles and cobbled-together machines to ride about in, their ‘home/main hub’ exists within New Orleans and acts as the point for various people from their ‘clan’ who seek to travel the road to the east coast and back as their rite of passage. While they were mostly uninvolved in city matters, save for trading for supplies, they did act as a force that deterred too many outside forces from trying to take the city while they were present. That much was valuable. Yet while the Raving Raiders Gang and them were always at odds with each other at first due to this, nearly sparking a total war due to past conflicts, intervention from the other factions during the union of New Orleans led to some compromise and a tenuous general agreement of peace (even if one filled with occasional incidents to boot) to exist between them. While the Raving Raiders took up as the ‘defensive muscle’ to help protect the city if it came into real danger from outside, the Gass Guzzlers became a faction whose travels and people kept the I-10 clear enough to encourage more land traders to visit New Orleans. Going from a biker gang who once raided in Southern Louisiana and Mississippi and as far as southern Georgia, they became an organization and even hire-able mercenaries who now contributed to the city’s wealth and growth in some fashion. Keeping out of city matters unless they needed supplies or to pick up their allotted ‘cut’ of growing city profits to keep them cooperative, with discussion with the other New Orleans factions they turned into the ‘hired’ land forces that would ensure safer trade and get supplies and caps and ilk in return. Out of all of the factions of New Orleans, however, they are also the most controversial in the current political issues about the occupation to some extent. They are mostly interested in their own matters, and have been only included on the Council of New Orleans in order to keep their representation and a peace with them where they are involved. They do, however, simply seek to reap what benefits they can from even the current situation. Tekisasu seeks to make the area more secure in the future by hiring them on as well, granting them a certain autonomy, and further has noted to allow them to head through their lands as long as they remain peaceful and loyal. This has opened up the chance for some of the fabled “Western Route” to be traveled once more, something only their ‘most ancient’ ancestors once were able to do before issues between them and others to the west resulted in a ban on such travel due to its ‘dangers’. Likewise they have been offered to be sold more potential wrecks and salvage vehicles to turn into their revered traveling machines or help repair them, which has ultimately been a big boon for them since then. Their presence on the Council is a strained one in general despite current times, however, as they are the only remaining ‘wild card’ that had been around aside from the raiders. As such certain bribes and increases in payments to them have been doled out from the city’s coffers, somewhat vaguely keeping them still in-line with the other factions of New Orleans and their interests for the moment being. Whilst they do keep in place for now due to their new acquisitions from Tekisasu requiring caps to pay for, their lingering grudge of the other factions having brought in a Raider gang before to ‘help defend the city’ at all has begun to bubble up once more as well as new opportunities created by annexation have become more and more tantalizing to them. To keep them on the Council is to keep them in-line, but were they to go off the chain or flip over to Tekisasu...well, the thought that they might take out old grudges or anger on the other factions of New Orleans is a very feasible and frightening thought indeed. This group also sees the 80-20s of Tekisasu as ‘distant brothers’ or ‘cousins from another motherland’ who they hold some grudging but real respect for and are respected some by in turn for similar reasons. ***The Raving Raiders Gang ([b]FORMER[/b]) - The youngest and final faction that ‘formerly’ existed within New Orleans, they were a raider gang who was initially brought in by the other factions to keep the Gass Guzzlers in-check in case they ever turned on them. This resulted in severe tensions between this faction and the Gass Guzzlers in return, and a near-conflict, but they did their job and were even given criminals and slaves to do with as they pleased. Anything to keep a balance of local power going. During the union of New Orleans and the creation of the Council of New Orleans, however, they were granted representation as well as a greater cut of the profits in order to ensure peace between them and the wild card Gass Guzzlers. After all, while the Gass Guzzlers kept the roads safer for trade now...someone was needed to act as muscle in case the city itself was threatened by outside forces. Especially other raiders gangs. While kept in the pocketbook of the city itself, they were still considered an unofficial ‘second wild card’ among the factions of New Orleans by those who paid them for protection from the outside world. On occasion they’d move deeper into the city and vandalize, or disrupt, goings-on to a certain degree before being told to leave and pushed out to go back to their area of the city by local faction forces. Occasional incidents with locals or visitors began to create a certain strain on relations as it threatened the city’s bottom line, but tense negotiations and added bribes would keep the raiders firmly in the grasp of their employers to a good degree at least. Yet