[Hider=Cassandra Powers] [center][color=MediumSpringGreen][h1][b]- - - Cassandra Abigail Powers - - - [/b][/h1][/color][/center] [center][img] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/405527952483287050/488111242872094741/de511485849b040a78293dd8784c22ad.jpg[/img][/center] [center][hider=Hyperia][img] https://orig00.deviantart.net/b91c/f/2016/257/f/8/f8329c891f37025c97a9144ec7b92810-dahmamj.jpg [/img][/hider][/center] [color=MediumSpringGreen][sub][ ◈ ] N A M E[/sub][/color][hr][indent] Cassandra Abigail Powers[/indent] [color=MediumSpringGreen][sub][ ◈ ] A L I A S E S[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Cass to close friends. “Hyperia”, though very few know of this identity. [/indent] [color=MediumSpringGreen][sub][ ◈ ] A G E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]23[/indent] [color=MediumSpringGreen][sub][ ◈ ] B I R T H P L A C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Emeral Heights, Suburb of Gotham City[/indent] [color=MediumSpringGreen][sub][ ◈ ] A L L E G I A N C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Powers Technology, Powers Freight, and other Powers related subsidiaries. [/indent] [color=MediumSpringGreen][sub][ ◈ ] P O S I T I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent]CEO of Powers Technology[/indent] [color=MediumSpringGreen][sub][ ◈ ] A P P E A R A N C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Cassandra Powers, if to be described with one word, radiant comes to mind. From her piercing ever green eyes, the sculpturesque lines of her face, to her feminine frame, Cassandra strikes an air of celestial command unto her peers. Blessed with the refined genetics of higher society, and years of tutelage, Cassandra carries herself with the grace of old nobility, familiar power and prestige passed down from generations. She stands 5’8” tall, with dark chocolate waist length brown hair, that no matter what, appears to shine with an almost luminescent quality. With an athletic hourglass build, the eyes of her peers and those she works with are inevitably drawn to her, something that only inflates Cassandra’s image of herself. Preferring fine business attire for work, elegant dresses for formal occasions, and finery befitting her social status when at leisure, there is no denying a certain amount of high arrogance, the kind of those who not only have wealth, but power as well, emanates from Cassandra. However, when duty and work demand, she will eschew fashion over practicality. Her skin is unblemished, her hands and nails well taken care of, and body hair meticulously maintained or removed. To Cassandra, image is 9/10ths the law, and to cut corners simply will not do. [Hider=Costume Information] [I][U] This information comes from law enforcement recordings, regarding the metahuman known as Hyperia. [/U][/I] The subject in question glows a bright, radioactive green, with what appears to be her skeleton visible through her skin. Subject Hyperia is noted to be radioactive, with brittle crystalline extrusions that sprout from certain portions of her frame. At this time, we have no leads into who this individual may be, but she is to be considered extremely dangerous and hazardous to any who encounter her. She has glowing white hair, green colored skin, green eyes, standing between 5’6” to 5’10”, and weighing roughly between 120lbs to 145lbs. [/Hider] [/indent] [color=MediumSpringGreen][sub][ ◈ ] A B I L I T I E S // S K I L L S // E Q U I P M E N T[/sub][/color][hr][indent]An astute follower of Aikido, Cassandra is a practiced user of this non-lethal martial art for her own self-defense. Outwardly appearing, she is no different than any other average athletic woman, able to run a mile in little over eight minutes, ride a bike, and things like that. She studied business management and logistics at a private college, and currently holds a Master’s degree in both. Trained by her father, Cassandra also appears to have a natural affinity for public speaking and leadership, as well as an astute understanding of how to run a multinational corporation. [Hider=Hyperia Metahuman Abilities] [I][U] This information comes from law enforcement recordings, regarding the metahuman known as Hyperia. [/U][/I] The subject in question has been displayed being able to manipulate energy, and though not fully confirmed, she appears to have control of radiation, being able to coalesce it into super-heated radioactive projectiles, which she is able to project outwards with great speed. Further inspection of video evidence confirms that subject Hyperia can levitate off the ground, though unable to fly as other noted Metahumans. She appears to use radiation to also increase her movement speed, though it has to be noted that these bursts of energy seem to keep her from using her abilities in an offensive manner. However, while using this ability, the subject leaves behind a trail of super-heated radioactive plasma that is hazardous to human contact until it decays/cools. It has been noted that prolonged engagements seem to drain/reduce Hyperia’s overall power. The more she expends energy, the weaker she becomes. It is hypothesized that the subject has a core energy reserve, and like