Here's my Master sheet. Bit of an unusual one, so hopefully it works! [hider=Two for the price of One] [center][img][/img][h1][color=00a651]Costante[/color] and [color=82ca9d]Karizma[/color] Angelozzi[/h1][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Costante Angelozzi (the brother) and Karizma Angelozzi (the sister) [b]Age:[/b] 18 (both) [b]Personality:[/b] Costante is a quiet, thoughtful, anxious boy, kind enough at heart but often barely able to work up the courage to raise his voice. In some ways he is the ideal heir for a Mage family: he has a good head for numbers and symbols, exceptionally deep focus and concentration, and a great deal of patience. On the other hand, he's fainthearted, and completely lacking in social and political skills. Though exceptionally gifted, his lack of self-confidence holds him back from ever achieving his full potential. Karizma, on the other hand, is flighty, easily distracted, and a bit of a wild dreamer, more often thinking about 'what could be' than the actual reality around her. She's also a social butterfly, with a self-assured demeanor and an easy charm that lets her get along with just about anyone. Though her magical ability and research skills are only somewhat above average, things like reading people and determining their true intent come naturally to her, and she can navigate even a toxic political environment such as the Clock Tower with almost casual ease. Though not as clever as her twin brother in terms of long-term strategizing, she outmatches him completely when it comes to making decisions in the heat of the moment. As twin siblings, they've kept a strong bond throughout their lives, neither one ever straying too far from one another. Karizma tends to take the lead, and Costante mostly goes along with what she says, but when he does raise a serious opinion she'll always listen with trust and respect. She does like to tease him sometimes, however, in response to which he'll become grumpy and sarcastic. [b]Abilities:[/b] Thanks to their deep connection, Costante's dedicated study, and the disorderly nature of this particular Grail War, the twins have pulled off a similar trick to what Kayneth El-Melloi managed in the Fourth Holy Grail War. Namely, they are a 'two-person team' Master, with Karizma holding the Command Spells and Costante supplying magical energy to their Servant. In terms of general Magecraft, Karizma is slightly above the standard for modern mages, while Costante has been hailed as a genius by many mages of the Clock Tower. Her Magical Circuits are decent enough, but his are exceptional among mages. They both have Air as their elemental affinity, and are proficient in Alchemy and Spiritual Evocation, with notable expertise in various kinds of Bounded Fields and the use of reflective lenses and crystals. Their family's magic specifically focuses on the generation and manipulation of light, both as a concept and as a physical force. Karizma is more specialized in single-action spells, and magecraft that can be used in combat or times of crisis. Though not overwhelmingly strong, she's quick and cunning and able to keep a cool head even when her own life is under threat. Costante holds their family's Magic Crest, and is much more powerful in nearly all fields, but focuses mainly on long-distance spells and time-consuming rituals. His preference is to manipulate a situation from a safe distance rather than take part in it directly. [b]History:[/b] A pair of twins from an esteemed family of Mages. Shortly after they were born, it was determined that Costante would inherit the family's Crest and knowledge due to his superior Magical Circuits. From a young age he was secluded away from the world and pushed to study magecraft in preparation for his inheritance, while Karizma was largely left to her own devices, deemed a largely inessential person who could be married off to some other family at a convenient point in the future. In spite of their different fates, however, or perhaps because of them, the twins became fast friends. Conniving to meet wherever they could, they secretly exchanged parts of their lives with one another, with Constante passing on magical knowledge while Karizma told him everything she knew about the outside world and the friends she'd made. Though their bond was initially seen as an unnecessary distraction for Costante, the family head noticed that his motivation and mental acuity seemed to increase around times he was able to meet with his sibling, and as such they were allowed to grow closer together over time. Before long they were studying in the Clock Tower together, with Karizma helping her brother navigate the complex world of modern mage society. He had the talent and the prestige, and she had the social acumen; together they made for an unstoppable pair. However, things went awry when the head of their family was struck down by a curse. The Angelozzi Magic Crest had fortunately been passed down by this time, but with the main authority figure in their lives suddenly gone, the twins found themselves left with a freedom they may not have been quite ready for. It didn't take long for the fun-loving Karizma to start proposing all kinds of wild projects and travel opportunities, and more often than not Constante would simply go along with her reckless plans. Sometimes this would earn them glory and prestige, other times it would get them both into massive trouble; overall they started to gain a controversial reputation in the Mage Association. Their participation Grail War is simply the latest of Karizma's madcap ideas: as soon as she heard about what was going on in Japan her curiosity simply wouldn't allow her to let it go. Though Costante protested at first, he eventually went along with it, due to a fascination on his part with the mechanism of the Grail itself. Really they're both more interested in participating than necessarily winning, though each has their own idea of what they want to get out of this War... [b]Other:[/b] When cross-dressing, each can plausibly pass themselves off as the other. [/hider]