this faction also grew lazy and fat to some degree, drowned in their new wealth and goods to keep them satiated as they targeted outside raiders groups or unimportant settlements for sport to kill the time. Some locals and seedier traders dealt with them to boot. Yet they were also the force that instigated the ‘final straw’ that led to Tekisasu Military occupation, and in the ensuing blitzkrieg they were caught totally off-guard and were obliterated by the professional and modern army that had come knocking on their doorstep. What few individuals remain of this faction are either in prison or are barely a handful who might have scattered to the four winds and fled very far from New Orleans itself. A rumor tells of a small group of them that lurks a ways beyond the borders of New Orleans, however, which were cut off after being sent out for a raid and being left out of the slaughter of their faction on the day of the occupation. As a faction this group doesn’t properly exist anymore, however, and their former area of operations in New Orleans has been converted into the area now dubbed “New Town” by locals. The area has seen a surge in modifications, repairs, and general fixes that have come alongside the building of generators and assistance provided for former Raider slaves. Despite the long-term plan to reform the area as mass living space for locals and the hub of a new "Central Market" to help drum up local business, and the myriad of things already set in place there so far, the area ultimately is the straging ground from which Tekisasu forces at the moment maintain a ‘respectable fortress to protect New Orleans and its profits/trade/people’ until the incorporation process of New Orleans to the greater of Tekisasu is completed. The area has indeed seen a mass growth in population between freed slaves and eager immigrants to it from without and even elsewhere within the city, and has garnered the area reputation as the strongest area of support for the "new owners" among locals in New Orleans. The remnants have united into a group known as "The Raving Lunatics", a pathetic successor group for the most part that frankly has moved to the eastern border of Louisiana to try to build itself back up to its former glory. ***The "Oldies"/Neutral Territory - An area of the city once long ago controlled by a group of old world ghouls, ones originating from various occupations ranging from "soldier" to "businessman" to "policeman" or "mechanic" and otherwise. Once this fell apart and the uniting of New Orleans occurred, however, the area was eventually declared a "neutral zone" by the other factions who didn't want to incite conflict that trying to grab that area's land would inevitably cause. Likewise, the settlements inside have been long filled with locals from there as well as others who had fled from other factions to get away from the constant inter-city in-fighting of the past. To this end the area also personally sought to keep its independence anyways, forming a sizable and eventually cohesive joint local militia and uniting as a collective of settlements to keep the peace and keep themselves safe. Locals here have created an 'unaffiliated' place where outsiders usually find it most safe , turning the area into the central trading hub for New Orleans itself, whilst still bearing the moniker of the "Oldies". It is a neutral area that hosts the Council of New Orleans and strikes deals with it economically, but does not otherwise get involved with its business at all. A direct comparison to the "Minutemen" of the Commonwealth can be struck with the Oldies as well, as this civilian militia has grown from simply helping assert the area's independence to becoming the governing and protecting force that their area's settlements have invested strongly into in turn. This group has struck their own deals with the occupying Tekisasu, seeing the occupiers and city's annexation as a welcome thing to finally "clean out" the city of its far worse aspects. Likewise, they see this as a way to keep the Council of New Orleans in check, which had before annexation begun finally pressuring the Oldies more to give in on some thing and had been teasing and prodding them to near-conflict at times as they slung around their joint weight. Frankly speaking the people of this area would love to see the Council dissolved and destroyed, simply to put the risks of the past behind, but have ultimately not been too proud to not stand on the side of Tekisasu in order to help further maintain peace in the city's central-most hub of commerce. To this end, the Oldies have been given boons as their area acts as a "secondary grounds" for Tekisasu forcces to go through. Promises of incorporating their local forces into the new police of the area have also been made, pushing this area of the city into the limelight in this manner. Yet this also comes at a price. They not even seen as a "viable ally" by any of the other factions, since they have opposed the rest of them for so long and at times barely, and those who are against the city's annexation see them as an ever bigger "threat to an independent New Orleans" at that. Their current leader is General Patton Miremarsh, the leading commander of the forces of the Oldies. [b]Notable People[/b]: [i]Vaultie Boys Leader[/i] - George Q. Washington - A somewhat strict and blunt man, a former doctor-engineer (a kind of job most of this faction are ardently taught from a young age) who rose in the ranks of his faction for his resource efficiency and popularity among those who ‘want the straight facts’. He is also the biggest ‘stick up the butt’ on the entire council as well, and is someone who along with his faction supports the Tekisasu annexation as long as it continues to benefit him and his people moving forward. Were his profits and peoples' advantages to come into danger of collapsing, then...well, it's just good business after all. And one must do business as they need to in order to survive in this world. [i]Gass Guzzlers Leader[/i] - Baptiste Gass - An old man, but do not let his age make one think he is weak. He is like a weathered stone, smaller than what he once was but strong enough to knock out a man half his age in a bar fight. A scarred rider of the sacred I-10, fgounder of many population spots along it for the Gass Guzzlers, and perhaps the third greatest leader since their founder according to his people. He has been in many a battle in his day, is a usually silent figure in council meetings, and has the respect of his people that almost borders on religious (much to the annoyance of the St. Bernard Squatters). Whilst he and his son (who is more hotheaded than him) and many others hold a serious grudge against the Raving Raiders, and especially other factions for bringing those Raiders in under any terms at all in the past after said Raiders killed some of their beloved family members (aka their people) in the past, he also understands that if his people pose enough of a threat to New Orleans the other factions would act accordingly. Even with Tekisasu forces there, and a new contact in the form of the 80-20s, an immediate attack by a united force of the other factions would remain rather dangerous for them indeed. [i]St. Bernard Squatters Leader[/i] - Nathaniel Wilson - A leader and very much his faction's religious head, taking the form of one man and former Bernardian priest named “Nathaniel Wilson” who took on the name of “The Great Popar, Sanguis York” after his ascension and election to the head of the local religion. While a bit ‘nutty’ and definitely ‘a bit crazy’, he is also a man of action and vehement words who stubbornly commits to his actions and decisions unless ‘divine revelations’ he gets tells him otherwise. It also might not help that he is a Daytripper addict (the drug being a religious thing for them) who continues to get shipments from his Redlighter suppliers. Even so, his faction is by sheer numbers the largest faction in the city by a good amount despite still living in mud-and-scrap huts and other primitive building ruins converted into some kind of more habitable spaces. He also desires to eventually “create a utopia of civilization that would appease St. Bernard and the other saints”, plans for which have...never been really talked about so far in public at all. [i]Creole Kings Leader[/i] - Paul Q Gatortooth - An imposing 6’3” man who seems heavy set, but in reality is filled with just raw muscle, scars from beasts, and a mean left hook if his legendary bar fights have been any sign. A simple man of few words, he is the leader that the head of the “Vaultie Boys" seems to get along with most due to his desire to get to the point when he speaks and deals. Albeit, this favor only goes so far between the two as well. However, he is far from stupid and is both experienced and capable of smelling out a ‘lie’ when he detects it...and surprisingly well at that. He is willing to deal under the table when it comes to ensuring his people come out on top over their enemies, though his stubborn ways can lead to some conflict when he gets set in his ways. Even so, he is a man of his word in both deed and by his own proclamation. A threat, or more positive promise, is something one can count on without a shred of doubt when it comes to him. [i]Redlighters Leader[/i] - Sylvia Saltwater - The current leader of the Redlighters faction, the titular sexy but very dangerous Sylvia “Sweetheart” Saltwater, a former bar-runner and prostitute turned faction leader through some...very vague and highly dubious circumstances. Even now her ascension remains clouded in mystery and blood stains. Her slippery silver tongue is only matched by her swiftness in drawing and firing her trademark .357 Magnum pistol. She is a class-A actor that can hide her intentions and feelings and ilk as easy as breathing air, only to unleash them and her anger so suddenly and violently she can catch others off-guard and keep her people on their toes at all times. Leading the most affected faction since the occupation and annexation efforts, at least in regards to some of her peoples’ illicit sales that bolstered her income a lot in the past, she and much of her faction are among those who loathe the city’s occupiers and wish to ‘free’ New Orleans and go back to how things were. Of course, she and her people can still try to make coin off of them in the meantime at least. [b]Military (Be realistic for your factions population)[/b]: Originally the military of New Orleans was split into two segments, both officially and unofficially, which consisted of the "Raving Raiders Gang" as their external protection muscle against outsiders and then the internal forces of the other factions. This kept a pretty simple dichotomy where the factions kept to the streets and city itself, akin to internal police forces, "riot breaker" types, and 'enforcers' akin to the mafia and wielding lower-grade weapons and the rare higher-tier piece, whilst the Raiders looked to the outside for them in return for caps and the ilk. With the destruction of the Raving Raiders gang, however, a part of the Tekisasu military has taken up for the external defense and protection of the city as well