a nuclear reaction, that energy is used up during her engagements. However, we fear that she may be able to regain said power if a power source of enough radioactivity is used and/or drained. *See report regarding barrel of nuclear sludge that was rendered inert. * Two things of note, before closing this report. When surrounded by targets in close proximity to subject Hyperia, she has been seen to unleash a fifteen-foot radial wave of super-heated radiation, that burned her attackers. Only seen once, Hyperia can apparently create a pillar of deadly radioactive matter that can come crashing down upon foes. Autopsies revealed that the deceased were killed instantly, the heat and radiation vaporizing their soft tissues. [/Hider] [/indent] [color=MediumSpringGreen][sub][ ◈ ] L I M I T A T I O N S // W E A K N E S S E S[/sub][/color][hr][indent] Cassandra is limited to the limits of what a normal human woman can do. She is intelligent, fit, and for all intents and purposes, human. [Hider=Known Weaknesses for Subject Hyperia] [I][U] This information comes from law enforcement recordings, regarding the metahuman known as Hyperia. [/U][/I] The subject appears to be unphased by conventional weapons, with small arms projectiles melting into liquid states upon contact with the subject. *However, small arms do appear to slow the subject’s movement as she perhaps must focus radiation to impact sites to melt the projectiles.* We do not know what the effects of heavier metal rounds would have on subject Hyperia, though through government back channels, it has been hypothesized that perhaps depleted uranium rounds could affect her. As to the known, verifiable weaknesses, it appears in the footage that the adversaries of subject Hyperia were illegally trading in rare earth elements, and upon closer inspection, footage revealed an adverse effect to Hyperia when she was exposed to the element Promethium and Gadolinium. While not able to be tested, we believe that combining both these elements together has a dampening, draining effect upon Hyperia. When she encountered a pool of the melted elements, her radioactive signature was significantly reduced, and appeared to cause her great pain. Purchase requests are currently being reviewed for Promethium and Gadolinium. *It has been stipulated that both these elements were in their purest forms when Hyperia came into physical contact with the elements.* [/Hider] [/indent] [color=MediumSpringGreen][sub][ ◈ ] B I O G R A P H Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent] [I][U][B] This information has been obtained from a heavily redacted Department of Defense report. [/B][/U][/I] Born in 2029, to Derek Powers and {Name Redacted}, Cassandra is the youngest child of the Powers family. She has one older sibling, Paxton Powers, who is currently {Redacted}. From interviews with Miss Powers and her father, Derek, it has come to light that both Powers children are very different from one another, with Cassandra idolizing her father, and Paxton resenting Mr. Powers. Birth and school records indicate Cassandra was born in Emerald Heights General Hospital and was raised at the family estate, attending {Redacted} Prepatory Academy, before leaving for Metropolis University at seventeen. Public records indicate she graduated with honors, though declined Valedictorian recognition. It was after graduation that Miss Powers became more known to the public eye. {Redacted} Mr. Powers apparently fell ill in 2051, retreating from the public eye. He and his company were still working on the {Redacted} Project, which was based aboard the USS Louisville. During the months leading up to the USS Louisville disaster, Cassandra and her uncle, Alexander Sartorius, were among the few known to be in direct contact with Derek Powers. Large amounts of medical supplies and {Redacted} were seen being shipped under Cassandra’s direction to Powers Technology headquarters in Gotham City, and then moved to the USS Louisville while it was docked in Gotham City Harbor. Shortly before Mr. Powers left port aboard the USS Louisville, Cassandra Powers was seen boarding a private jet, bound for {Redacted}. Since then, Cassandra has of recently been scene running the day to day activities of Powers Technology, attending public events and gatherings for the company in her father’s stead. {Redacted} Calculating, ruthless, and driven. Cassandra displays great ambition, diligence, and tenacity, however {Redacted}. Her psychiatrist noted that she has an obsession with perfection, a complex in that she must make her father proud {Redacted}. From interviews obtained from the Department of Education, Cassandra has a disdainful view of economically depressed regions, and believes that {Redacted}. It appears that she is motivated to prove herself worthy of her father’s legacy, to become someone deserving of the Powers name and {Redacted}. [/indent] [color=MediumSpringGreen][sub][ ◈ ] N O T E S[/sub][/color][hr][indent]N/A for the time being.[/indent] [color=MediumSpringGreen][sub][ ◈ ] S O U R C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Derek Powers/Blight – Batman Beyond Dr. Alexander James Sartorius/Doctor Phosphorus – DC Universe[/indent] [/Hider]