[center][h2][color=orangered][u]...Mori.[/u][/color][/h2][/center] [color=firebrick]"This is definitely it..."[/color] Mini-Clara said. She knew the address of the house but going through streets she'd never visited herself was always going to be something else alright. It did help that she was more or less a ghost, so even if something distracted her, she couldn't touch it so he wouldn't stay distracted for long!!! And why was she calling herself Mini-Clara now, do you ask? Well for one thing, she was shorter!! A lot shorter!! A whole foot in fact! Or more!!!! But if she was floating then it didn't seem as large. Why all the exclamation marks you say? Well she thought the ball of manic energy character fit her a lot better as Mini-Clara after all. She and Clara weren't really the same person, after all. Their lives split in the formative stages of childhood development, and of course her experience of life had been vastly different to the greater Clara's. Yes, she'd absorbed all her memories and experiences but that's exactly why she had to be different. She could become Clara if she wanted to. She could change her form and overwrite her personality. But Clara Deimos Erdrigan would never allow herself to become a mere shade. And in that manner, they were one and the same. But now she had a job to do. It was something only Clara could do. The real one. But, there was a gap that had to be crossed for the both of them Clara and Diana. So, as long as she could play Mini-Clara then she could help bridge that gap. The Greater Clara wasn't quite ready despite all her experiences. All the years that she had, she'd never had to [i]apologize[/i]. So… [color=firebrick]"I guess I have to find her room first, which one is it?"[/color] She said. It would be best to deal with Diana directly, since, her Mother also seemed to be a witch and she wasn't sure how she would deal with that if it came down to it… Would she be able to curse her from her place in the Dream World? She didn't really know, and she didn't exactly have to risk it. [color=firebrick]"Because walls don't mean a thing to me!"[/color] She said as she finally entered in, through the roof. [color=firebrick]"Hello Diana! I know you don't… know… me…"[/color] Her words died on her lips as she surveyed the state of the room. It reminded her of that time. Yes, that time, but 17 years of memories had blown it away and now she remembered again. It wasn't as bad, and likely had other reasons to it. But still, it wasn't good. She floated down to about eye-level, or a little lower to Diana and spoke again, as gently as she could manage. [color=firebrick]"…Did I… come at a bad time?"[/color] [@AtomicNut]