as helping annex and built it up more. With these modernized troops and forces stationed there, the city's exterior protection has seen a sort of increase. That being said, however, the injection of seasoned Deputai to try to help enforce internal matters in the city a certain contention has arisen between them and the local faction forces. It is also known in the shadows that the Redlighters and St. Bernard Squatters have begun to build up some forces, at least for those 'under the table' as it were, which among other things has begun to create even more tension as other factions have begun to take notice and prepare themselves in turn. Unconfirmed rumors of the hiring of outside mercenaries to be brought in have also begun to spread. Culture and Technology (include any views towards slavery and mutants etc.): (To be better worked out later) Religion: (See "The St. Bernard Squatters" section under "Government".) [/hider] [hider=Tekisasu Sub-Faction 2: "The 91'ers"] Name: The 91'ers Flag (picture or description): Territory (picture or description) and Geography: History (if using a pre-existing faction, recent history will due. The RP start date is 2290): (Mapping out for future writing it down. This sub-faction is basically an independent sub-state in Tekisasu that has its own military and governance, originating from the residents of Vault 91 who were soldiers and their commanders and their families. The Vault itself was basically a US Military originated program that was formulated to create soldiers and raise generations of people into a small/elite army for the Enclave, ranging from army engineers to agents to formal soldiers and power-armor donning men who would be able to fight to reclaim lost lands and continue the war. Vault 91 itself was built with various facilities and top-end prewar machines in order to create these forces and supply them properly, as well as use the location eventually as the budding point for arming more forces to a certain extent after uniting with the rest of the Enclave. The staff of the vault were basically Enclave soldiers and an Enclave-oriented commander taking his place as the vault's Overseer, and for the first generation in the vault the program was running very smoothly (albeit draconian) indeed. However, two Overseers later and the acting commanding officer ended up being a man who somewhat subtly had held back a seething hatred for the way the vault was being run during his years growing up in it. His eventual first son had been killed by a higher officer who had gotten off the hook from it with ease, and his younger wife had been 'commandeered' by the former commanding officer at the threat of gunpoint for many nights. Among other atrocities that this new Overseer-commander, General Wallace, had seen or experienced it became a turning point when he came into power. The purge of pro-Enclave individuals was undertaken, and the vault arose in a total revolt against the system itself. A revolution of ideology, a revolution of arms, an...American Revolution, for all intents and purposes, oddly mirroring the Revolutionary War as the people seized their Vault from the increasingly dictatorial forces of those who had been controlling it. Arising from the Vault itself, the people of Vault 91 took their military understanding and used it to carve out Waco as their own 'nation'. While they began by trying to call themselves "The Republic of Waco" at first, over the following years they fortified the city, took control over locals, and eventually gained the moniker of "The 91'ers" that eventually stuck as their name elsewhere and otherwise. When Tekisasu began expanding near them, they basically had a battle and the Rangeri eventually 'learned to leave them alone' the hard way. From here better nearby local Tekisasu lords would do trade with them, whilst the worse ones would harass them or berate them from all sides, and when the modernization of Tekisasu began the acting Sherrgon and First Emperor basically eliminated the latest 'problem lord' in return for payments and better trading terms in return for sending people to help teach them to modernize and adapt. It was an offer that created a better peace for the 91'ers, who accepted in order to create better border situation between them and their far larger neighbors. Thus this island of a 'state' surrounded on all sides by the state of Tekisasu would begin to work out relations more from there, and after the Second Emperor took the throne he began to seek to further these positive steps even more. Whilst the 91'ers would remain autonomous and not be tied to any offensive operations Tekisasu would take, they would be entered into a defensive pact with in order to each come to the other's aid defensively. Or in other words, were something to threaten Tekisasu or 91'er lands then both groups would deploy to help the other. It was considered a landmark treaty and act that more recognized the 91'ers' autonomy and independence, frustrating a minority who desired to annex them and pleasing the greater number of locals and such who were happy to just see relations not be an inconsistent stream as it had before been. Rumors of secret talks to marry the heir to Vault 91 to the heir of Tekisasu to ensure future relations have been lingering about the capital, however, though no formal announcements or the ilk have been made this far.) Population: (Small) Government/Domestic Politics: Notable People: Military (Be realistic for your factions population): Economy: Culture and Technology (include any views towards slavery and mutants etc.): Religion: [/hider]