[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200419/f1c9f7d86f4f465ba26e1938f4378690.png[/img][/center] Looking around at the other girls, Izzy felt foolish. Here she was crying on the floor while the others had a better handle on things. But that didn't stop the fact that Izzy had been shaken to her core. They may have experienced shit like this before, fights with other extra normals and near death experiences, but not Izzy. She was just a normal girl with an apparition that could heal. Any normal person in this situation would be terrified! Antheia appeared after feeling the strong emotions of her host. The apparition did her best to calm Izzy down and somehow managed to get her away from the strip club and back to her own home. For once, Izzy was thankful to Antheia's motherly tendencies. All the crying had worn her out and she passed out as soon as she hit the bed. Waking up had to be the worst feeling in the world. Her sleep had been restless and filled with nightmares. The overall shitty feeling of a rare mild hangover clung to her as well. Antheia instantly appeared and forced Izzy to get ready for the day. Numbly, Izzy complied. She went through her normal routine, but her mind was constantly on last night. "You have a coven meeting to get to, so come on." Antheia pushed her to the door. Izzy nodded and grabbed her things. She paused a moment, staring at the flask normally in her bag. Antheia only watched in shock as the redhead tossed it into the kitchen sink instead of filling it up. [hr] At the Coven meeting, Izzy was unusually quiet. Antheia even stuck around to get the details and make sure Izzy was alright. The more she listened, the more hopeless and useless Izzy felt. She didn't have cool offensive powers like the others, plus given her pathetic display last night she was no use when dealing with an actual threat. All she could do was clean everyone up once they were done. And if they died, then there was nothing she could do about that. [color=C28285]"Whatever we do, I'm not- I can't-"[/color] Izzy took a moment to steel herself. Her social anxiety was at an all time high since she was sober for the first time in a long time. Plus the topic matter at hand didn't help any. [color=C28285]"I don't think I should be involved in any fights. For obvious reasons."[/color] She started out strong, but her words grew mumbled. Antheia nodded, resting a hand on Izzy's shoulder. "We will both do our best to support you guys, but for both strategic and practical reasons we should stay out of the thick of it. As for Blake Schmidt…" Antheia grew angry at the thought of him. "As for that bastard, he will get what's coming to him." Looking around, Izzy felt her heart clench at the thought of losing any of these girls. Sure there were a few she didn't know well or didn't really get along with, but they were all, in a way, family. So of course with this sentiment in mind, Izzy immediately panicked and froze when the Outsider appeared out of nowhere. She was terrifying, but in an almost beautiful way. It took a splintering chair nearly hitting her to shake Izzy from her stupor. She furiously looked for a place to hide, but the best she could do was hiding behind a counter off to the side. Running away was the best option or so she told herself. For strategic and practical reasons. For strategic and practical reasons. She repeated Antheia's words in her head as if they would somehow resolve the feeling of guilt deep in her gut. "Deep breaths," Antheia reminded her, glancing over the counter to keep an eye on things. Izzy realized she was hyperventilating and tried to steady her breathing, but the sounds of yelling and breaking didn't help. "You have to help yourself before you can help others," Antheia continued to reassure her host. Izzy felt the tears stinging her eyes, but managed to keep them down this time and focus on her breathing. This time… this time she would redeem herself. Even if it was just a little bit, she would use her ability to help the Coven.