[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200512/459a734105d6313d4da197b8c827a27d.png[/img] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/6065945f-e20d-4724-8c4d-d46f18748c01.png[/img][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/2974074b-5bf8-42ec-9e03-bb6054008223.png[/img][/center] [center]Interacting with: [@Lord Orgasmo][@Crimson Flame][@DankDutch][@AwesomeZero5][/center] While two of Peyton's Zurumon charged into the Bleached Barrows, his third one stayed close. These things all seemed to have very different personalities. Nathan looked at his own creatures and wondered what it would take for them to reach their Rookie level. [color=00a651][I]"Alright, tell me something about yourselves then."[/i][/color] he asked his Kapurimon and his Minomon. Both of them looked at each other before replying. As they continued deeper in the barrows, Minomon started talking first: [b]"I suppose you could say I like to be on my own in general. Don't get me wrong, I am willing to form a bond with you as it will help reach my potential, but it's in my nature to be a bit of an introvert. Although you should know that the personalities of Digimon can change when they Digivolve. I could even turn into a hostile one."[/b] Nathan frowned at that remark. [color=00a651][I]"In that case, maybe I shouldn't Digivolve you at all."[/i][/color] Minomon didn't reply on that comment and just hopped further down the barrows. Giving it some thought, Nathan moved on to his other partner. [color=00a651][I]"What about you, Kapurimon?"[/i][/color] Kapirumon didn't answer right away and seemed to be thinking about a proper answer. It was only after a bit that he figured out the right words to describe himself. [b]"For me, logic is the most natural word that comes to mind. I tend to overanalyse everything but it has saved me quite a few times. I'm not one to let emotions get the better of me, so that overthinking doesn't really lead to any complex situations. At least not until now. What about you Nathan? Tell us about you."[/b] Nathan hadn't expected to have to open up himself. He should have seen that one coming though. [color=00a651][I]"Well... I am a guy who knows what he wants in life and I'm not going to spend any energy on things that don't matter. Which is quite ironic considering I ended up here against my will and I don't see any way out. I guess going with the flow is our only option for now. Any ideas on how we get you guys to the Rookie level?"[/i][/color]